So you know that trope you would tend to read about some guy or girl going to a different world for some reason or another. Yeah, well I don’t know the reason but it happened to me. But why me I was perfectly fine. Now I’m in a different world trying to make sense of things and not to die. However, I was for some reason given a few powers to help stay alive so there’s that. But since I was given the chance I might as well enjoy it to my upmost abilities. And hey who knows I just might return someday.
Year 1 Months 13 Day 350 - Log 9:13 P.M - End of Week 50
From the gacha, I received the following items:
- Flame plate
- Red flute
- Odd Incense x2
- Flame orb
- Full restore x20
- Zoom lens
- Tamato berry x3
- Prism scale
- Full incense x3
- Waterium-Z
- Legend plate
- Medichamite,
- Eviolite,
- Everstone,
- Blank plate,
- Snorlium-Z,
- Roseli berry x11,
- Aerodactylite
- Electric gem.
The bonuses included an Ergo Heart (from Lies of P) and 7 kg of Mithril (from Lord of the Rings).
I immediately took out everything except for the flute, incenses and zoom lens, letting the home adapt to the rest. The biggest gain from this is the Ergo Heart since it not only introduced a new type of energy but is also an already-made power source.
For templates i received Tsutomu Himekawa, Kuroki Gensai, Ikki Niko, Kabutoyama Tetsui, Dojima Gin, Nash Gold Jr., Sora, Shiro and Spec. For the bonus I got Leon Lau (from Last Hope).
As soon as Ryo's Template is completed I will equip Leon Lau's Template followed by Sora and Shiro's template. The template is at 96% will be done by the beginning of next week.
For templates, I received:
- Tsutomu Himekawa
- Kuroki Gensai
- Ikki Niko
- Kabutoyama Tetsui
- Dojima Gin
- Nash Gold Jr.
- Sora
- Shiro
- Spec
As a bonus, I got Leon Lau (from Last Hope). As soon as Ryo's template is completed, I will equip Leon Lau's template, followed by Sora and Shiro's templates. The current template is at 96% and will be done by the beginning of next week.
I decided on Leon's template because he is someone who was responsible for a global disaster through technological means. He also knows how to make complicated and incredibly complex machinery, could help in making a gravity machine, which could be useful in making a Pokémon like Magearna even stronger. Not to mention that if I ever need to forcefully evolve a planet's inhabitants, he has the knowledge to do so.
For skills, I received:
- Marketing
- Mentalism: Rapid Mathematics
- Hacking
- Herbalism
- Swimming
- Acting
- Archery
- Singing
- Architecture
- Fishing
The bonus skill was Sewing. These skills are not particularly exciting, but I am sure there will be a time when they will come in handy.
Also, I need to meet with Volo again, next week, since I am running low on money. I am not in a hurry for more items through the gacha, but I need money in case something happens. I also need to finish the current templates.
Year 1 Months 13 Day 371 - Log 7:23 P.M - End of Week 53
Beginning of the month started with a visit from Volo
Sales : Total Sales: $335 049
- Berries: 202 berries at $250 each, totaling $50 500
- Fruits Seeds: 513 seeds at $500 each, totaling $256 500
- Spices: 106 lb at $100/lb, totaling $10 060
Pearl 5lb at $50/lb, totaling $1 000
- Metals:
Iron: 207 kg at $5/kg, totaling $1 035
Copper: 203 kg at $30/kg, totaling $6 090
Thumblestone: 154 kg at $60/kg, totaling $9 234
Purchases: Total Purchases: $177 800
- Maps of the region at 1 000$, totaling $8 000
- Seeds:
Wheat, 1 lb at $100/lb, totaling $500
Seed of Mastery, at $25 000 each, totaling $25 000
- Mints:
Adamant, Bold, Brave and Calm 5 000$ each, totaling $20 000
Swordcap 5lb at $50/lb, totaling $250
Iron backtongue 5lb at $50/lb, totaling $250
Red Shard at 20 000$ each, totaling $20 000$
Green Shard at 20 000$ each, totaling $20 000$
Comet Shard at 20 000$ each, totaling $20 000$
Star Piece at 20 000$ each, totaling $20 000$
- Metals:
Black Thumblestone, 200 kg at $65/kg, totaling $13 000
Sky Thumblestone, 200 kg at $65/kg, totaling $13 000
- Animals: Two sheep at $12,500 each, totaling $25 000
Summary: Total Profit: $157 249
It turns out that the items I sold to Volo were incredibly popular. Additionally, I found out that there are some seeds kept in farms for safekeeping. Volo mentioned that he might come back with some Pokémon eggs if I wanted any. When I asked about it, he said the eggs were from Pokémon without parents due to natural selection. Also, business is fun.
This month, I finished Ryo's template and started Leon Lau's, which is already at 46% since I already know some advanced scientific knowledge. I specifically want the mechanical and energy knowledge from this template, which could prove useful in controlling this world's energy. I did notice that I get lost much easier when I am concentrated on my work, but I am grateful that it isn't on the level of Zoro.
My other templates have progressed as follows: Sasaki increased to 58%, up by 2% since the last check, and Tesla went from 50% to 54%.
Year 1 Months 14 Day 399 - Log 8:07 P.M - End of Week 57
This month started with trying to understand Leon Lau's mechanical knowledge, which is more extensive than I expected. I also realized that the Magearna project needs to be reverted to a long-term project due to the sheer number of power-ups I can give it. I don't want to touch a live version because if it works, it would be alive.
Around the middle of the month, I was nearly 25% done with his mechanical knowledge in an improved format. At this pace, it should take me at least until the middle of next month to go through and enhance his mechanical knowledge, and the rest of the month to go through his energy knowledge.
For the remainder of the month, I helped improve my current Pokémon's move set, while also having them reach the advanced stage for their moves. Keep in mind, that was on the side of my studies and excluding the time I spent with them purely to relax.
For Empy she learned the moves: Arial ace, covet, cut, drill peck, facade, return, frustration, fury attack, pluck, rock smash, brine, chilling water, disarming voice, echoed voice, ice beam, mud-slap, snore, swift, attract, baby-doll eyes, captivate, confide, defog, mist, mud sport, protect, rain dance and roost.
For Sekiro he learned the moves: Arial ace, comeuppance, curse, focus punch, phantom force, skitter smack, take down, u-turn, assurance, bounce, counter, covet, cut, fury swipe, feint attack, skitter smack, burning jealousy, dark pulse, extrasensory, icy wind, night shade, shadow ball, snarl, snore, fake tears, imprison, memento, protect, psych up, roar, snowscape, spite, substitute, taunt, will-o-wisp, confuse ray, copycat, encore, return, scary face, sleep talk and swagger.
For Vulma she learned the moves: Air cutter, skitter smack, bug buzz, ominous wind, attract, charm, captivate, confide, endeavor, harden, sleep talk, rest, bulk up, work up, spore and powder.
I've said it once and I'll say it again: sports are extremely useful for training moves. I even started to add a few conditions or restrictions to make it harder and push them further. But I guess that's what happens when they play extremely competitively. Additionally, I take them with me sometimes when I go out, so they can gain more battle experience. All that's left for them now is to learn a few more moves that they can't pick up by being creative during play, and then have them evolve, since a game is simply not enough to evolve them.
Year 1 Months 15 Day 427 - Log 6:47 P.M - End of Week 61
As I mentioned earlier, I started by finishing Leon Lau's mechanical knowledge. By the end of the first week, I was 77% done with the knowledge, and by the end of the following week, I had completed it entirely. The result was satisfying, and I am also planning to build myself a MOEV, which is essentially a mech. But for now, I need to go through his knowledge on energy to complete his template. This next part should take me a maximum of two months to go through and optimize with what I know. Currently, the template is 80% complete, meaning the rest pertains to the energy knowledge.
But for now, I have started building some jet skis for the beach party. This alone should take me 3 to 4 months to make, just in time for the next beach party.
To gather the materials needed for these projects, I plan to build some machinery to automate the extraction of metals from the mine.
During the other two weeks, I spent time outdoors exploring, relaxing, or finding strong Pokémon for myself and my own Pokémon to battle. It seems to be working out fine.
Year 1 Months 16 Day 455 - Log 7:27 P.M - End of Week 65
Apart from studying some more, I went out to buy from Volo this month.
Sales : Total Sales: $178 575
- Berries: 168 berries at $250 each, totaling $42 000
- Fruits Seeds: 219 seeds at $500 each, totaling $109 500
- Spices: 144 lb at $100/lb, totaling $14 400
Pearls 5lb at $50/lb, totaling $2 500
- Metals:
Iron: 125 kg at $5/kg, totaling $625
Copper: 100 kg at $30/kg, totaling $3 000
Thumblestone: 55 kg at $60/kg, totaling $3 300
Black Thumblestone: 50 kg at $65/kg, totaling $3 250
Sky Thumblestone: 50 kg at $65/kg, totaling $3 250
Purchases: Total Purchases: $83 900
- Seeds:
Tulip, at $100/lb, totaling $500
Wild Mint, at $250/lb, totaling $1 250
Water Mint, at $250/lb, totaling $1 250
Spear Mint, at $250/lb, totaling $1 250
Apple Mint, at $250/lb, totaling $1 250
Crunchy Salt, at $250/lb, totaling $1 250
Springy Mushroom, at $250 each, totaling $1 250
Hearty Grain, at $500/lb, totaling $2 500
- Mints:
Serious, Lonely, Gentle, Careful and Sassy 5 000$ each, totaling $25 000
Bugwort, 5lb at $50/lb, totaling $250
Caster Fern, 5lb at $50/lb, totaling $250
Direshroom, 5 at $150 each, totaling $750
Vivichoke, 5 at $150 each, totaling $750
Sooftfoot Root, 5 at $150 each, totaling $750
Sand Raddish, 5 at $150 each, totaling $750
Pop Pod, 5 at $150, totaling $750
- Metals:
Aluminum, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Lead, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Nickel, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Tin, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Zinc, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Copper, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Brass, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
Bronze, 100 kg at $5/kg, totaling $500
- Animals:
Rabbits, 2 at $10 000 each, totaling $20 000
Summary: Total Profit: $94 675
That's it that's all. Volo also mentioned that he might come back with some Pokémon eggs if I wanted any.
I also noticed that there aren't any true vegetables, apart from potatoes, in the Pokémon world... at least not yet. There are vegetables, but based on what I was hearing, they were mostly used for medicine or trap making, not food.
Year 1 Months 17 Day 483 - Log 8:22 P.M - End of Week 69
Finally, I completed the template in the middle of the month. It turns out that he didn't have as much knowledge about energy as I thought he would, and he viewed everything from a scientific perspective.
I switched to Shiro's template, which started at 2%, probably due to only knowing English and my limited knowledge of gaming. However, it shouldn't take more than two months to finish the template, with the languages she knows taking the most time. Once I am done with my next template after Shiro's, I will start making plans to build things. Once I am done with my next template after Shiro's, I will start making plans to build things. Starting with extraction machines for metals, then a MOEV, and finally Magearna.
Year 1 Months 18 Day 511 - Log 7:47 P.M - End of Week 73
This month went by fairly quickly apart from completing the jet ski's, i started on making blueprints for extraction machines.
With the rest of my time focused mostly on learning video games, the in's and out's, there bug, there glitches, there exploits and etcetera. In between learning all this i learned some new languages that being: Latin, Greek, English, French, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German and Armenian.
For some reason it took me around 3 weeks to do all this, it feels like i am getting better and better at learning things. even some things that should take much longer, like learning 9 languages in 3 weeks while having my focus being on other things
So for the last week, because i had sudden free time, i began to formulate a training formula for my Pokémon to follow and try to learn newer moves. Moves that wouldn't be logical to learn over a game like the Weather changing moves, Status effect moves like toxic and will-o-wisp, Evasive type move like fly and dig, and i can only try to teach them the Dance type moves. I will also try to formulate a plan for any other kind of move that i know that they can learn or could possibly learn.
Now i am sure Empy will learn quickly due to her ability but the others are going to take more time, if i had to estimate then i guess it would take them closer to 3 months extra to learn and train compared to Empy.
Year 1 Months 19 Day 539 - Log 8:32 P.M - End of Week 77
At the beginning of the month, I finally finished the jet ski project I had been working on, just in time too. It took me a week. For the next two weeks of the month, I spent learning the rest of the new languages: Croatian, Polish, Turkish, Thai, Filipino, Indonesian, Italian, Czech, and Hindi. In the last week, I learned the Immanity language. It didn't take more than a day, so for the rest of the time, I played video games. By the end of the month, I had finished Shiro's template and equipped Sora's template in her stead, which started at 14%..
And as I expected, Empy learned some new moves while advancing the others to the intermediate level. She mastered moves like Dig, Flail, Power Trip, Natural Gift, Grass Knot, Icy Wind, Round, Signal Beam, Hail, Haze, Psych Up, Quash, Substitute, and Toxic. Now, all that's left is to evolve, but I plan to hold off on that until my predicted 3 months before taking matters into my own hands and engaging in battles myself. In other words they have 2 months.
Year 1 Months 20 Day 567 - Log 8:21 P.M - End of Week 81
The beginning of the month until the beach party at the end went like this: I focused on training my Pokémon while also trying to improve my charisma, eloquence, and tactical performance. Interacting with others is really the only way I can think of to increase my template much faster. And it worked; I managed to increase my template from 18% to 37% in just 3 weeks. I still have a lot more to go, but I believe I will be capable of finishing in about 3 months if I continue to interact with people, or 5 months if I don't. Not planning on that 5 months; it's an unnecessary waste of time.
Now about the beach party. It started as usual, setting up with a campfire to signal where I was. I brought out the jet skis, surfboards, fishing rods, volleyballs, frisbees, a bocce kit, and two grills, like usual. The first to arrive were Iscan with Adaman and Palina with Irida. They arrived roughly at the same time, but I am starting to wonder if this is really fine since both Adaman and Irida are leaders of their clans. Next to arrive was Volo, about an hour later, with 4 other people: Laventon, Marie, Colza, and Belamy. They were curious about the kind of person I was and what I am like. I later found out that Laventon is a professor from another region, though he wasn't clear on where, as if he wasn't sure himself.
Anyway, the party started as usual with fishing or sunbathing before getting in the water. They began with surfing since the waves were still strong, and when the waves calmed down, I introduced them to the jet skis. It took them a while to get used to them. When they asked where I got the jet skis, I simply said I built them with metals I bought from Volo and what I already had on hand. I don't know why they believed me so easily, but I theorized it had something to do with Sora's template.
It was only during dinner that things got out of hand. It's not every day a horde of around 600 Pokémon comes by to eat, including six alpha Pokémon. Two grills weren't enough. The others got spooked but still released their Pokémon. Only Iscan, Irida, Adaman, and Volo were equipped for an escape if things went sideways. In the end, I needed to go home for more cooking ingredients. It took some convincing to let me go alone, but it was better that way, at least for me. They only agreed because of Basculegion, which they were convinced would protect them if needed. It took me an hour and a half to get a new grill and some ingredients. This convinced me that I would need to build a house with farms for cover if needed.
I came back to everyone being on edge as if they were about to start a war. So I needed to calm everyone down, so I took out a wave incense to help with that, since most of the Pokémon were water types. Then I cooked for everyone. I started with berries and fruits, around a thousand of excellent quality, keeping some extra just in case. Things grew fast at home. Then I cooked different kinds of fish and crustaceans using two of my grills. With my last grill, I placed a slab of sterile wood and used it as a semi-stable area to cut, prepare, and make spices on. It took nearly three hours for everyone to be satisfied. It was only after thirty minutes that things went from calm to chaos. Now, I have said many times, and I will say it again no matter how many times it takes: beings here are extremely competitive. The rest I will leave to your imagination, whoever is reading this.
We finished the event by setting up a next time, but this time I declined since I decided to move to a more snowy area, for training and a change in scenery. If they wanted to come, they could check with Volo for the general area I would be in then or I find a warden under one of the clans, they said they would be informed.
I can already figure out why Marie and Belamy came. It probably has something to do with the egg or eggs Volo wants to sell to me. Colza was curious about where the berry and fruit seeds came from, as he is a farmer. Finally, Laventon probably came as a second opinion on both fronts and to have fun. Chances are I made a great first impression.
As a result of all this, the template increased again to 44% due to all the negotiating and convincing it took to convince everyone.
Year 1 Months 21 Day 595 - Log 8:37 P.M - End of Week 85
Apart from studying some more, I went out to buy from Volo this month.
Sales : Total Sales: $240 475
- Berries: 245 berries at $250 each, totaling $61 250
- Fruits Seeds: 271 seeds at $500 each, totaling $135 500
- Spices: 240 lb at $100/lb, totaling $24 000
Pearls, 74lb at $50/lb, totaling $3 700
- Metals:
Iron: 183 kg at $5/kg, totaling $915
Copper: 156 kg at $30/kg, totaling $4 680
Thumblestone: 72 kg at $60/kg, totaling $4 320
Black Thumblestone: 47 kg at $65/kg, totaling $3 055
Sky Thumblestone: 47 kg at $65/kg, totaling $3 055
Purchases: Total Purchases: $150 585
- Berries:
Aguav Berry , Aspear Berry, Hopo Berry, Iapapa Berry, Mago Berry and Wiki Berry, at $250 each, totaling $7 500
- Mints:
Timid, Naive, Jolly, and Hasty 5 000$ each, totaling $20 000
Blue Shard, at 20 000 each, totaling $20 000
- Metals:
Silver, 5 lb at $275/lb, totaling $1 375
Steel, 10 Kg at $5/Kg, totaling $50
Titanium, 50 lb at $1/lb, totaling $50
Silicon, 30 lb at $1.50/lb, totaling $45
Tungsten, 15 lb at $3/lb, totaling $45
Cobalt, 10 lb at $12/lb, totaling $120
Magnesium, 10 lb at $5/lb, totaling $50
Chromium, 10 lb at $5/lb, totaling $50
Manganese, 100 Kg at $0.50/Kg, totaling $50
Cadmium, 5 lb at $250/lb, totaling $1 250
- Animals:
Pig, 2 at $12 500 each, totaling $25 000
Goat, 2 at $12 500 each, totaling $25 000
- Pokémon Eggs:
H. Oshawott egg, at $50 000, totaling $50 000
Summary: Total Profit: $89 890
This brings my total balance to $247 138. While this would usually be enough for many spins, I would rather save it until I actually need it. My next spins will be when I am ready, which will be after I have completed all the templates that I currently have. Also it looks like I was right about the eggs Volo brought.
Year 1 Months 22 Day 623 - Log 9:12 P.M - End of Week 89
This month was the deadline for my Pokémon it was time to help them evolve. anyways the result went like this. The previous moves went up to the intermediate level and they managed to learn a few moves but not all of them. Vulma learned: Pursuit, Silver Wind, Sunny Day, Baton Pass and Protect. While Sekiro learned: Dig, Facade, Grass Knot, Rain Dance, Attract, Captivate, Confide, Embargo, Sunny Day, Toxic, Focus Energy and Mimic. All of which was before they're evolutions.
Pressure was the next step. in order to pressure them properly i had to spar with them with the intention to kill i put them in a position that was similar to getting better as you fight or simply die, which i wouldn't do. Now normally i wouldn't be able to do that but i had the memories of my completed templates and the training memories of my equipped templates plus i had Senjou Muso to simulate blood lust. In the end it worked, they put up quite a fight, i pushed them to the very limit of what they were capable of and they ended up evolving a stage up. Sekiro became a H. Zoroark, Vulma became a Vespiquen and Empy became a Prinplup.
I decided to cook their favorite meal in an attempt to gain forgiveness, which they granted fairly easily. However, they did say they wanted the same meal every day for the next month. Additionally, their appetite tripled compared to what it was before evolving.
Aside from that, the results are as follows: Vulma gained a new move called Hurricane and unlocked the ability Pressure after evolving. She also looks different from a typical Vespiquen. She has a stinger at her bottom, larger wings, and honeycombs sprouting on her shoulders, acting as shoulder guards. Sekiro learned the new move Revenge while fighting me and got Pain Split after evolving. That's it. Empy, on the other hand, learned the new move Feather Dance upon evolution, and her flippers are now sharper, similar to an Empoleon's rather than a Prinplup's.
Year 1 Months 23 Day 651 - Log 9:30 P.M - End of Week 93
This month was spent mostly trying to get from the Cobalt Coastlands to the Alabaster Icelands. While I did have a map, I preferred going off-road in roughly the same direction. No, I didn't take my shortcut to different areas, which would have taken a tenth of the original time.
I occasionally talked to the Team Galactic rangers I encountered, though it wasn't often. I did so anyway to increase the template. Giving a convincing story was the hard part of it all. I am sure they reported this to their superior.
While exploring, I stopped by settlements of the Diamond and Pearl Clans for the same reason I stopped for the rangers. They were still trying to find a chicken thief or something. I couldn't find out what that was about, but I offered to sell them other farm animals for $10,000 each if they wanted. They just had to tell me, and I would sell some to the next campsite I crossed. In the end, they chose one cow and one sheep for the next Diamond Clan settlement and one pig and one cow for the Pearl Clan.
It seems they communicate properly, so whatever beef they have between them isn't as bad as it looks. I am mostly done with the Cobalt Coastlands. I'm sure there's more to explore, but for now, I'm done with it.
Apart from that, I started making cheese out of the milk I have. It takes a while for cheese to ferment, but with the house, it takes closer to a quarter of the time... at least that's the estimate.
Year 1 Months 24 Day 679 - Log 7:46 P.M - End of Week 97
Traveling—that's what I did. The first week, I fulfilled my promise to sell to the camps, so I made another $40,000. I think that's all I will be selling in this region; I don't want to undermine the Ginkgo Guild.
Anyway, with that out of the way, I used the rest of my time making my way to the Alabaster Icelands. It got colder the closer I got to it and its going to get colder during the winter season, but I didn't really need a coat. Once there, I used my compass to find a suitable location. It was at the foot of a mountain, closer to where Glacier Terrace was. It was also near an alpha Machamp's territory.
Year 1 Months 25 Day 707 - Log 8:52 P.M - End of Week 101
After setting up my area, I went to the nearby Machamp territory to ask for their help in building a house. It turns out the alpha Machamp also had the ancient gene and was more of a protector for the Pokémon in the area rather than a tyrant overlord—lucky me. When I presented myself, he was ready to kill me. I could already tell that he could do it if necessary, but I'm glad he had some honor.
However, it didn't attack, and when it heard what I was proposing to some of the Machamps nearby, it jumped at the opportunity and proposed a deal. After some negotiation, we agreed: for 10,000 berries of different kinds and help building a suitable home for its area, the alpha Machamp would gather some of the Pokémon under its protection, including itself, to help build whatever I needed. I took the deal since I needed help with a few things to begin with: clearing the area, constructing a house—or rather, houses—building a chairlift, and setting up a gondola.
The rest of the month was spent starting everything. I brought multiple materials, be it metal, wood, or glass. They didn't question where I got all of this material since it was there before they arrived. They only knew that I was loaded and had around 70 carts, each 26 feet long, full of materials to use.
We finished the "house" in about 2 weeks. I say house, but it's really more of a mansion. Things went overboard, and I gave this place a lot: water-related builds, a skating rink, an empty arcade room, a cinema room, a gym and the rest is normal stuff. I left some room on the right side for a large biodome, larger than the mansion, to mimic other biomes to grow berries, other plants and for animals to hang around. On the left side, I made a laboratory, which is just as big as the mansion. At the rate we're moving, we might finish these buildings in the next 2 months. There was some more space left, but that's just in case. The next piece of the puzzle is the chairlift and gondola, as well as an observatory at the top. This should take an additional 3 months.
To guarantee that we finish faster, I asked the Machamp if he could bring some more Pokémon under its protection in exchange for another 10,000 more berries. While that was happening, I left and came back with more materials, since we had around 20 carts left by the end. Now, having replenished everything, I brought around 100 more carts of materials for a total of 120. When Machamp and the other Pokémon returned, we immediately started again after I cooked for them.
What I learned this month is that the Machop line can get incredibly strong. The Pokédex entry mentions them moving mountains, but that was overestimating their strength. They're strong, but not that strong. However, if I had to say how strong, then the strongest normal Machamp, I would say is around the city level (7-B) of power, while the ancient alpha Machamp is at the peak of the mountain level (high 7-A) close to entering the island level (6-C), only in force of strength. Additionally, I am sure, it doesn't understand the concept of martial arts, it brute forces most things plus it has a bunch of fighting experience and has 4 arms.
Year 1 Months 26 Day 735 - Log 8:52 P.M - End of Week 105
At the beginning of the month, I instructed the 200 Pokémon that were helping. While I made some instruments to create songs to, I don't know, hype them up. I also finished the extraction machines while I was at it; my supply of raw metals was starting to run low, but now it's not. The home does prepare raw materials for me, but it's at a slower rate than you might think. This speeds everything up.
At the beginning of the second week, I had some music by Avicii and a few others—my creations in this world—set up on a recorder connected to a stereo. I used wood as the base material for the instruments since I was in a hurry, but I plan to improve them another time. It was easy with the materials I had on hand.
Moving on, they were about a quarter done with the lab when I returned. Everything should speed up fivefold with me focused on the build projects again. By the end of the week, I had an empty lab with around four floors and a basement that I can expand. The next week, we strictly focused on the biodome. It was much larger than everything else we had built so far and would take close to three weeks to complete if we had everyone on deck for this. Remember this was the end of week 2 and start of week 3.
So, I needed to get more materials if I wanted to complete everything. It was easy; I just went in one direction with the empty carts and came back around a day later, while the Pokémon were resting, with another 150 carts of various materials: soils, metals, wood, glass, strong cables, and evolution stones, since I found out they can influence an area if they're present. I also had 2 carts filled with around 50 to 100 feet of metal poles. I had my Pokémon help with this; they took one cart, and I took the other.
I also know that when this is done, my template should either be completed or almost finished by then. We had also attracted the attention of Pokémon in other areas: Chimeco's area in the Lake of Acuity, the Swinub line's area from Arena's Approach to Mamoswine's area in Avalugg's Legacy, and Lucario's area in the Icebound Falls, mostly because Machamp is friends with the alpha Lucario there.
My only hope of doing this quietly is if they don't make moves to come here directly. The more attention there is on me, the less likely I am to get everything done while keeping the home a secret. But let's be real, that will probably happen, so I went to get more materials just in case. This time, I left for three days: one day to make more carts, one day to load everything, and the last day for travel, landing on the last day of the month. I came back with 200 carts of materials, including normal ones. The move took a whole day, and I had help from some of Machamp's henchmen and protected Pokémon. Don't even ask me how I got them at the bottom of the hill. Also, Machamp increased the payment to another 20,000 berries and said he would leave for 3 days to get a friend's help, making the grand total 40,000.
Few Things to Say:
- This chapter was around 5 500 words.
- Instead of making a chapter of 10k words I separated it into 2
- I also chose to add a few things something people would be mad about but for me its more like balancing things off.
- Now I need to say this before anyone gets mad. The Mc is not OP, yet, nor should he end up being by the end of the arc, if luck is on my side. The only ability he has is mind based mostly to enhance himself by himself and his principal way of attack is swordmanhip, sasaki's.
- Until I either draw the ability wheel in my spinning for the gacha it will likely stay that way,…. probably. Their will most probably be stupid abilities too.