
To the New World

A group of friends suddenly found themselves fall into an interstellar world as... infants?! The three of them are triplets of the Orvana Household, a wealthy Ducal Family. Richard Orvana III is one of the most prestigious Mecha Engineer. His father, Richard Orvana III is one of the only seven engineers who can make S-class mechas. While their mother, Lilian Orvana, used to be a well-known singer but quit after giving birth to her first child. The triplets have different personalities and interest. Rebecca Orvana, a sweet and cheerful girl who love making friends. She have this friendly aura arround her and is very energentic. Her dream is to become an idol. Leah Orvana, a smart and mature girl who like reading books about astronomy. Known for her personality of being serious and indifferent to everyone aside from her family and a few exceptions. She love space. Lastly, Zilla Orvana. A short-tempered and easy to rile up girl who's very stubborn. She's very sarcastic and is not good at expressing her emotions. She love playing video games. And they even found out that their older brother also reincarnated like them Watch them grow in their journey to the new world. *** A/N: The picture in the book cover is not mine. Please do tell me if the artist want me to take it down. (I don't know who the original artist is)

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14 Chs

Zilla Orvana


I immediately plopped to the ground after hearing that. I'm having combat training and I was exhausted.

I'm sparring with my teacher in combat, Mister Leo, a martial artist. He made me call him master.

"Haa, haaa."

I was breathing heavily when Master walked over me and handed me a battle of water.

"You did great," he smiled at me. "Your posture is improving."

I scoffed at his words. "As if. I can't even hit you once."

"Kahahahahaha! If you hit me at this age, I would be ashamed of being your master. Kahahahaha!" he said as he sat beside me.

Physique and mental power was graded. Grade 1 being lowest and Grade 9 being highest.

I have Grade 8 physique and Grade 9 mental power. This high grade made me manifest an ability. I'm an esper. My ability is called Dash. It's about putting esper energy into your legs to achieved a high-level of speed. Actually, I have two abilities. The other was called Precognition. It allows me to get a glimpse of the future.

But dual-esper was already rare enough and with how precious the other is, if others know about it, the empire would definitely want to send me to the emperor. I cpuld either be placed in the military or I could be send to one of thr prince or princess to marry for breeding. However, I don't want that.

Although it doesn't sound bad. Those two possible situations would make me lose my freedom.

"But I'm always surprised by how cool headed you are. You are very mature for your age, boy."

I smirked at Master's word. "You think so, Master? I'm awesome right?"

I have a secret that even my parents didn't know. It's the fact that this is my second life.

That's right. I was reincarnated in this worlds and is actually a 26 year old man inside. I'm a police officer in my past life. I was at the peak of my career when I suddenly died.

It happened on the train station. I was going home from work when suddenly someone push me from behind.

"Wha--!" I managed to face back but my foot slipped and my body leaned backward. The culprit already run away.

I even bumped into someone. The girl who look like a student fall into the railway but then two girls tried to grabbed her hands and ended up losing their footing and falling with the girl with a bob cut.

The train was already coming. Without hesitation, I immediately jumped to try to save them and ended up dying too. The last thing I saw was the two girls hugging the girl I bumped into. They must be bestfriends.

Then when I woke up, I was reborn in here. Up until now, I was still feeling guilty about what happened.

That's why I promised when I was reborn to live an honest life without getting into trouble or getting mix up with those in high position.

Since the person who pushed me was probably send by the politician that is involved to the murder case that I was holding. So this time, I'll live a quiet life without getting entangled with high rank people. That's my goal.

Peaceful life without standing out.

"Ah right! Boy, didn't you say you wanted to see your sisters? Why don't you go now?"

I turned to Master when I heard him spoke.

"Ah that," I scratched my cheeks.

That's right! I got three younger sisters who's incredibly cute! I wanted to go to them immediately and play with them but just like today...

"I still have esper energy manipulation lessons this afternoon so I can't. I'll probably go see them around 6-7 PM or earlier if Miss Ria was in a good mood."

"Ohh... Ria is really strict, huh? Maybe because she haven't found a good man yet. She always look like that, that's why no one wants to date her-- Hmm? Why do you look like that?"

"Um..." I had a terrified expression on my face as I pointed to his left side where the door is with a trembling hand.


There stood a woman on her late thirties. Her long grey hair were in a messy bun. This woman is Ria Helthon. A very skilled esper.

"R-ria!" his master who's also on his late thirties stood up and laughed awkwardly.

"I-it's nice meeting you. Wow, you're looking great as ever. Hahaha, ha, ha..."

Ria just stare-- no glare at him. A firm and stoic voice rang in our ears.

"Get out."

"Yes," Master peeked at me for a moment before timidly walking out of the training room after taking his stuff.

It's the time for Miss Ria's lesson.

Haaa... I wanted to see my sisters.


"Finally..." I'm finally done taking my lessons.

Lately, Miss Ria had been stricter. She said that's because my ability need me to focus for a long time. It's true but... I'm only 5 years old you know? A kindergarten student!

"It's already 7 PM," I pouted. Miss Ria is so strict.

Anyway, now I can go to my cute sisters. Hehe.

After I took bath with the help of the maids, I immediately go to the nursery room. The lights are dim light.

I walked to my first sister, her name is Rebecca, she have black hair and blue eyes inherited by our parents. 'So cute.'

I poked her cheeks for a few times before going to Leah's crib. Leah have brown hair and blue eyes just like our mother. 'So adorable... Are babies supposed to be this adorable? My sisters are so cute.'

I hold her hand gently for a few seconds before proceeding to the last crib. It's Zilla's crib who have black hair and green eyes like my dad.

'Look at her cheeks, so adorbs! I wanted to bite her cheeks. She's the chubbiest among the triplets. Hehe. So cute~!'

I felt like I've been saying cute and adorable for a few times now.

"Ah wait. I'll get a chair."

I walked toward the side of the room where the chairs are and position it beside the cribs.

Hmm? Zilla wake up.

I walked over her and look down on her. I was about to waved at her when suddenly...


I flinched. Don't tell me I, scared... her? It's like a lightning struck me at the realization.

W-why is she scared of me? No more importantly, how do I make her stop?


I glance at the door when I heard a sound. The room also brightened making me closed my eyes at the sudden light. I lifted my hand to cover it.


I heard my mother's voice and slowly opened my eyes.


She frowned as she look at me and baby Zilla alternately.

"Waaaaa! Waaaahhhh!"

"What happened? Why is she crying?" she asked as she slowly closed the door behind her.

I pouted. "I just look at her when she suddenly start crying..."

I'm not scary, why would she cry like that?

As if my mom realized something she laughed loudly.


"Don't laugh!"

"You scared Zilla! Ahahahaha!" she laughed hysterically while leaning on the wall.

My ears were turning red from embarassment.

"Mom... You're too loud..."

"Ahahaha-- Ah, right," she immediately calm down.

Wiping her tears, she walked closer to me and picked Zilla up. Zilla cuddled on her arms and start to calm down.

"Zilla cry the most out of the three. While Rebecca laugh the most. Then Leah was the calm one amomg the three," Lilian list down the personalities of the triplets.

"Don't misunderstand okay?"

She smiled at her son who had his cheek dye red from embarrassment

"I knew that..." yes, he already knew but he can't help but be sad. When he was a baby, he always had the urge to cry. It's like everything is worthy of my tears.

He never get the chance to get married on his last life and he's aunt who took him in were not a good parent. So in this life, when his family shower him with endless love, he felt happy. He even got three sisters.

"Pft," Lilian almost laughed again but Aiden glared at her.

"Mom..." he said in a threatening voice but he just look cute in his mother's eyes.


"Oh, look. Rebecca's starting to wake up," she pointed to Rebecca.

Aiden turned his head and walk toward Rebecca's crib, looking down to his cute sister.

"Do you want to carry her?"

Aiden flinched at the question and shyly glance at his mother.

"Can I...?"

"Of course. Since brother Aiden did a good job at his lessons."


Lilian smiled at Aiden who seem to be a puppy wagging it's tail.

"Of course."


They heard Rebecca's giggle.

'So cute...'

'So cute!'

The mother and son had the same thoughts.

At the same time, Zilla who's chilling in Lilian's arms flinched.

'What the hell?!'

Although Zilla is quiet curious about her other sisters, she figured that there's no point of doing it now if all three of them are infants and if they would forget about it later on.

However, she was shocked when suddenly...

-Hi! Hehe~ I'm you're older sister!

...a cheerful voice rang inside her head making her flinched.

"Hmm? Are you okay, Zilla?" Lilian who noticed it glance at her.

"Bada aba," she said, 'It's nothing' but she can't say anything yet.

-It's nothing, huh? What a liar! Hahahaha!

What the... This brat. Can she read my mind?!

"I'm carrying Rebecca!"

"Careful, sweetheart."

The two babies didn't care about their supposed to be mother and brother and just continue their conversation.

-I can't read your mind. I could only talk to you in your mind but I can't read your thoughts.

-That statement just made me believe you could!

-I mean it's just so obvious what you're thinking. Hehe~ My name is Rebecca by the way, and yours is Zilla.

-It's a shitty name.

-Honestly, I thought it's very pretty.

-Don't care.

Before she know it, they were talkking to each other in their minds. Zilla don't even know how she could communicate with this girl.

-Hahaha! Anyway, you're Alyssa right?


What the fuck? Her pupils trembled. How did she know my name before I reincar... nated...

-Ah! Olivia?!

-Yep! You finally noticed!

-What the fuck? The hell?! Is that really you? Wait, how did you know?

I mean yes, her way of speaking is the same as it is in her past life but it could just be her having the same personality.

-Eh? I mean, babies wouldn't have this much intellect as this age.


Right... How could I forgot that I'm a baby? This is so dumb. Oh my god.

-Hahahaha! You forgot, didn't you?! You're so dumb as ever, Alussa-- Oh you're Zilla now. Call me, Rebecca, 'kay? Its bad if you get used to it when we get older.

-Fuck you, don't call me dumb. But how about Jessica? Don't tell me she's our other twin?

Zilla rolled her eyes. There's no way such coincidence could happen...

-You're right! How did you know?!

It happened?! What the fuck? How in the world--?!


Zilla's panicking halted when she heard someone giggled. It's the baby in Aiden's arms.

-Stop giggling, it's annoying as hell.

-Eeeh?! But brother kept calling me cute!

-And? Just shut your... Wait, you can understand them?!

She was shocked. For many times that these people talk to her, she can't understand anything and just branded them as aliens.

Although she had a guess that this woman holding her is her mother and the other people are maids, she just call them aliens since she can't understand them.

-I don't know. I just realized I could understand them after I woke up in this body. Jessica couldn't understand them too. Ah, Jessica's name is Leah by the way.

-What really? Then who are these two people?

-The woman holding you is our mother, Lilian Orvana. While this young boy holding me is Aiden Orvana.

"Come here, Aiden! Let's have them face each other."

"Oh right!"

-They're going to have us face each other.

She really can understand them , huh?

-I don't want to see your sorry face.

-Hey! I'm cute you know?!

Having reincarnated and not understanding any word this people were saying, she was very stressed. Although she'd only been awake for a day.

That's why, having someone to talk to was refreshing for her. That's why Zilla can't help but...


Lilian and Aiden froze on the spot. It was the first time Zilla laughed.


I'm gonna use their new names from now on.

PRIM_AND_PROPERcreators' thoughts