
To Tame a Beast

“Just take his money and run Lexi. You deserve a better man, not one who's forgotten he ever hurt you.” - Tina After Lexi managed to escape her abusive husband, she thought she had closed the darkest chapter of her life. But fate had other plans. Daniel's fatal accident and subsequent amnesia offered her a twisted second chance. To try and recreate her marriage on her own terms. She was determined to mold him into the husband whom she had always wanted. As she starts to mold him, secrets about Daniel's past begin to unravel which threatens to destroy everything she knew about their relationship. Will Lexi's obsession with reshaping their relationship blind her to the dangers lurking beneath the surface, or will she finally see the truth and make a break for freedom?

authoressprecious · Urban
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9 Chs

Chapter Two

The next morning Daniel was nowhere to be found. He had left as usual. I decided I was going to meet up with my lawyer so we can end this once and for all.

I prepared a very sumptuous meal and asked Leah to invite Jason, the gate man over to join me.

At first Jason was hesitant but then he accepted and sat down to eat.

"Thank you so much madame for your generosity," he smiled while looking at me and then at the food.

"Ma'am, I'd like to apologise again for making you cry again. It wasn't my intention. I was just doing my.."

"No need to apologise," I cut him off, "just enjoy the food."

He smiled then picked up one leg of chicken forcing it into his mouth and savouring it. He looked at me and smiled.

"This tastes so good," he said holding the chicken in one hand and pointing at it with his index finger with the other hand.

I smiled at him and picked up a cup of coffee, sipping from it intently.

I was so satisfied. The pleasure in me was so satisfying.

A few minutes later, Jason dozed off on the chair. I stood up, went to the bedroom and took out my luggage which was already packed.

I went downstairs lifting the luggage up as I walked down the stairs. Then proceeded to open the gate so I would drive off.

For once in my life, I could feel freedom. I felt like a caged bird been let out of its cage. I was no longer going to be maltreated. I was no longer going to be humiliated. I was no longer going to be treated like trash or beaten up like an animal.

For once in my life. 

I got into the car and started the car then I zoomed off leaving that God forsaken house. Knowing Daniel, he would fire Jason for sure, but I had to be selfish. At this point, I can't die and be a sacrificial lamb at the expense of someone else.

My phone started ringing.

Who could it be this time around? Normally, no one ever calls me except from Tina to check up on me from time to time but this was a phone call from Daniel.

What could he be calling me for? Bastard!

I hung up but he called again. I was so annoyed but then considered. It might be something really important.

"Hello," I answered.

"Hello, is this Mr. Daniel's wife?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Please come over to the hospital. Your husband was engaged in a fatal accident."

"What?" I cried, "Where is he now? I'm coming there right now?"

"He's at Maritime Hospital."

"I'll be there immediately," I cried. Tears were flowing down my cheek as I drove.

I was crying for a man who has caused me so much pain for so many years. What was wrong with me? Is this how painful love was? I thought love was supposed to be sweet.

I drove straight to the hospital and parked my car in front of the hospital. I ran into the hospital and got to the reception where the nurses were.

"Please," I cried, "where is my husband?"

"Are you Mr. Daniel's wife?" One of them asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"He's in room 24b."

"Thank you so much," I ran and then got to the room.

I opened the door and saw Daniel's body lying helplessly on the bed.

I ran over to where he was and sat beside him kissing his lips and everywhere else.

"Please stay with me Daniel." I cried.

"Mrs. Lexi." A voice called from behind.

I looked behind and saw an elderly woman in a white coat, probably the doctor.

"Doctor," I stood up, "Any updates on my husband's condition?"

"Mrs. Lexi, your husband has amnesia. His head was badly hurt while he was driving so it affected his memories."

I covered my mouth in terror. I know I hated Daniel so much but I wouldn't wish that such a thing would happen to him.

"Is there anyway for him to regain his memories doctor?" I asked.

"Just provide him with the love and support that he needs and he'll gradually recover his memory. Amnesia patients normally take months to years to recover their memory so I hope the case of your husband's will just be a case of temporary amnesia." She said and then left.

I turned around with teary eye and stared at the beast in front of me.

He should be lucky that I am still in love with him. If I wanted to be ruthless, now would be the perfect opportunity to take advantage of him. 

I walked over to where he was lying and crouched.

"You should be lucky that I'm not as evil and demonic as you are Daniel." I said, "Because if I was, you wouldn't even be breathing now. I'll make a good fortune finishing you off, at least that'll be compensation for all the beatings you've given me over the years."

I cried, "but I love you and now might also be the opportunity to change you and make you a better person. I'll make you treat me right, then we'll live happily ever after." I kissed his forehead.

Weeks passed and Daniel was finally ready to be discharged. I was the one that took him home in his wheelchair. He didn't speak throughout. I don't know if the accident affected his speech. I just didn't know.

"Who are you?" Daniel said looking at me while I fed him.

Surprisingly, that was the first time he ever spoke to me throughout that whole incident. I was so happy that he had started talking.

"My name is Lexi," I smiled, "and I'm your wife."

"Wife?" He twisted his face.

"You might not know me cause you've lost your memory but deep down in your heart," I placed my hand on the chest, "I'm still there."

I stood up and hurried over to grab a photo album by the right.

"Now look at this," I opened the photo album while kneeling in front of him and showing him pictures of me and him.

"This is me and you at our wedding," I showed him a picture of us during our white wedding.

I showed him another picture of us kissing and him giving me bridal style. I showed him a picture of us on a vacation in Malawi, it was actually a business trip which he wanted me to be there just as his trophy.

"I can't remember anything." He said.

"Well, I'm sure you won't," I rubbed his cheek, "don't force anything. Just take your time and you will remember all our happy memories."

I was so happy seeing him like this. I liked this new version of him with his memory wiped out. I just feel that I could change this man and make him my ideal dream man.

Since he was no longer going to be there to run the company, the vice president of the company had to step in as replacement at least till he got better.

I on the other hand couldn't contain my joy. My phone rang while I was singing merrily.

Oh no! It was the lawyer for our divorce settlement. I quickly headed over to the kitchen to made a call.

"Mrs. Lexi you didn't show up yesterday as agreed and I had been trying to reach out to you for a long time."


"I'm sorry Mr. Kenneth, something came up. It was really urgent."

"Please next time inform me if you're not going to make it so I wouldn't waste my precious time. I have other things to be doing, I'm a business man."

"I understand Mr. Kenneth."

"So when are we scheduling our next meetup?" He asked.

I bit my lips slightly, "Well, I'm afraid there isn't going to be a next meetup Mr. Kenneth. I and my husband have reconciled." I answered.

"Wow! I'm glad to hear that. Well I'm happy for you both."

"Thank you."

The call ended. I haven't even told Tina yet about what happened and my final decision but I was sure that she was going to yell at me.

I dusted my dress off and headed out of the kitchen. I found Daniel at the entrance. It felt as if he was eavesdropping because of the way he positioned himself. 

"Daniel," I said in shock seeing him there, "what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" His eyebrows furrowed, "I want to take a glass of water."

"Oh," my chest went down in relief and I swallowed hard on my throat and finally forced a smile from my face, "you should have told me."

I held his wheelchair and pushed him over to the dining table, "I would have gotten what you wanted. You know I don't like seeing you stressed."

"I would have but you we're making a call."

"Sure," I rolled my eyes absent-mindedly.

"Lexi can I ask you something?"

"What is it?" My eyes just lay frozen looking at me.

"Why do you want a divorce if you said we had a happy family?" He dropped the bomb shell.

I swallowed hard that my adams apple became visible. 

"See Daniel, the thing is," My eyes panced around looking for an answer. That was a really difficult question to answer it will require a really good lie to get out of.

"The thing is.."

Beep beep! Beep beep!

My phone interrupted.

Thank goodness! Times like this my phone was my saving grace.

"I'll answer this," I smiled at him and grabbed the phone. Walking briskly to the verandah.

"Hello Tina," I whispered over the phone.

"Lexi, why didn't you tell me Daniel was in an accident?"

"Quiet down Tina. I'll explain everything to you later." I looked around to ensure that Daniel wasn't anywhere near our conversation, "how about we meet at your place then I'll tell you the full gist."

"Sure." She agreed and I hanged up.

I went straight to the dining and picked up my handbag to go out.

"Where are you going Lexi?" Daniel asked.

I pecked his cheek, "I'm going to see Tina, a friend of mine. I'll be back in no time."

I kissed him on the lips and left the house.