So you know that trope you would tend to read about some guy or girl going to a different world for some reason or another. Yeah, well I don’t know the reason but it happened to me. But why me I was perfectly fine. Now I’m in a different world trying to make sense of things and not to die. However, I was for some reason given a few powers to help stay alive so there’s that. But since I was given the chance I might as well enjoy it to my upmost abilities. And hey who knows I just might return someday.
The inspirations and works that helped me with this arc: (They are all good reads)
- Pokémon
- Pokemon Alternate Universe Adventures
- A Random Pokemon Journey
- Pokemon - worlds 'strongest' trainer
- Spidergwen: I have a system?!
: Talking (when in 3rd POV or in another's POV)
*side note*
- effects -
???? POV:
Whaaaaaaaaaat in the world. Ok calm down Ave, calm down everything will be not alright. Just retrace my steps on how I got here yup just retrace.
My name is Avery and I was walking home after a long day of college, just contemplating my life on everything that could go wrong with it. Like seriously do diplomas even matter anymore. I am 18 and even an idiot such as myself can see that most people with diplomas are almost never happy, like damn would it kill them to chill out every once in a while there's no need to be such a workaholic all the time.
Anyway moving on, I reached the house and everyone's was there mom, dad and that ass of a little brother I have, and as usual they were talking very loudly, screaming, again over some semi-racist joke that my brother played along with at his school, heck is it even racist if the joke is about himself. I then made my way in, said hi and went to my since I just didn't want to bust my eardrums over something like this.
Arriving there I set myself up to finish all my work as well as project and once I was done I remember leaving to go eat downstairs since they, again, forgot to call me down, or maybe they just wanted to leave me alone to finish my work well at least they left some food on the side. I finished that then returned to my room and my laptop dinged to let me know of incoming emails. Opening my emails, there was only one new email titling NEJIM. I didn't open it, of course, since there are to many scammers, always out for my Social Insurance Number and my banking information. But I didn't delete it since I thought it might be something I could read when I am bored to find out how scammers do there work these days. I then went to bed and woke up here.
Cool, so that didn't sum up anything. I am still lost both in mind and physically since who ever or wathever dropped me here thought it would be a good idea to drop me in the middle of nowhere with nothing.
{DING: transfer package received goodbye}
Neet, so I did have something after all. But now wha…..
{Transfer package:
- limited immortality
- poke inspect
- 1 unique region pokemon ticket
- 1 ability ticket
- 1 skill ticket
- 2 essence tickets
- 10 item tickets
- 1 Nerfed system ticket}
{Dected error:
User is unable to use items of the package}
{Fixing error:
Temporary ability given : inventory
Notice: Will be taken back once items are used}
{Goodbye user this is the last message left to you by my creator (Author):
Enjoy it since I can't, there will be many ups and downs for you, this is now you're adventure. Oh and don't worry about you're family there all A OK with a replacement in your shoes.}
Well that happened, no point in questioning my reality I mean I don't think this… creator would bring me home even if I could reach him. It said my family is fine so I guess we're good, I should just live my life now. Wait why am I even trusting thing for all know this creator could have killed them but if it did then why did it give me stuff. You know what best trust it for now and find out later, I don't need the headache right now.
On the upside, I now know where I am which is somewhere in pokemon. - Sigh - I guess I should look around huh.
Urgh, I have been walking for, I don't know how long, and I see nothing but trees, trees, more trees some dirt, rocks and a few pokemon who pay me no mind. None were hostile at least.
-Falling sound effects *don't know it*-
- Thud -
OWW, f***in h*** who put a hole here. Well at least I don't need find somewhere to sleep. But seriously who puts holes in the middle of nowhere, damn psychos.
Now that I have an unwilling place to sleep I should probably figure out how to access those items. Let's start with saying the terms I would see I novels.
Really nothing, let's try focusing on what I want to appear then.
"Nerfed system ticket"
Well that worked somehow let's try putting it back. …. . … . … . Nothings happening, well I should've excepted that when I saw temporary. Next step, using the ticket, this one simple enough there's a dotted line on it, guess I should just rip it.
Oh man, ain't that anticlimactic, wait where am I. Why is everything's grayish.
- Looks around -
There a sign reading 1 time instruction sign. Well that helps at least. Let's see here.
- No questioning you're mind, while in you're mind.
- Spin the wheel and receiving a prize
- No time will pass on the outside
Ok simple enough but really my mind isn't this too ….
Okay, okay no questioning. … So where this wheel. I didn't see one earlier.
Well that happened. But actually looking at it has a lot of names on it that I can't even read it. No use thinking to deeply about this I won't understand this at this time anyway. So how do I even spin this I don't see a le…
If before I found this cool now I find kinda creepy. Well I guess I know how to spin it. Now it's time to SPIN THAT WHEEL.
- A few hours later-
When is it gonna stop, I has quite literally spun over 100 time in a complete circle. Wait its finally slowing down.
- tick - -tick- -tick-
OVW Gacha System:
Only Visited World Gacha system
- snap -
Huh, why is there a single beam of light, isn't this where I tore that ticket.
System up to date and synced to user}
{Ding: say or think status to access system interface}
Well no one is around I guess I should say at loud for my own satisfaction. STATUS.
{Interface menu :
I think I need to think to activate any of these.
NAME: Avery S. Cayde
+??????????? ?????????: (Locked)
+Abilities: (Description: for the body)
- Limited immortality: (upgradable)
You can't die of old age but are very killable in any other way
+Skills: (Description: an add-on)
- Poke inspect: (not upgradable)
Let's you inspect Pokemon}
Cool, now what about "Gacha".
{GACHA: (only worlds you have been in)
Gacha tickets: x0
- ???????? (Unlocked)
- Abilities
- Skills
- Upgrades
More to be unlocked}
Really that's it I thought it would be more than this. And what's with those ? and why is it unlocked here but not in the Satus tab. Thoughts for later, I mean it isn't going anywhere and maybe I will even find out what it is when I use it. For now though I might as well get that last one out of the way "temporary inventory".
- 1 unique region pokemon ticket
- 1 ability ticket
- 1 skill ticket
- 2 essence tickets
- 10 item tickets}
Let's get started. This should be fun.
How did I do?
How long should these chapters be this was around 1 200 words should it be longer?
If anyone reading this has an idea on the direction this should go then comment here.
Next chapter is a bunch of spinning and getting started. I will probably write it tomorrow or after tomorrow.
If you have something to suggest for any of the Gacha spins then it would be much appreciated.
Anything but the 2 essences. Since those two are predestined.