
Tokyo Ghoul: Chaos

What difference can someone who just want to have fun and protect their friends make in a multiplayer game with different goals? Well, any unknown piece can easily generate chaos. English is not my first language, it's history is a Google translation. (Tokyo ghoul is the property of Sui ishida)

Grinmy · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Conversations and masks

After a short discussion.

A short monologue actually, as it was just touka complaining and yoshimura in silence.

Touka accepted in the end and was going to meet me and Kaneki at ten o'clock the next morning in a square and take us from there to buy the masks.

I may have been pretty excited about it.

I love masks after all.

After that I said goodbye to everyone there and went back home to sleep.

When I get home I go straight to bed.

I start to sleep.


"I do not want to do that...."

I dodge the kick of the man in front of me.

"I really don't want to...."

Dodge the desperate punch he tries to give me.

"But I don't have a choice...."

I lift two needles and stick them in the eyes of the man who dies quickly and falls to the ground.

Behind me I hear a crowd clapping excitedly.

I turn to many masked men and women.

Many masked ghouls.

-Great performance!!!

shouts a voice.

-I love a clean death!!!

Another screams.

"Rest in peace...."

I look at the body on the floor as I leave the stage.


"This time it was memories"

I think as I wake up and get out of bed.

I stretch and check the time on my cell phone.


I still have time.

I start walking around my house tidying and messing with things.

"Even because I very much doubt that Touka will arrive on time"

I think laughing.

After tidying up my house, which was messier than I expected, I look at the time again.


"Yeah....I'm going down at once..."

I prepare to leave the house.

"I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

I think about opening the door and leaving the house.

"I fixed my house...."

I start humming in the street.

"...wait...tidy up...house"

I remember a little thing.

"Didn't Eto tell me to take care of her house and food?"

I snort at the memory.

"And in case...I didn't have to be there today....?"

I pale.

I quickly grab my cell phone and look for Eto's contact.

[Cute Writer]

I start calling.

The phone rings until it drops.

"Why am I not surprised?"

If she didn't answer and why she didn't wake up.

"Let's say I went there and she was sleeping, and I was afraid to go in hahaha"

I think laughing as I head towards the square that Touka has marked as a meeting point.

I walk slowly to the meeting point and halfway through my phone rings.

"Please do not...."

I see who's calling.

[Cute Writer]


I scream internally.

I answer.

-Good Morning!!!

I say excitedly.

-Why aren't you here?

Eto asks directly.

"Attempt 1: lie"

-I went there! But you were sleeping and I was afraid to wake you up.

I say pretending sincerity.

-I would have smelled you if you had passed here beyond the fact that you obviously wouldn't be afraid to just walk in and wake me up, now the truth.


-Wait....smell? Did you know of my arrival last time?

She is silent.

-Well, you threw water on me I think we're even.

-Can you at least tell me why you didn't get up?

Silence again.

-It was because of laziness, wasn't it?

I ask exasperated.

-Why aren't you here?

She ignores my question and asks back more aggressively.


"Attempt 2: true"

-I'm going out to buy a mask, to use in a plan.

-Which plane that needs a mask? And some kind of crime?

She asks quickly and excitedly?

-But before that I have to ask and tell you something.

I take a break.


I feel her confusion on the other end of the line.

- Did you know that Jason caused problems here in the 20 area? And still caught the attention of the CCG?

-What did he do?

she asks with the seriousness of a leader.

"Wow, she really is one of the Aogiri bosses"

-He threatened and caused the death of Asaki Fueguchi a ghoul doctor and as a bonus he was even seen by the CCG, what was he doing here Eto-san?

I hear Eto sigh.

-His mission was to recruit a ghoul named Rize....

"Rize ein.... apparently she still doesn't know...:

-...but Jason is a problem apart, he is arrogant and often disobeys orders but he is very strong and useful, so we still keep him.

-My plan will cause at least some problems for him.

- Are you asking for permission...?

Eto asks.

-I'm just warning you, he won't die for this...

"At least I think"

-...I just thought it would be good for you to know, and what I wanted to talk about.

I pause and speak seriously.

-I've been in the dark too long Eto!!! I need to know more about aogiri, anything that might be useful !!!

I scream on the phone to Eto, I'm glad people don't usually know about this ghoul stuff, otherwise the looks I got would have been problematic.

"Speaking the name of a terrorist organization out loud is not a good idea"

While the other end of the line is silent, it looks like Eto is thinking about what to do.

-Yes it's true...

She starts by speaking in a serious tone.

-...I'll tell you more about the missions in general, you can even get in the way of not knowing...

She sighs.

-...at our next meeting we'll talk more about it, do what you want with this plan of yours, but I'll want to detail his results later.

It ends resolutely.

-Okay, so... are you asking me on a date?

I hear it and choke on the other end of the line and laugh out loud.

She recovers and responds provocatively.

-Ohhh this is even a good idea what do you think~?

I blush lightly.

"Ahh so let's play like this...."

-How about after next week? After my going to the gym? Eto-chan~?

I feel her blush and she is silent.

-What's it ? Never been invited on a date before~?

I provoke even more.

-in...not really...

She whispers.

"I feel guilty now..."


A laugh interrupts me.

-haha....my God....hahahaha you really believed hahaha...

I make a disgusted face.

"Was I really fooled by this? She's pretty and of course she's been asked out before ghouls or humans...."

I push the phone away from my face and then Ero laughs.

-oh! That was priceless....

She speaks catching her breath.

-Yes, yes very funny, let's make fun of ryo's sympathy, was it fun?

-VERY!!! we must do it again.

She exclaims amused.

I snort.

-Okay, okay, but are we going to this meeting later then?

-ahhhh it's ok, then you call me and let me know about the day, I'm always available.

- You don't have to work?

-ugh even you have to say that? Everyone always talks, tatara, shunji, everyone...

And she starts a monologue about working that I ignore.

-...and only at the end I finish a book and do some missions.

She finishes.

-Okay then, I'll call you later e...


I hear a scream and looking at the fountain I see kaneki waving at me beside an already angry touka.

"Wow does she wake up angry yet?"


I say so as not to arouse suspicion from the two who can already overhear the conversation at this point.

-I'll call you later E-chan!

And I hang up the phone in the face of Eto who was muttering "e-chan?"



Kaneki and touka ask equally curious.

-No, before, we were supposed to be here 10 hours, ten! You are late!

Shouted touka at me.

"Has it been so long?"

I look at the time.


"Wow...time goes by fast when I'm with Eto"

-Okay, sorry I missed the time...

I say sincerely.

-....but you arrived when touka-chan?

He stops talking.

-five minutes...

Kaneki grumbles.

-...I was the only one who intended to arrive at the agreed time?


Answers touka dryly.

-I knew Touka would be late on purpose.

Kaneki whimpers something we both ignore and touka starts to lead us to the shop, and on the way Kaneki asks.

-Who were you talking with?

Touka starts to listen carefully.

-oh and just fine....

"How to define my relationship with Eto?"

"Boss? Owner? Ally? Blackmailer? Emergency snack?"

-.....a friend?

I answer in doubt and they both look confused.

-Was that a question or an answer?

Kaneki question.

-Yes, she is a friend.

I respond resolutely this time.

Touka snorts and speaks.

-and of course it's just a friend.

I feel offended.

-Hey ! Why would it be "just a friend"?

-I can't see you having a girlfriend.

Touka comments maliciously.

-Hey! Kaneki help me here!

Kaneki shakes his head.

-Sorry ryo but I can't see that either....

Seeing my look of betrayal she quickly completes.

-....but it's not just for being you, and more than anyone would interest you long enough for a real relationship.

"He has a good point...but he was still offensive"

I smile and speak mockingly.

-Thanks for the love masters romantic tips!

They both take a slight step back and look embarrassed, the kaneki in particular with a slight fear on his face.

"He still thinks about rize by the visa"

And we continued walking in silence.

Seeing touka and kaneki walking in front of me, I have a faint idea of ​​fun involving some revenge.

I grab my cell phone and snap a photo of the two at an angle that makes it look like they're holding hands.

I select sunshine boy and send the photo.

I start to laugh out loud and get a confused look from the two who soon ignore it.

"Good luck with that kaneki"

After a while with touka guiding us, she takes us to a deserted and empty area.

-Un....touka, do you want to hide our corpses? This place is pretty weird.

I ask playfully and kaneki looks slightly worried.

-no idiot, the place is around here.....besides if I wanted I wouldn't hide your corpse I'd just eat.

She says in an attempt to threaten me at the end.

"Eto sleeping makes me more afraid than that"

I think and seeing my lack of reaction touka huffs and keeps walking.

Soon after, we arrive at what appears to be the entrance to the store, a barred window and a wooden door and some signs on the floor.

On the wall beside the door is painted HySy ArtMask Studio.

When we enter, the first thing I notice is the floor is black and white checkered and then the most striking masks, many, many masks and all styles, leather, latex, porcelain, some even paper and plastic.

All masks being beautiful and bizarre in different ways.

Strange smiles, thorns, horns.

-Wow what a wonderful place!

I exclaim and get a weird look from touka.

-what's it? These masks are magnificent!

-Finally, someone admires my work right away.

Says a strange voice from a man who was under a white towel beside kaneki.

Hearing the kaneki voice turns to the side and screams in fright when he sees the man and falls to the ground, Touka laughs.

-Uta, stop scaring your customers like that!

The man, uta, just nods but doesn't look repentant, just amused.

-And one of my few touka pleasures.

"So they are known..."

Look from her to me and he looks surprised.

-And you are.....?

Before answering I analyze the man.

He's weird, so to speak.

He's tall, has a lot of tattoos mainly on his arm and one on the chest, he looks like a ghoul because his sclera is black and the eye itself red he has straight black hair thrown to the left and middle right. grated.

-Ryo Konton, Mr. Stylish.

I say smiling.

He looks amused when answering.

-Also known as uta, now, to what do I owe your presence?

he asks touka.

-A mask for them.

She points at me and at kaneki who is getting up from the ground in embarrassment.

-What kind ?

-special type.

He nods his head.

-Who goes first?

he asks and I point to kaneki.

He soon pulls kaneki by the arm and leads him to the corner of the room where he has two chairs and several different materials.

I approach touka.

-Touka can I ask you some questions...?

She answers.


-every one I do, you make one back and I'll answer honestly.

She stops and thinks for a moment and nods.

- Did you start my plan?

-Yes....after a brief discussion irimi went and killed some humans and left the body as you said...

I nod my head.

-...and now you, why are you helping us?

-Is it really necessary for me to do something I think is right? I just don't want another kid to grow up with no family, other than the fact that eub has been telling the truth, hinami and my favorite ghoul now.

We were silent for a while.

Then I ask.

-Why do you hate kaneki so much?

She looks confused for a while.

-I don't hate him.

This time I look at her confused.

-But do you always treat him so bad...or are you just tsundere?

I ask and dodge the punch she tries to give me.


She screams and then speaks.

-I don't hate him....it's just....it's hard...

- You're jealous of him, aren't you?

She stares at me in silence.

-You're jealous of the life he had and you end up taking it out on him, you're jealous of the innocence he has, you're envious of the fact that before he could have been weak without worrying.

She sighs and answers quietly.

-Yes....I know it's childish but I wanted to have this life...the life he had...not to be a monster...

I give a light laugh.

-Touka, is that really what you think you are?

She pulls away from my gaze slightly embarrassed.

-Ghouls aren't monsters, they're just people, and if you don't accept it yourself, no one else to go!

Touka looks thoughtful for a while and mutters a "thank you" and out of the corner of my eye I see Uta staring at me slightly and then turns her attention back to kaneki.

-My turn...how are you so strong?

-Hahaha this is the touka point, I'm not that strong!

She looks confused.

- You could have killed me in one blow.


-I dodged your blow and counterattacked, I'm good at fighting, I'm not strong, and different...

She still looks confused.

-...simply put, Kaneki is stronger than me, but he wouldn't beat me, I fight well, my techniques are good but I lack strength, I wasn't kidding when I said hinami's hug nearly killed me, ghouls they're stronger but tougher and faster and it's just my fighting style that basically consists of counter attacks that makes me better.

I finish and touka seems to understand my point

-I understand but you haven't answered my question yet, how did you get like this?

-At the ghoul restaurant, I was weaker than a lot of my opponents so I developed my way which was basically to be more passive than aggressive in fights and use tricks and everything I can to win.

After finishing touka she starts looking at me with more respect than before looking at her.

-Well, try giving kaneki a real chance! And not judge him for what he was ok?

She nods her head slightly guiltily and at that moment kaneki leaves the place that was with uta.

-Your turn Ryo.

She speaks and I nod, walking over to the corner of the store where Uta was sitting.

-Well konton-san, let's start?

-Call me ryo and yes we can.

-Alright ryo, I'm going to ask some questions for your mask, alright?

he asks as he starts measuring my face.

I nod curiously.

-Do you know I'm a ghoul?

he asks directly.

-I imagined, after all you sell masks to them, I'm sure at least links with ghouls you would have.

He nods.

-And why aren't you at least worried about your safety? I might as well kill you right now.

He speaks without changing his expression but with a palpable threat in the air.

-Well, just this week I've been in at least two threats to my life so I don't even care anymore and finally I'm still alive, right?

I say staring at him with a slight smile.

He looks like fun.

- You must be the bravest human or the dumbest I've ever met, last question, Why are you here?

-To buy a mask?

I reply jokingly, I know what he means and continue.

-haha I know what you mean, I'm a simple person I care about two things, protecting my friends and above all having fun!...

He looks surprised.

-....and how currently one interferes with the other is simply wonderful!

I exclaim clapping hands.

He smiled.

-I think I caught your essence so to speak....

He pauses.

-...if I were to say you and a chaotic neutral, I already know what to do with your mask.

He finishes and gets up.

-Before I finish my order, can you add one more mask for me?

-Yes, which one?

-A crow mask.

-In what style?

-You can decide, I know your work will be good.

He smiles again and responds playfully.

-You know I really liked you, I won't attack you anymore and eat.

I put a hand to my chest and say dramatically.

-It will indeed be a loss to you, I'm told, my flesh is first rate.

He laughs a little but looks a bit confused.

After that he goes to talk to touka for a bit, it seems to settle final issues and I turn to kaneki.


I call and he turns to me.

-...how is your training going?

-Well, yomo-san says I'm very good at melee.

-Uhn good but what about training with your kagune?

He looks embarrassed and responds quietly.

-I...well...no...can activate it...directly.

I stare at him blankly.

-What kind of ghoul and you who don't know how to use your own kagune?

I speak dryly and hear a touka laugh in the background.

-Hey! I...wasn't always a ghoul...I...

And kaneki starts a speech about not being his fault and blah blah blah.

In the middle of this speech I have an idea and then I put it into practice.

I grab one of the needles I always carry with me and then run towards kaneki with the intention of sticking it in his eye.

He yells startled and steps back the needle an inch before his eye.

Blood pine cone on the checkered floor.

Four red tentacles protrude from Kaneki's back and one of them lightly pierces my belly, enough to hurt and bleed but not to cause a problem.

-As I suspected...

I mumble aloud in the silence that is the mask shop, kaneki is shocked and touka and uta are just surprised.

-...kaneki, you're scared of your kagune so you can't activate it naturally, kaneki you're a ghoul now, don't turn it back! Kagunes are part of you, so much so that they reacted to a risk to your life, and your kaneki body! control it you are important to my plan...Uta-san when will the masks be ready?

After finishing the sermon on the kaneki I ask.

- In two or three days.

"That leaves plenty of time before my entry into the CCG academy"

-Kaneki, learn to control your kagune in two days is important.

I start to leave the store.

-Goodbye touka-chan, uta-san.

I say goodbye and leave.

"Now let's start the final preparations and the moment I receive the mask I will start"

I'm walking home.

"But then, it really hurts....."

I think whimpering as I hold my stomach.