
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Invasions, invasions and more invasions

"Well where to start?"

I wonder after leaving the anteiku and casually walking around.

"I think first I should know where she lives...

...Yes! let's go from there"

I take a break.

"But how do you find out where a writer who is incredibly discreet for someone so famous lives?"

"Because, let's face it, it wouldn't have it on Google would it?"

"....it is not?"

I pick up my cell phone and type in the search tab.

[ Where does Sen takatsuki live ?]

"Oh results appeared"

After about 10 minutes of standing still looking at search results and not finding anything really relevant, I huff and put the phone back in my pocket angrily.

"Okay, next try....."

I think of some other plan as I walk randomly through the streets until I find a bench to sit on.

"Wait...the editor of the books she writes! There would definitely be some information there"

I pull out my cell phone again but this time looking for the publisher.

"Eeeee here, Shoeisha, Un and even close to here"

I get up and start running towards the place.

" So let's go"

I smile.

~A while later~

I arrive in front of Shoeisha publishing house, and a large but incredibly simple building.

"Entering will be easy"

I look around and see that there's still movement in the street because it's mid-afternoon.

"But now is not the time"

I wander around the area's stores and diners until it gets darker, and I keep an eye on the editorial building.

With that I notice certain things, like the fact that I don't have any movement in or out of there all day, but picking up my cell phone and zooming in on the camera I can see that there's always someone working inside.

"Must be the employees"

After winding up long enough, I head towards the building and enter an alley that's off to the side.

I look to the side of the analyzed building.

"Well there's a half-open window on what is equivalent to the third floor, I'll climb it then"

Supporting my feet in some small hole in the wall I start climbing carefully so as not to make a noise, when I reach the half-open window I put my hands in the crack just as my foot slips off the wall.


But hard enough I manage to grab the window and not fall.

I look for any other support for my foot, find one and even more carefully start to open the window.

I open the window and drop into the building with a light bagu.

"Step 1: complete now and just find somewhere with contact methods"

I start walking silently through the corridors of the publishing house.

My first thought about it would be her editor's office.

"What was his name again? Shi...shuu...Shunji, yeah, Shuinji Shiono"

I keep walking until I find a door with Shuinji written on the front, put my hand on the handle and try to open it.


I let out a sigh.

"Why can't it be easier? No it's like I'm committing some kind of crime..."

I take a break.

"I'm commenting on a crime type"

I let out another sigh and pull the needle out of my pocket and lift my other hand to my hair and his I pull another needle, but this one being smaller and thinner.

I put them both in the keyhole and start forcing and turning in various ways until.


The door unlocks, I open it and enter the office, which is also quite simple, a desk in the middle of it, a trash can beside it and some file cabinets on the walls.

"From what I remember the only writer they have is takatsuki and from what I read about her personality and being lazy, curious and kind...."

I remember the look she gave me last time and snort.

"...then maybe there's something on the desk table"

I go to the desk and look, first through the papers on the desk, just information about book sales, then I open one of the drawers and find a key right on top of them.

"A key? Is it her house?"

I pick up and keep the key as it might be useful for later and look in the other drawer, nothing relevant.

"And let's go to the archives"

After looking through the files for a while I find one with the name sen takatsuki.

[Sen takatsuki]

[Women ]

[Age: 20]

And other various information including her residence.


My scream echoes in the building, after tidying up the office to make it as similar as possible, I went towards the window I entered and exited as quickly as possible.

"Well let's get some rest now, it's been a really long day"

I head towards my house.


I wake up early in the morning, get ready and leave the house to take a bus to Sen takatsuki's house.

"But how will I know if she's a ghoul or not?"

I think while I'm on the bus.

"I can't tell the difference between the scent of a human and that of a ghoul, I can't just attack her....."

I pause and think more about the pros and cons of this particular idea.

"....it wouldn't be proper to just attack her, if she's a ghoul she'll fight back, and if she's one of the dangerous ones I think she is, I'll die right away, and if she's human, well I don't want to. attacking my new ghoul friend's favorite writer....."

I smile.

"In other words, this will be the final plan. I think the only option left would be to know if there is human flesh in her house, but I don't know how to recognize it, and I'm not going to eat to know....."

"...But what would it taste like?...this will be for another time, for now I think I'll take a sample if I have and take it to anteiku, there they should tell me if it is or not"

At this point the bus stops and I get off in a normal residential area.

I start walking and looking for a specific set of apartments.

"Eeee there it is....."

I go to the apartment complex and look at it first, and a tall building with several apartments inside, quite normal, the reception, the elevator and nothing really attracts attention.

"Well now how to proceed?"

I think as I hide slightly away from the building.

"I can't just go in and go to her house, if she sees me she'll recognize me and it's all over, I can't ask at reception because that way she too will end up knowing it's me and it won't matter"


"The only way to do that is to stay here and review her schedule..."

"...this is going to be really boring"


After THREE days of the same routine every day, that is, waking up, coming here and watching, I mainly realize that...

Ghoul or not Sen takatsuki is too lazy to be healthy.

"Like, really, it's okay not to leave the house in three days, but he didn't even show up in his own window!!!!"

I scream internally and at that moment I see a takatsuki sen being dragged by a man out of the building, the man wearing normal working clothes and she....

"Is she in her pajamas?"

Yes, sen takatsuki, my suspected ghoul, was being dragged out of the house with a sleepy complaining face visible and in her pajamas.



"My suspicion about her has dropped a little...or she's a really good actress"

I continue to watch the two of them, the man takes her to a car and pushes her inside saying something with visible irritation and she replying with disdain.

He closes her door and gets in the car too.

I watch the car pull away.

"Right now and time"

I enter the building and use the elevator going to the floor where sen takatsuki lives.

I get to her door and try to open it first.

The result shocks me.

"How can someone be so irresponsible?! It's not possible for her to be a ghoul anymore, not with such carelessness"

I scream internally again.

The door was unlocked.

How did she not get caught before?

I sigh and enter the apartment, which is extremely messy, pillows, papers and pens thrown all over the place.

Walking carefully, I go towards your kitchen in search of your fridge.

"If she's a ghoul she has to store meat somewhere"

I open her small fridge, which is quite empty, there are only a few bottles and some packaging.

I pick it up and open one of them, inside there are several cubes of raw meat.

"Time to go and test my hypothesis"

I start to leave the apartment with one of the packages, taking the same cautious path I walked in and close the door.

I stop before continuing down.

I go back and lock the door.

- Now yes!

I whisper to myself and start walking out of the building.

"Now for the anteiku"


As I walk towards anteiku I realize that it's already night.

"Wouldn't it be fun for a ghoul to attack me after all this?"

I smile to myself.

Walking, soon I hear a noise of struggle and like a normal person walking at such a time of night I go straight in the direction of the noise.

Yes, normal behavior.

Arriving in an Alley a little, not a little, far away I see a very confusing scene.

I see a half-eaten human body on the ground, another headless body lying to the side, a shocked kaneki sitting on the ground and touka arguing quite angrily with another orange-haired ghoul, who soon runs away without even noticing me.

-uhn...what happened here?

I ask curiously, getting a surprised look from both of them.

- How do you always appear like this?

Touka asks snorting.

- Thinking first of all....

I speak while running towards Touka.

- Can you help me with something?

I ask her who looks quite surprised before growling an answer.

-In what?

I pull out the pot of meat I took from sen takatsuki's house and show it to touka.

-That and human flesh?

I ask her who looks confused, while ignoring the slightly choked surprised sigh I hear in the background.

Touka moves closer to me and smacks the meat on mine, then soon takes one of the pieces and starts eating.

After swallowing she responds.

-Yes and human flesh! where did you get that idiot?

I don't even answer because I start to laugh very excited and even dance a little.


I continue dancing for a while under touka's extremely confused gaze.

After a while I stop and clear my throat.


-kaneki, what were you doing here?

I ask the boy who has already got up and is slowly recovering.

- I, I was leaving the anteiku...and I felt a very, very good smell coming from here I came and, and I saw it...

Does he hang a little looking guilty?

-I saw that ghoul eating the body....

He points to the decapitated body.

- he told me to go away, but I was so surprised that I just stopped...then he was simply decapitated by a kick from another ghoul...

I raise an eyebrow, there's someone pretty strong in that area.

- and then she arrived.....

He points to Touka, who still seems to want to know where I got the meat.

- Who was?

She sighs.

-Nishio Nishiki, one of the ghouls in the area, he wants his "hunting ground" back after he learned of Rize's death.

She answers.

"So it looks like anteiku is really quite peaceful as it doesn't want to expand and control other areas, but...."

-Is he a problem?

I seriously ask touka who seems to stop and think for a while.

- He's a little strong, but he's not a compulsive eater like the rice, if that's what you want to know... But then where did you get the meat?

Again I ignore touka's question and turn to kaneki who  is looking at the decapitated ghoul thoughtfully.

I approach.

-What's bothering you kaneki?

- Is the life of a ghoul really like that?

- Define more....

- That!

He points to the two bodies on the ground.

- And based on that? Is this world based on that? On hunting not to get hungry and lose your sanity? And having to support yourself hidden like a mouse from everything and everyone? And yet having to be strong not to just get killed by another ghoul on a pure whim?!

-Or even as a human!!! Always live in fear of being killed by some hungry ghoul, or simply being treated like a toy by a sadist?!

Kaneki asks a series of questions one after another in an increasingly indignant, loud voice.

-Where is it fair...

He whispers and starts to cry.

I look quickly at touka who looks very sad after this outburst.

-It's simple....

I start to speak, looking steadily at kaneki.

- It isn't, life isn't, wasn't and will never be fair.

I pause and feel their attention on me.

- But that doesn't matter if it's fair or not, people always die, for being weak, for being sick, for killing themselves and not even the strongest can keep going always the force just doesn't lead to victory .....

-....but never mind kaneki, just go ahead, you think you're weak, which you are extremely by the way, stay strong, live by yourself, create your own goal....

-...just go the extra mile and do what you want in this broken world!

I finish my small speech and see the thoughtful looks that are present in both of them.

- Like I always have a lot of fun myself....

I start walking towards the exit of the Beco.

-Eeeee talking about that I have to leave and continue my new game....so.....

- WAIT!!!

yells touka after coming out of his contemplative state.


- Oh that, uhn, from sen takatsuki's apartment...Goodbye!

I quickly respond and quickly walk out of the Alley, laughing openly knowing the mess I must have left them both.


A new day begins and I'm already thinking about how to get to sen takatsuki.

"Nah, I'll just figure out what to do, but I'll at least be prepared this time"

I open my quad clothes and I pull out a box, open it and from inside I pull out ten tiny claws that look like they're of some red metal, I put them on my finger.

I tidy up my needles, hidden by my body.

"What else? I know!!"

I go into my kitchen and get a bottle of alcohol to take away too.

"Perfect, now let's go!"

I leave the house and head towards the bus.

After picking him up I arrive right where sen takatsuki lives and walk towards the apartment complex.

"Wait...such a date has a more dramatic air...but what?"

"......I know, I'll wait for nightfall, it'll be enough drama!"

I start laughing crazily in the middle of the street, ignoring the weird looks.

~A while later~

When the sky is already dark, she starts walking happily towards Sen takatsuki's house, but I stop along the way when I see a small figure jumping out of the window of the house that I think belongs to her.

I debate with myself whether I follow the figure or not.

It could be a trap.

Or I will be taken to a place that is probably unknown and potentially dangerous.

I can even die.

I follow the shape as fast as I can.


In the anteiku, while Kaneki learns to make coffee, he asks Yoshimura who is washing some dishes something.


-Yes, kaneki.

-You knew that sen takatsuki-san is a ghoul.

Yoshimura drops the plate to the floor, which breaks.

-Why is that Kaneki-san?

-Oh and apparently ryo broke into your apartment yesterday and found human flesh there.

Responds confused kaneki the broken dish.

- and I think he was going to talk to her today...


Answers a thoughtful yoshimura.

"Nothing can go so wrong..."

"...it is not?"

In a place far away from there:

In an abandoned warehouse some masked figures were approaching, the most striking being a tall man in a white mask with a single weird smile and hair pulled back in a kind of bun.

Another man a little shorter than the first with white hair and a red half mask over his mouth.

And lastly a much shorter figure wearing a red suit with the hood up and bandages wrapped around the entire body like a mummy.

There were also other masked figures present but they were unimportant to the whole.

-How are our plans tatara-san?

asks the mummy.

And before any response, everyone's attention is drawn to when one of the weakest walls in the place falls.

Showing a young man with black hair falling from his remains.

The young man gets up, dusts off his clothes and looks into the picture room, no, masked ghouls.

Some kagunes are already active.

The young man smiles brightly.
