
Toji Fushiguro: Young Justice(DC)

One day, while scrolling through the internet, Victor came across a questionnaire. When he clicked on it, it asked if you wanted to be Transmigrated. He answered yes, and it allowed him to meet the god of gambling. He gambled and hit the slot machine three times. What he got he thought was decent, but it did make him look like Toji so he was all for it.

A_Real_Werewolf234 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

New Power

(Bad release rates due to shit job.)

The moment Victor returned from The Dreaming, his entire being was instantly in terrible agony. He grit his teeth from the pain that was flooding his being from the powers from the sword that was fused into Yami flowing into his body. 

The powers of Nth Metal and the Death Force were complete opposites, but through the power of Death Of The Endless, she created a blade that had both properties. It was just one of many magical blades he would fuse with Yamo to increase his abilities, but the Death Force was truly a dangerous thing. 

If he channeled it like the Flash did the Speed Force, he would become an Undead who could kill anything if he tried. That was why he was very specific that he did not want to tap into the Death Force, just have a blade made of Nth metal infused with some of that power. 

This way, he could upgrade his Darkness abilities while keeping his life. If he ever found out how to fully control the Death Force, he might consider becoming a conduit to it, but for now, just having a shard of that power was enough for him.

He sat up on his couch still in pain and sat down with Yami next to him. Together they focused on dealing with the energies flowing through them. Victor for one, felt his soul and body begin to absorb the energies of the Nth metal and Death Force into it. This was dangerous because the two were complete opposites to each other one was necrotic and against life and the other was beneficial. 

The Death Force was killing him, while the Nth metal was healing him even improving him. He took a deep breath as he began to circulate his Divine Mana through his body to subdue the Necrotic Energy in his body. 

'It is a damn good thing my body is so damn strong because this sucks ass.' 

Yami growled as he agreed, but he had it easier than Victor. As a Sacred Gear, he was meant to change, evolve, and adapt to outside stimuli. This just happened to be something new, but the two energies flowing through them were strange. 

One was trying to decay and destroy their flesh, and the other was doing the opposite. It was healing any damage caused by the Necrotic Energy and that was not all. The Divine Sword, Ame-no-Ohabari was absorbing those energies into itself.

Part of the curse from Lycaon was being purged, revealing more of the sword's divinity. That caused the amount of Divine Energy Yami and Victor could access to increase substantially. 

Using that higher concentration of Divine Energy flowing into his body, Victor used it to subdue the Death Force Energy in his body. The decaying of his body was halted as he drew on the Nth metal regenerative properties and his version of the Reverse Cursed Technique to rapidly heal any damage caused to his body by the Necrotic Energy. 

Once Yami's core settled down, he then continued to assist Victor in fully subduing and fusing the two energies of the Nth Metal and Death Force into his being. With Yami having stabilized himself, Victor didn't take much longer after him. 

Only around 20 minutes from beginning to start and he had finished. He would still need to take time to use the power he gained, but he at least had finished the initial subjugation. When he opened his eyes, they had not changed much as his Scelera was still pitch black. However, his iris were a much icier shade of blue which almost looked grey. 

Taking a few moments to stabilize his internal energy flow, he took a deep breath as he leaned back into his couch. 

"That hurt." 

Yami snorted causing Victor to roll his eyes. 

"Not that bad? Unlike you, I am not a Sacred Gear. I am a regular dude." 

Another snort later and Victor had to agree. 

"Ok, not a normal dude, but I am still a being of flesh. I will need to test the abilities I got by being touched by the Death Force a tiny bit later and see if I won't be able to become a conduit to it without being tainted in the distant future. 

As long as I keep a body of flesh, and not turn into a zombie or skeleton being an Undead doesn't sound too bad. Except for the hate of the living, lack of libido, and the chance for my cock to fall off." 

He snickered after causing his Shikigami and pets to look at him as if he were a little crazy. They were onto something since Victor was without a doubt crazy with how easy it was for him to kill. 

Victor dragged himself off his couch as he looked at the small forms of his Shikigami around the room. Jack, Samantha, Raze, and Mark also sat down to listen as when he spoke they were supposed to listen. 

"Prepare to depart in 30 minutes. We are leaving for New York." 

Orion, the Divine Deer chuffed a few times asking about the plan to go to Gotham. Victor shrugged. 

"We go after and after assassinating the Joker, we leave. Let's just leave Batman alone and make his work a tiny bit easier. Now that I think about it, just beating him up because I feel like it makes me feel like a spoiled Reincarnator. 

Time to think about my actions so I don't go making an enemy of the entire DC reality. Now, I just got to find a girlfriend to not be a single loser." 

Each of his Shikigami instantly laughed at him since he was single. However, they didn't call him a loser because how could he be a loser if he kept winning? Regardless as he said, all his Shikigami and pets prepared to depart from Dallas possibly never to return.

It was just not a home to Victor and just made him feel miserable. He wasn't alone since he had plenty of sentient Shikigami to talk to, but they were not people. While he liked being alone, being alone all the time was going to be lonely. 

As for Dallas, he had done his part and cleaned up the streets just a little bit, and if things got worse then there was nothing he could do about it. To prepare to leave, Victor placed most of his items in his Shadow Storage to set up somewhere else. 

Once the house was empty once more, he had his Shikigami and pets enter his shadow. When he walked out of the house he smiled to himself as he looked at the house he had lived in for a few months. He had enjoyed living in Dallas even if all he did was kill people. 

'Time to leave.' 

He took a deep breath and summoned his Shadow Armor. By using his armor and a layer of mana around it, he could run without causing Sonic Booms or other momentum-related destruction. 

Once he was armored, he ran at his top speed reaching his top speed instantly. He still found it amazing that he could move 350 times the Speed of Sound as if it was nothing. That speed was sure to increase in the future, but for now, reaching New York from Dallas only took him 19 seconds. Each of those seconds he crossed 72 miles until he arrived in New York. 

When he stopped, thanks to the Mana Skin around him he didn't create massive shock waves so he arrived without incident. He smiled to himself as he looked up at the Museum of Natural History.

He had gone here in his past life, but now he was here to steal. 

"Here we are." 

Since he was still wearing his armor, he didn't have to worry about having his face seen so he walked up the stairs to the entrance. When he reached the door he turned into a dark mist to enter through the cracks under the door. 

When he appeared on the other side, Yami emerged from his shadow sniffing the air. When the dog caught the scent of what he was looking for, he licked his lips because one thing he liked doing was eating magical swords since they gave him new powers. Just the Death Force Nth Metal sword was delicious enough, now he was hungry for another one. 

Victor though was not going to give it to him just let. 

"Relax Sword Eater, you don't want to be absorbing too many magical swords one after the other. Take some time to stabilize the one you already ate." 

With a huff, Yami led Victor toward where the Sword of Beowulf was located. As they were walking toward it, they ran into one of the night security guards. As he was making his rounds, he flashed his light directly at Victor after hearing his armored footsteps. 

When he saw the dark shadow armor that released a dark purple mist he froze in terror. Victor and Yami continued walking until Victor was next to him. He looked down at the guard and leaned in to look him in the eyes. 


Instantly the poor guard passed out making Victor laugh. 

"We better be quick before we get a Justice League response. Even if this Justice League is Young Justice version, they are still the Justice League." 

To avoid that, they hurried up until they found the Sword in question. Much like in the Halloween episode of Young Justice, it was inside a glass case. Yami instantly began to slobber as if was looking at a piece of tasty flesh rather than a magical sword inside the hand of a troll. 

Victor shook his head as he raised his hand and smashed the glass case instantly causing the alarm system to activate if it hadn't already. He grabbed the sword and remembered the Old English translation to activate the power of the sword if he needed it. 

'Abanan Aful Beowulf, was it?' 

Yami's eyes were locked on the sword as he didn't want to lose it. Though, rather than let him absorb it and risk causing instability he placed it on his back. 

"Later, for now, we are leaving." 

With a whine, Yami huffed and jumped into Victor's shadow. Once he was back in the shadow, Victor burst copied Dream and turned into a swarm of shadow ravens before escaping into the city. 

After making sure he was far enough away from the museum, he reformed himself on top of the Empire State Building. Once he was here he sat down on the ledge of the Sky Scraper. 

As he looked down at the City, he crossed his arms and remembered something. 

'Fabels takes place in New York with Fable Twon and it exists in DC. Not on Earth 16, but it does exist in the DC Multiverse. If I could jump to that particular Earth, I could steal the Seven Swords of Cendree and the Vorpal Sword of Boy Blue. 

That should be a point of interest in the future because knowing Yami, he will want more swords to eat.' 

Next to him, Yami appeared while licking his lips as he could hear what Victor was thinking. The answer was yes and he wanted to eat them all. 

"Alright, Sword Eater, that should be your nickname. Other than that, what other Magic Swords can I feed to you on this Earth?" 

Victor could not think of any other magic swords on Earth 16, but he would do his best to find them. One place he could think that might have them was the Tower of Fate, or the home of Giovani Zatara. 

Maybe, Klarion The Witch Boy would know, but he would not be an ally so Victor crossed him out of his mind. Atlantis was another good choice since it had magic artifacts. The Trident of Aqua Man could be another weapon to feed Yami since it was not limited to just swords. 

With a shake of his head, Victor and Yami turned back into darkness before teleporting away. Plans only mattered when they could be achieved, for now, they were just plans. Next stop, Gotham.