
To You, Whom I Will Love

He is a genius, yet stupid. He is adored, not loved. He is ...exhausted. This is a story about a man's life journey to find genuine love, family, and adventure, backed by his ability that he will use to protect his precious people. ________________________________________________________________ "This is my first time writing a novel as a hobby." "English is not my first language, so sorry for the grammar." "Comments of suggestion is much appreciated" -Love, YellowBoy-

YellowBoy · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Sister, 2 Years Later, Raphael

10 Months Later,

August 2005

-Adam's POV-



I rushed in the delivery room before the nurse and Papa that accompanied me could react.

I froze as I looked into my little sister's small stature who is still crying. Smooth skin, unlike the most newborn baby, black short hair with purple luster accompanied with two ahoge hair emerge on top of it, and red-purplish irises.

"Adam, come here." Mama's weak voice reverberated through my ears. I subconsciously walk to Mama direction without leaving my gaze towards my little sister.

"Is that..?"

"Yes, that is your little sister, Adam, you are a big brother now." Mama stroked my head as I lay my head towards her chest. 

"Sigh.. Adam, don't barge in like that again in the future okay?" Papa scolded me gently while walking towards Mama with pale lips. He is just acting tough because he needs to accompany my outside the delivery room, though I instantly saw through my father's nervousness.

"Okay, Papa. So, what's my little sister's name, Papa, Mama?" I replied gently to Papa while questioning my little sister's name.

"Fufufu, impatient aren't we? Last time you were named by your Papa, how about I named this one, dear?" Mama said while picking my sister from the doctor's hand. 

"Uhh, Sure. Just make sure it sounds good." Papa said before getting a glare from Mama which made him shrink in fear.

"Last time your brother was named after the first human that God created, Adam. Now that you're the second born and a girl, your name will be Eve, Eve Cordett, I hope you grow up healthy alongside your brother.'' Mama said lovingly while carrying her baby girl. 

"Hehe, Do you want to see her, Adam? You can come closer." Mama said while trying to tilt the sleeping baby girl towards me so that I can see clearly, though I can use magic to sense Eve, my sister, I definitely want to see her with my own eyes so that I can burn this scene to my mind.

"Can I carry Eve, Mama?" I asked Mama. Though I'm just 5 years old. I grew up much faster than my peers. I now look like a 6.5 years old. Enough to carry a newborn baby.

"Umm.. Sure, but be careful, okay, don't drop her." After hesitating a second, Mama gave the baby to me carefully and worriedly.

Carrying Sister Eve in my hand, I slowly hum a lullaby for Eve so that her sleep will be more comfortable. 

I rolled my eyes at Mama's fiery gaze as she took a kodak from who knows where and started to take a picture of me and Eve. 

'Like seriously, you just gave birth, can you rest properly?' I thought, keeping my focus on Eve.

"In the name of Adam 'William' Cordett, I shall name you [Eve Cordett]." I whispered in a low voice that no one hears, while launching illusion magic so that the surrounding won't notice the shine that emits from Eve's body.

I make sure to control my magicule that transfers from me to her so that her body wouldn't burst from over magicule.

After that I gave Eve to Papa who was eager to hold her.

"Hehehe, Eve, I'm sure you will become Papa's baby girl. Let's see who will become your boyfriend in the future, I will beat him up." Papa talks to himself while clenching his fist in the air to represent his will to fight Eve's future boyfriend.


"Hisss, what's up, Mechalia?" Papa hissed in pain after Mama hit his head.

"Hmph! She will be Mama's girl, what are you talking about?!." Mama snatched Eve from Papa's hand while pouting and Papa looked devastated looking at his empty hand.

Rolling my eyes at their behavior. While Papa is at 30, and Mama is 27 years old. I cannot imagine how their behavior is always the same.

'Oh yeah, they're High Human, how could I forget. I guess in the far future they will keep this character.' I slapped myself mentally, while thinking if making them High Human is a right choice. Though I know it is.

"Can you two be quiet! I'm afraid Eve will wake up." I scolded in low voice them

 "Sorry." Papa and Mama said at the same time. 


2 Years Later

"I'm back, Papa, Mama, Eve!" I shout while closing the door. Soon after that I noticed a running petite figure accompanied with small but fast footsteps far from like a two years old kid.

"Ni-chan! Carry!" Eve ran to me with her small feet.

"Welcome back. Go to bath quickly, and don't be too cooped up in the bedroom later with Miharu until you forget to eat dinner. Eve! No running in the house!" Mama said, glancing at me with jealousy, who became Eve's favorite person in the house.

"Ok, Mom. Hai, Hai. Here we go! Don't run around like that again, okay Eve? It's dangerous." I quickly carry her with one of my arms by supporting her butt.

"Haii, Ni-chan,hehehe.." Eve giggled. I'm sure she will ignore me though I'm not worried as she only runs like that if she wants to be carried by me.

'What is going on inside her head I wonder.' I thought, looking at her giggling by herself dotingly.

It's been 2 years since the birth of Eve. I'm nearly 8 years old even though I look like a 10 year old kid, Miharu is 6 years old, and Eve is 2 years old. Right now I'm at elementary school, with Raku, Yori, Cosette, and Shouko. Meanwhile Miyamura Izumi moved to Tokyo along with their bakery shop.

While my relationship with them is still as close as ever, I still can't bring myself to befriend other people that were not some characters in anime series that I used to watch. Though, I still act to get acquainted with them as more connections can be beneficial for me.

"I guess that's why my skill changed the reality for me." I murmured to myself deprecatingly. 

While I treat Izumi, Raku, Yori, Cosette, and Shouko as close friends, I treat Miharu differently as she is my first friend in this world. I'm more doting on her

"Eva-chan, where is your Miharu Ne-chan??." I asked my sister.

"Hmm, there!" Eve pointed her finger where Miharu stays.

'Bedroom, huh. Eve sure is talented in sensing places… or space? Not sure, let's check it out in the future.' I thought.

Opening my bedroom door, I spotted Miharu sleeping in my bed clutching my blanket.

Now that Miharu has reached the age of 6, she looks bigger than she used to be. With long black hair that reaches half of her back.

"Eva-chan, has Miharu Ne-chan been sleeping since she came back from school?" I asked Eve.

"Hmm, no, Ne-chan played with me a little bit while waiting for Ni-chan." Eve replied to me. 

"Ohh, what did you guys play?"

"We played 'who recognizes Ni-ch-mpph…!" Eve tried to talk as she was snatched by Miharu who had red face smoke coming out of it trying to close Eve's mouth who struggles to continue her word.

"Ah, you woke up Mi-chan, will you stay for dinner?" I was surprised as she woke up suddenly like there was some trigger word that woke her up.

"Y-Yes, Adam. Can you please get out first, Adam?"

"U-Uh, yes. But don't be rough on Eve, okay, she's only 2 years old."

"No! Ni-chan, help me!..." Eve cast a pleading look at me but I shook my head since I can't do anything because the shy Miharu has a little black aura on her.

"Eva-chan, I told you that…" I closed the door and started walking downstairs heroically until I can't longer hear what little conversation they had in my bedroom.


Today's loser: Eva Cordett, Lose by Tickle Monster.

I came back downstairs, sat in the dining room as I began to ponder again what I did in these 2 years while keeping a conversation with Mama. 

For two years, I acquired and learned a lot of knowledge. My main focus in knowledge is electro, architecture, physics, and IT. I studied a lot of knowledge in this world by infiltrating the Internet and going to libraries all over the world after mimicking an adult.

After learning them, I comprehend some knowledge myself and started my little experiment without Raphael. 

And, thus created by me a smartphone, PC, Laptop, and a bunch of electronics and software 10 years ahead of the current technology. 

With these technologies, I planned to build my own tech empire as a whim and money maker after Raphael came back and helped me with the troublesome paperworks.

While infiltrating the internet world that had not yet too developed, I found out what Mama and Papa's background is in this world. And as expected, with cliches reincarnation stories comes with more cliches parent's background stories.

While Papa is a common person among society with somewhat genius titles in art and mathematics. Mama's background is more complex as she is from a big family from Rome and basically is a heiress in that family. She is cold, smart, unbeatable and calculative, until she met with Papa who is smarter than her..

Then you can guess it, cliche encounter, cliche challenging each other, cliche fall in love, cliche love is war vibes, cliche escaping from family and angry father, and married, and the birth of me. 

Though unlike the cliche background where the big family is a villain that will chase Papa and Mama around the world then trying to kill her son and husband. Mama's family is not. While it's true that grandpa is angry that Mama escaped with Papa, he's truly worried that some accident befall them since his trauma after the death of his wife because of some accidents.

Apparently, they already knew that Papa and Mama were in Kyoto, but they didn't continue their chase but ignored them.

'Truly an overprotective father' I shook my head, lamenting that every father would worry about his daughter.

But what makes Mama escape from her family? It's because of her background that demands her strict studies and etiquette that cause her to misunderstand her father's teaching that she will be married off to some big family that she didn't want to and has no guts to tell her father that she wants to marry Papa. 

You may ask, how did that misunderstanding happen? Why didn't she even try to communicate with her father? Well, it's rather an embarrassing reason.. It's because of her hobby to read romance novels with cliche plots.

..Yes, it's embarrassing.

And apparently the 'Cordett' surname is from Mama's family as she still has a responsibility as an heiress of her family.

'Basically, I'm the heir of the Cordett family after Mama if the Cordett family decides to accept me as theirs.'

Sigh… sighing in resignation as Mama's genius brains were dropped to zero because of love that caused a mega misunderstanding. Truly, Love is a double edged sword.

Now, about Raphael and my power.

All this time I've been waiting for Raphael to come back. It's been more than two years since Raphael went to search for Veldanava remains but she hasn't come back yet. I began to miss Raphael as I was used to her presence in my head for 5 years.

For two years, I seldom used my power and skills except [Universal Sense] to sense if any danger might befall my family, friend, and earth itself as I frequently use this skill to scan the outer space; [Dimensional Shift] to teleport; and [Stomach] to store my belongings.

I practice my body and my magic by creating a personal barren world in my own [Stomach] space. Now my body alone is probably at Divine Humans level in the world system Tensura, and my magic.. hmm, how do I say this, it's basically a minigun of nuclear magic with unlimited magicule. 

Super OP.

I kept a routine practice of my body, magic, and control over them every night for 2 hours before falling asleep.

Not just that, In these two years I've been training my power and creating some more super important magic and skill.

Magic: Instant Diaper Clean!

Magic: 'Sister Missing His Brother Company' Sense!

Skill [Lullaby Instant Sleep]!

Skill [Super Teacher Mode]!

Skill [Super Comfortable Head Pat]!

Skill [Super Balance While Holding A Baby]!

'Yosh, with these super important skills and magic, I shall raise myself the happiest and smartest sister in the world!' nodding smugly at myself while clenching my fist with determination.

<<There is no such Magic and Skill in the database of Origin [Information King Akashic Records]. They are all created by Ad-..Master himself through a couple years practice towards Master's Sister [Eve Cordett]>>

'Raphael-chan?! …'