
To The Peak Of Multiverse

Luke a high schooler was killed in an accident and was reincarnated in a fantasy world in the body of the son of a duke of the great empire of Aezelblood. The name of the 1st son of Duke Faldia was Lucifer who was 16 years old. The MC in the body of lucifer finds out from his memories that the original owner of the body was a scum and he had started distancing himself from his family after the age of 10 years. He was cold towards his elder sister Victoria who was 20 and his younger sister Alicia who was 15 years old. He also had a little brother named John who was 15 the same age as alicia. John admired lucifer from his childhood. (*Read the novel to find out what turned lucifer into the scum he is , see his everchanging relations with his family and witness the journey of our mc to the top of multiverse in this magic filled world*) The novel would not be combat centric like other fantasy-magic based novels. More stress would be given on inter-personal relations of lucifer with his family, also with those at the academy. All the characters would be equally developed. So don't expect typical system, fighting and levelling up plot. This novel would be unique in it's own nature. Read out to find what lies ahead

Raj_Kharde · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Arthur The Blade Master...

After the theory lectures it was now time for the combat classes to begin.

All the students of first year were made to attend in different sections depending upon the weapon they use.

Magic swordsman, mages and runemasters were three main divisions for the practical lessons. Some even pursued study in alchemy, so they had their own branch altogether.

Lucifer was lazily walking to the training area where they would be teaching students the use of various weapons in combat.

Here mages and fighters using weapons trained together, as this was a joint training session. A different class for each type of combat like using weapons or only using magic would be conducted latter.

When everyone was gathered in the training area which was similar to a colosseum, a bald man in his 40s walked to the center with a sword hanging at his back, safely loaded in it's scabbard.

This was one of the sword masters of the academy Arthur Fiola. It was believed that his unique sword arts were at a level comparable to that of sovereign sword arts.

Despite being a Master in his power ranking, he was a swordsman who could fight toe to toe with many saints in the world and could even defeat some of them. 

He was well versed in 30 different battle styles and could use more than 10 different types of weapons ranging from sword to even an axe.

He could battle with raw power like a wild fighter or could even change his battle style to that of a skilled swordsman in a matter of second during the battle.

This was what made him a terrific force to face against in the battlefield. He was one of the pioneers to the formation of the world defense force which had repelled the demonic invasions for generations.

There was also a rumor that during the war at Ethunsburgh when a army of five thousand human soldiers was fighting against a staggering fifty thousand demons from D to S rank, this man alone had finished of somewhere around twelve thousand demons including six S rank nobles of the demonic race.

This feat had earned him the title of 'Blade Master' the one whose blade stood against his enemies, while at the same time protected his allies and humanity like a lone wolf, never giving up until the last drop of blood in his body was purged.

This great hero of humanity was now here to teach these students, which was in itself a great sense of pride for everyone present in the training hall.

"Many of you might know me or might have heard of me. They call me Arthur the Blade Master. Introductions apart, you all know we now live in perilous times, with demons on our borders ready to ravage our lands of its peace, wealth and culture.

I am not going to lie, many of you may die in your very first battle, some may even not know what might have killed them. Your sacrifices will be forgotten whether they be for humanity as a whole or for protecting our beloved empire from foreign incursions.

But should something like this stop you from fighting for your motherland? Remember to ask yourselves this very question at every time you pick up your weapon.

Warriors aren't born through strength or power or even skills with your blades and magic alike. These things might be a part of what makes you a great warrior.

But the real element which builds your warrior spirit is your determination...

The determination to fight for your motherland, to protect those who you love or know as friends and rivals alike.

And if you can't build this very simple thing in your minds, then this place isn't for you. Now it's time for you to decide where you stand in this ever changing dynamics of the world!"

His words were brief but their effect was tremendous. Each and every person, whether a student or teacher felt their blood boiling with the determination of what they call fighting spirit.

Now whether it could be put to a good use was a different matter...

Even lucifer who had a lazy look on his face was impressed by this man who stood before him, with broad shoulders which felt like they were carrying the hopes and responsibilities of the world, irrespective of the races that lived and thrived within it.

His eyes shown the pains and sufferings of god knows how many battles, and the heads of their enemies which had fallen prey to his broad longsword, which for now rested peacefully in it's scabbard waiting for it's bearer to call forth it's power.

Seeing Arthur lucifer's lips curved upwards into a smile, 'looks like this academy would be fun, and I have found some interesting people to use for my future goals.'

As Arthur was scanning the students around him, he could see many promising faces, but one of them stood apart.

A boy with dark black hairs, who was looking at him and smiling with mystery hidden in the cold depths of his golden eyes.

'Not bad...' Arthur thought as he eyed lucifer.

Hoping for more comments and reveiws.

A power stone for my creation.

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