
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

theatrical presentation

In the back room of anteiku Ryo, Touka, Kaneki and Ryouko were getting ready.

-Do I really need this?

Mrs. Fueguchi asks looking at the black haired wig that ryo was giving her.


He responds and she sighs putting on her wig.

-Does everyone know what to do?

Kaneki and Touka nod their heads, both are casually dressed holding their respective masks in their hands.

Ryouko is also dressed casually the only one who stands out with the head who is dressed and ryo who is wearing a long black tunic.

Ryo exchanges a look with yoshimura who has been watching them and he nods.

Ryo smiles.

-Let's go then!

Before everyone goes out and hears a question.

-yo...you're not going back....right?

And hinami what an awesome question.

Ryo smiles brightly.

-Don't worry hi-chan we'll all come back...

ryo's eyes get a little somber.

-...one way or another.

Ryo lightly pats hinami's head and walks away, kaneki and touka give him reassuring smiles.

Before leaving Ryouko hugs her strong hinami and kisses her on the forehead.

Everyone starts to leave the anteiku and make their own way.

Ryo puts on his new mask and mutters.

-Let the curtains rise....


Kureo mado had been feeling strange since the beginning of today.

His instinct told him something was wrong.

And as one of the oldest investors in action, he trusted his gut.

Ever since he killed the ghoul Asaki Fueguchi he felt something strange.

He knew from the beginning that asaki was not the compulsive eater, especially with Jason on the run, but he killed him anyway to get a new quinque.

Jason, here was another headache for the old man.

He sighs.

-ahhh I want to retire...

This takes a laugh out of your partner.

-Something funny Amon-kun?

His partner kotarou amon was a good partner and was very close to being a first-rate investigator.

-And only Mado-san you always say that.

He responds fun.

Mado lets out another sigh.

"Is true..."

He thinks.

"...I've been hunting ghouls for a long time, and I didn't even come close to finding the damn one-eyed owl...."

He grips his hand tightly on the briefcase.

"...after all this time I still haven't been able to avenge you kasuka"


Mado's thoughts are interrupted by amon.

-...that woman doesn't seem strange?

Amon asks as he points to a black haired woman who is standing back from the crowd and staring at them.

When he sees the mad woman he feels his smile grow.

-I think I'll finally be able to test this quince....

"...and maybe finally make one strong enough to deal with that monster"

Amon and I started to move slowly towards the woman who, when she saw us, showed an expression of fear and began to run towards a far away alley.

-Amon-kun....I feel that something is wrong, be careful.

Amon waves and we start running toward the Alley the woman has entered.

Upon entering the Alley, we see her running far ahead of us and we continue the pursuit.

And it goes on like this for a long time, always disappearing and reappearing in front of us.

"This is getting weirder by the time..."

Mado for the chase and looks to the sides and sees only abandoned buildings and completely empty.

-Where are we Amon-kun?

Amon looks around.

-I think on the 20th ward border, and the only abandoned place like that...

-That is a trap!

he exclaims abruptly and his face is completely serious.

-It was her intention to bring us here...

He starts looking closely at the area.

-....but why?

Mado activates his quinque, and from his briefcase comes a long flat whip, separated by white segments with jagged edges and very reminiscent of an insect.

Seeing his mentor activating his amon quinque quickly activates his which is basically a big red club.

Both stay on the side looking sideways.

-I think I saw her mado-san!

Says Amon before running into one of the buildings.


Mado tries to say and then just snorts and mumbles.

-You're still very impulsive...


In the window of one of the buildings a figure sees the investors separating and says to a phone.

-You can go, Fueguchi-san.


Still standing, mado looks at one of the buildings and sees a figure leaving.

And the woman they were chasing.

-You must be the Fueguchi woman, right?

he asks smiling sadistically.

The woman continues walking towards him in silence.

-Do you know the name of my quinque?

He cracks the whip casually.

- Fueguchi one

The woman stops on the way and activates her kagune.

From the woman's back emerge what appear to be four white flower petals.

- And yours will be called Fueguchi two

Mado runs advancing towards the woman.

The woman advances towards the mado attacking with her kagune.


Both meet.


Kaneki was running out of the building now.

Looking sideways there was only one open space.

He sighs nervously.

"Now it's up to me..."


-Pay attention kaneki, you'll have to fight one of the investors for a while...

Ryo pauses to appreciate my shocked face.

-...and no, it can't be someone else, everyone already has something to do, it depends on you kaneki!

Ryo ends up talking seriously.

-If you fail the plan will fail.


One of the investors appears leaving the same building as him.

The investigator is tall and physically strong and uses a club as a weapon.

"He's strong so it won't be that fast, I just have to slow him down or kill him"

Kill him.

Kill him.

My whole body shakes.

"No! No! Slow him down, just that"

-huh? You are not the woman....

The investigator mutters.


The investigator looks shocked and starts running back to the building.


Kaneki yells and runs towards the investigator and launches a kick towards him, which he easily dodges and slams his club into Kaneki's leg, breaking it and knocking him back.


Kaneki screams in pain.

His leg soon regenerates and he gets up.

-So you're also a ghoul ein....I should have expected that, a masked person in this place...

The investigator speaks and his gaze heads towards the building.

-...and indeed a trap...I need to go back to mado-san...

He turns his gaze to the trembling kaneki in front of him.

-But I'll deal with you first!

He growls in anger and rushes towards kaneki with club in hand.

He makes a crushing move that dodged easily and sent a kick towards the investigator who defended with the club and then punched Kaneki hard in the face, who recoiled back.

And at the same moment the investigator regains his momentum and advances towards kaneki with the same crushing motion as before.

Kankei sees the blow but this time he didn't have enough time and the club hits him in the shoulder breaking him instantly and with the force of the investigator he continued down tearing and crushing Kankei's arm on the ground.

And finally the investigator kicks the kankei in the chest and sends him away again.


The investigator mutters with a face of contempt.

-...now and just finish with you and then with that other ghoul from before.

The investigator starts walking towards the fallen kaneki slowly.

Kaneki's mind is a mess of pain.

"Why? I trained....I tried...because I can't do anything yet?!?!"

A laugh echoes in Kaneki's head.

"Because you're weak kaneki-kun"


"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no"

"Missed me kaneki-kun?"

The investigator approaches and raises the club again.

"Uhn, looks like this meeting is going to be brief, you failed...."

"No! If I fail, if I fail  the whole plan fails, Ryouko can die, hinami will be without a mother!"

"...no mother, no mother, no mother..."

"No! I won't let you!"

Still on the ground, kaneki rolls to the side and avoids the club, with one of his legs tripping the investigator who goes to the ground and gets up.

Kaneki's arm begins to regenerate quickly leaving only the tear in the clothing as proof of the blow.

His black mask with one hooded eyes and a scary gummy smile shows it and a zipper in the teeth shows his visible eye which is now red with black sclera.

His kakugan is active.

"Ohhhh this is interesting...."

Rize's voice whispers before disappearing again.

-I won't fail...

The investigator gets up and prepares once more.

-...you won't pass!

Four red tentacles emerge from Kaneki's back.

The investigator seemed to tense up.

After a moment of silence they start attacking each other again.


On top of a building nearby Renji yomo watched Kaneki fight without interfering.


-Why do you want this ryo?

asks yoshimura vocalizing my own doubts.

Ryo smiles, he does that a lot actually, sometimes it's even inconvenient.

-Kaneki already knows how to fight minimally well...

I nod, kaneki is indeed a good fighter but...

-...but I know that when he knocks...has no will behind...

There's the point, kaneki doesn't like to hurt others.

-...and this interferes with the very acceptance of who he is.

He pauses.

-and I know that for himself he'd rather die than hurt someone for no reason, but if it's for another reason...

-Like helping someone, he will be more tempted to fight for real.

Yoshimura finishes and ryo nods.

-But are you going to risk his life just for that reason?

Yoshimura vocalizes my doubts again.

-No, but kaneki needs to learn to fight for real and only in a life and death fight will he learn, and that's where you come in...

He points at me.

-....you will watch over the fight and when kaneki is at risk of life, only then will you interfere, I know you are the second strongest in the anteiku....

He looks at me with pleading eyes.

-...don't let my friend die.

I sigh, ryo and anyone since we met he is smart after all he found out about us very easily.

He is strong, could have killed touka in a single move.

(I will never admit that I was scared at that moment)

And most of all he's nice, he's loyal to his friends and he's helping us now, needlessly.

I'm sure he's a closet suicide too, but don't think about it.

I agree to his request and he smiles brightly.

-But don't worry I know Kaneki will win any fight he enters!


-was he right...

I mumble seeing the fight.

From the beginning kaneki was just getting beaten up but in the final moment.

(At the time I would act)

He activated his kagune and is now putting pressure on the investigator who by the way is also incredibly skilled.

He's not very violent just enough and his moves are always fatal but against an opponent like kaneki who is much more agile and with his current quinque he won't be very useful.

"So kaneki is already distracting the investigator well enough..."

My gaze goes toward a specific spot on the other side of the building.

"...how's it going ryo?"


Ryouko was no longer so confident in the plan.

In fact since ryo told her she was going to have to confront the investigator she wasn't so confident anymore.


-But I've never fought before! It was just asaki hunting!

He smiles, gee how annoying that is at times.

-the hatred you will feel will be useful, just defend yourself...


-...and you just have to start the fight and then just defend yourself, run away and at the right moment attack

-When is the right time?

-Hahaha I'm sure you'll know when you arrive.


"Isn't he right about the hate part?"

She remembers when she heard that investigator showed his quinque.

It was from the asaki.

He turned asaki into a weapon!

She couldn't even think straight and just attacked.

His kagune, as Asaki said, was very versatile in attack and defense.

"...defend yourself..."

She remembered a moment ago being decapitated and managed to defend the investigator's attack and even managed to slightly wound him as a counter attack, a scratch on her stomach.

And after that she continued the plan and ran back through the alleys to a specific spot in the middle of all those abandoned buildings.

But that was not so easy and what brings us to the present moment.

Ryouko dodged with difficulty the whip's blows, even though in theory the whip should be more difficult to be handled in an Alley, that investigator showed that in practice it was indeed difficult.

To run away.

The blows were random and most were fatal.

And the worst thing was, she couldn't use her kagune to defend herself.

By space and by video.

-Ue Mrs. Fueguchi, don't you want to join your little husband? Hahaha

And the worst thing was this sadistic monster constantly teasing her.

By continuing to run, she finally arrives at the appointed point.

A dead end with the ruin of a house next door, she to helpless.

A sadistic, happy laugh behind her.

She looks back and sees the investigator approaching and ready to attack.

-You know... after I finish you I'll go after your daughter...


-...you didn't have pictures together....but I saw evidence of having a child in your house...

He prepares one last blow.

-....and with all your kagu...


A gunshot noise.

A scream of pain.

I blush toward the investigator and grab the arm he holds his quinque.

I Pull.

And I rip your arm off.

There's a lot of blood.



Much pain.

Kureo mado has never felt so much pain before.

First came the pain in his leg that distracted him from the ghoul in front of him.

And then he felt his arm being ripped off.

He yelled and quickly placed his other hand on the stump of his arm in an attempt to staunch his wound.

He hears a movement in his back and turns his head to see someone other than himself and the ghoul in the Alley.

He was a masked man.

He had a white mask with a huge painted smile that seemed to be in constant amusement and there were also two eyes in the mask, but they were one different from the other, the one on the right was much bigger than the other and took up most of the mask, it was a circle with an X passing through it and both looked scribbled and the other eye was a buggy spiral.

The figure wore a long black tunic that left nothing visible and in his hands were gloves, in his left hand he carried a gun that had smoke coming out of the barrel.

"It was him then...."

First of all the figure started to speak.

-T̸̹̒̈́ḩ̵͇̕a̵̮̻̐n̷͓͔̓̚k̷͉̑s̵̯̩͑̿ ̵̪̂͌f̵͉̈́ó̴̢́r̶͖̮̈́ ̴̯̋̃b̵͙͛͐e̶̲̓́ḯ̶͍̘n̸̤̔g̸͉̜̓̍ ̸̞̘̽à̸̙̰ ̷̺͝p̶̘͛̿ȧ̵͚͔r̸̼̤̄̄ţ̶̘͒ ̵̡̦̓̓o̸̝͌͑f̷̻̹͌ ̴̞̺̆ẗ̸̬́h̴̺̆͝e̷̝̣͝ ̷̫̂̃s̴̞̖̅̋h̶͓̱͋͊ȯ̸̟͆ẁ̷͈͛!̷̰̀

The figure used some kind of voice modulator because with each speech the sounds changed, sometimes for a thin voice, sometimes thick and always changing accents too.

-Ḅ̶̑̈́ǘ̷͚t̵̜̞̂́ ̴̭̭̀̊ȉ̶͕t̸̞́s̷̤̜̿ ̵͉͊̓û̶̢s̶̥͗e̶̱̕f̸̠͌̔ụ̸̡̔l̸͎͎̄̌n̸͓̋͠ë̸͔͈́s̷̳͚͛s̷̛̠͚ ̶̹̟̊ï̶̝̻s̴̥̟̀̓ ̵̦̿͛o̶͈̺̽̊v̶̫͋͠è̷͈̯ṟ̶͒!̸͎́͋

He points the gun at my head.

"Ha! After all this being killed by a human...."

I think when I realize that the masked one doesn't smell like ghoul.

"But why would a human help these monsters...?"

-B̵̥̍̑ͅư̶̫̟͆t̷͈̕ ̸̧̆I̸͓̔̌'̴̞̃m̶̩͛ ̵̜͐̇n̷̦̽̋o̷̤̽͝ẗ̸̲ ̵̞́g̵̯̎ö̴̟́͛i̷̛͎̤͝n̸͕̍ǵ̴̙̔ ̷̧͖̃̀t̸̤̰͊̒ô̷͕ ̸̛̞̈́ḏ̶̰̾e̸̙̔c̸͓͝ỉ̷̳ḋ̴͇̄e̷̬̞̽̋ ̷̛̜̼ỹ̶̠̄o̸̭͌͠u̸͎̞͑̑r̶̡̳̿́ ̵̹͋͜f̶̯̀à̶̩̔t̶̥̳͒ȅ̶̡̖!̵̙̕


And the figure points to the ghoul woman.

"It's even funnier, a ghoul will decide whether a human kills me or not....what kind of sick sense of humor is that....?"

The woman looks confused, she looks thoughtful and soon adopts a resolute expression.

"Sorry Akira I won't be able to see you graduate...."

The woman opens her mouth and I close my eyes.

"...sorry kasuka, for not having been with you, for not having revenge, but I will soon find you..."

Close my eyes.

-Don't kill him.

The ghoul woman speaks.


"How? This guy looks like the biggest asshole"

I exclaim mentally but don't vocalize anything to keep myself in character.

"Well at least he seems to think the same as me"

I think looking at the investigator who looks at Ryouko in shock.


He whispers.

-....why would a monster like you want to spare me?!

He starts screaming.

-I killed countless like you, I killed your husband, I tried to kill you I want to kill your daughter! Why?!

His expression becomes crazed.

-...because I ? Why not spare kasuka and countless others you've killed as well?

To a silence in the air.

Ryouko slowly strokes the investigator's quinque with tears falling from her face.

-Because I want to live in peace, I can't be blamed for what others have done, and neither can my daughter...

She whispers and as if she's been punched the investigator backs away.

-...I want my daughter to live in peace, so I'll set this example for her! and show that we can be better than you...

She faces the investigator.

-...we didn't ask to be born like that, but we still want to live....is that so wrong?

And she leaves taking the quinque with her.

I look up and meet the look of touka who was filming everything since the beginning, I wave and she leaves following Ryouko.

I face the investigator who is looking at the figure of Ryouko leaving with a strange look and anger, disgust, confusion and sadness.

-.̸̼̈́͒.̶̥͊͝.̸̬̩̀.̵̪͙͌̍š̶̞͒ó̷͇ ̴͉̹͆ì̴͔͋ṫ̶̫'̷̣̃s̴̟̮͑͑ ̷͓̍a̷̦̒l̵͔͒r̶͕̊ë̷̼̻́́a̴͔̐̐ͅd̶̳̞̈̀y̶͎͗ ̴͎̘̕b̸̮͔͗e̵͇̭̍̓ě̶̯́n̷̘̂ ̶̰͂̓ḓ̴̄e̶͓͚̐c̵̼͑ḭ̶̛̕d̵͖́̚ě̴̡̝̅d̶̗͈͒

I start to leave the Beco but in a different direction from theirs.

-b̴͉̃̓̎ụ̵͇͖́̈t̵̨̬͖̔̀̌ ̷͍̀͛j̴͈̫̞̓ũ̴͎̦͓͝s̷̼̽̌͝t̵̻͆̐́ ̷̹̞͋̐̉ǫ̵̅̇n̴̢̮̫̔̎̾ẻ̶͉̖͎̉̑ ̵̨̭̱̈́ḿ̸̟̓͂o̵̝̎̅̀͜r̸̝͇̩̔͒͘e̸͈͓̪̅͗̾ ̷̦̫̈́̋͝o̴̺̱͚͒̐b̸̘͉͔̀s̸̼͚͎͐̿e̵͉̎r̴̺̋̈́͜v̷̧͍͗̌a̵̳̮̱͗ť̷̥̺̝̄i̴̧͖̔̂́ò̸ͅņ̴̬̠̆̓͠

I pause, staring at him.

-W̸͎͇̋́̊h̴͍͖͖̃͝ő̷̫ ̶̛̤̚̕h̷̙͌̀è̷̖͔͘ͅr̸͙̈́̽͊e̴̢̒͘ͅ ̵̟̈́̕l̵̝̾e̷̫̒̆̆f̵̧̜̍͋͐t̶̹̪̓̚ ̶͉̦̅̄͒a̴̜̖̽͠͝ ̶͙̆f̶͖́͜͝ͅā̷̳̺͆ẗ̵͇͍́̐h̴̬̙̙̊ë̵̡̘́͗͜͝r̶̥̠̘̉̒̌l̶̳͚̭͑̓͠ẻ̸̅͜ͅs̵̰̝̘̈́̊̏s̶̓͑͜ ̸̬̤͓̋f̴̛̙͗à̵̟́͝m̶̧͈̙͌͌͋i̶̢͎̲̿̓l̸̰̒y̴̦̓̿?̵̛͔̱͖͑͒

Before leaving the Beco for good, I leave a question behind.


I leave leaving the bloodied old man in the Alley.


Amon was running and scared.


He was screaming in despair with his missing quinque and rumpled clothes.

Ever since he fought the ghoul with an eye patch he realized this was a trap.

The ghoul was weak, very weak, but after almost dying he changed.

The fight became more difficult for him, whether to dodge or attack he always came out losing and when the ghoul broke his quinque he knew he was going to die.

But he didn't die.

"I don't want to become a murderer"

Amon snorts, all ghouls are monsters, freaks and the reason the world is wrong.

"...it is not? "

Coming out of an alley amon saw a man who was visibly battered.

Limping, missing an arm, and smeared with blood.

But alive.


Amon runs towards him.


-So you're ready?

That night at anteiku I was fiddling with a notebook and yoshimura asks.


After we went back immediately kaneki lay down and started to sleep I know he must be exhausted physically and mentally, Ryouko took hinami and took her to make a funeral for asaki with the quinque she took.

Yoshimura, Irimi, Yomo, Youka and Enji are curious about the video.

-Are you sure this will work? It seems too absurd.

Touka speaks and everyone else agrees.

I laugh.

-Do not worry.

I finish editing the video and post it on all possible social media and video platforms.

-It's done....

Everyone nods.

-...Now and just watch the chaos begin.

I start to laugh again.

- You seem like a cliché villain like that...

Says Touka dryly is everyone starts laughing, even yomo.

I pout.

Thanks everyone for reading this far!

Grinmycreators' thoughts