
Chapter 2

Henry was diligently working through his portion of the receipts the accounting team had received that day, logging them into the system. Even if he was the second son of the company, he was not exempt from working up the company.

The Reyes family were quite eccentric from before even his grandparents' generation, every member of the family who joined the company had to work a little in every department; it was only after all the department managers had given their approval would the individual be given a higher position, obviously one that reflects the work they completed. Of course the heir had it a little different, there was the added pressure that if they didn't get the approval from the whole company, the would be denounced as the heir.

Luckily this generation's eldest son was one who worked exponentially well under pressure, easily rising to the role of director by the time he was 27 – that all being said, family aside, he had always been a genius of thoughts. At least that is what Henry thought thinking of his older brother's accomplishments. Even better for the company, their second son had no desire to try and take his brother's position as heir, the young man whole-heartedly believed that his older brother was far better suited for the job.

And if he ever did change his mind, it is not his brother that would be his enemy, it would the infinitely more terrifying sister-in-law of his. He has no idea where his brother had become acquainted with the equally genius woman with a questionable background. But he knew that while she treated him as a real brother, if Henry were to ever turn on her beloved husband, he would be as good as dead.

The Reyes family all had rather peculiar personalities, thankfully for everyone they complimented each other exceptionally well. Although, Henry did sometimes wonder how he was related to the group of oddballs, blissfully unaware of how much trouble his lack of interest in women had incited.

The young man had gotten around halfway down the list when his section manager came over, admiring his hard work. "Henry, your parents' want to meet you in their office." He looked up and nodded at her with a smile, the woman having to stop herself swooning at his looks and remind herself she had a cute husband and even cuter daughter waiting for her when she got home. "Is it urgent or shall I go after I complete this?" Even the newbies at accounting weren't this dedicated, the manager had long written her approval letter for the young man with excessive praise, even if he was only a month into his 4 months in her department.

That all being said, work was work and this did not sound like just any old meeting with his parents. Especially with the chatter of the real meaning the Q Group having invited not only the Reyes but also the Lore's to their PR event centring the further expansion, essentially gloating at their two main competitors. It had put all the executives, directors and management team into a frenzy. The well-seasoned manager couldn't help but think this was connected to how the company was going to respond the Q Group's blatant and unfortunately justifiable arrogance.

"It is fine, you can complete this after you have spoken with your parents. They had a meeting with the board of directors this morning regarding the stunt the Q Group pulled earlier this week. I am sure it will be in regards to that."

"If you say so it is most probably true," Henry admitted with a smile, he was well aware how experienced his manager was, not only in this department but as a member of the company. "In that case, I will go up now. Excuse me." With a slight bow of the head at his senior, he stood up while locking his computer. "I will be back soon." As he finally made his way to the door, the section manager couldn't help but fawn over his entire character all over again.

On the 21st floor of the high-rise building, where the presidents' office resided, sat Caroline and Marcus on a sofa situated behind both of their desks. Leaning against his father's desk was the heir of the company, Samuel Reyes. Like the rest of his family, his looks were quite stunning. The man nearing his thirties had only just started to show signs of light ageing but it was clear to the everyone, colleagues, the public and tabloids included, that he was on the road to whatever glorious form of ageing his parent's had undergone.

However, their equally amazing looks was not the reason the entire family were to meet. Samuel himself couldn't quite understand what he had just heard from his parents. There was no way they could be serious, yet the couple most clearly were more than so.

"So, let me get this straight. During the charity gala the other night, you and the Lore family provisionally discussed a merger to combat the Q Group which would help overtake their profits and, more importantly, would eventually lead us to have the to do something about their illegal actions. That all makes sense." His parents nodded, not caring too much in that area of the discussion, they had a very particular part they wanted their eldest's opinion on. "And somehow this talk lead to the very real plans the two companies presented to their respective boards of directors, and I am assuming both received the merger proposal quite well. Anything wrong so far?" Caroline shook her head.

"And perhaps the most insane part of this plan, that night you all happened to express concern on how our second son's showed no interest in girls at all, you all happened to have finally decided that your respective sons were gay, and now want to use a marriage interview between the two to be the foundation of this merger?"


"You're all insane! The two have never met! You don't even know if they are gay or not!"

Marcus, "And why do you think we are asking you first?"

Caroline, "Do you happen to know if we are wrong or not?"

His parents' response had cut him short. He had no doubt his parents were certifiably crazy – he had been suspecting so for quite some time if he was honest with himself. However he couldn't answer because even if he was extremely close with his younger brother, he had never once heard of or seen Henry show any interest in anyone, not ever. In fact the more he thought about it, the more he realised how much his brother would dismiss the entire topic of how hot a lady was or what he found attractive. In the end he found himself having to agree with his parents. "You might be right about the gay thing." Both his parents sighed in relief.

"Well, if he has no problem thinking of marrying a man, he should have no problem just going to the marriage interview, especially for the sake of the merger. Besides, from our talk with John and Hanna, it sounds like the two would get along." Marcus was right, if for his family, Henry would have no problem thinking about it.

Unfortunately for Henry, it seemed that none of his family knew him nearly as well as they thought they did; first and foremostly, they were convinced he was gay.

The youngest son arrived at the office, knocking on the fogged-glass door before letting himself in, no clue as to what was waiting for him. He was rather surprised to find his very busy brother also here. "Did you all come straight for the meeting with the board?" Caroline smiled and nodded, beckoning him over. The young man went over to his family, adopting his brother's stance on his mother's desk. His father was the first to speak. "That is what we wanted to discuss with you, actually." Henry nodded, understanding this wasn't just any old family meeting.

"I am sure you are aware of the stunt the blasted Q Group pulled on us and Lore Inc., boasting about their further expansion at their PR event." Marcus received a curt nod. "Well, at the gala the night after, we happened to talk with the Lore presidents and talked about possibilities of a merger, co-owning the combined company."

"That way we could beat the Q Group in sales and push them out of power enough to have them go down for all the corruption within the group."

"That's exactly right." Marcus couldn't hide how proud of his son he was, he had grown as well as Samuel, a miracle with how erratic his wife was.

Clearly every member of this equally weird family considered themselves the normal one, the same was also true for Caroline.

"Well, we introduced this idea to the board," she continued from where her husband had left off, "and received a positive response. Hanna Lore's secretary also contacted us saying it was a success on their part as well. However we wanted a better foundation for this merger seeing as how much is weighted on it for both parties." Henry started to get a foreboding feeling. "As it turns out, we both have children nearing the age of marriage." He immediately knew he was being asked to take part in a marriage interview as a minimum. However he stayed quiet. "So, if you wouldn't mind, do you think you could go to a marriage meeting? If the two of you happen to like each other than great, if not we will work something out from there."

He knew it, he just knew something that insane would come from his parents the second it seemed like they were asking something of him. Henry had no desire to go to a marriage interview, he had yet to meet a girl who he found truly attractive emotionally, not just sexual desire. Also, he had no idea the Lore family even had a daughter similar to his age, the only one he had heard of was the 13-year-old piano prodigy.

"Look, here's a picture. Just consider it." Henry internally shook his head, not quite believing even his brother was involved, none the less taking the photograph and studying it.

He couldn't deny the subject of the picture looked very good. She seemed tall, perhaps she did some modelling under a different name. The snapshot was a candid in casual clothes, probably a paparazzi picture that had been weeded out before it had a chance to circulate, he knew his parents did the same with him. With an androgynous haircut and elusive facial features, he did have to admit the person in the picture was very pretty, a little flat where it mattered but that could have been the longline coat.

The more Henry looked at the picture the less he minded just meeting the girl, maybe as a very subtle hook up? Well, that was dependant on just how flat she was in real life. He was still a man with carnal desires and preferences. But would the daughter of the company who they were merging with really the best option. Probably not, his shame was much higher than his family, to the point where he found himself embarrassed talking about anything to do with the other sex with them – unfortunately the trait that had led to this whole mix up he was so blissfully unaware of.

The merger was another matter, and undeniably the main reason he had even considered looking at the picture. This merger was important, not just for his family but also for anyone currently oppressed by the mess of what made the Q Group in its shadows. He couldn't quite understand why they needed this in particular to show commitment but while thinking his parents were crazy, he also knew when it came to business, they were extremely insightful. If they thought it was necessary, he would trust them. And with that mindset, who was he to selfishly hinder things during the establishment.

Admittedly, the girl looking good made things substantially more bearable.

Henry would be the last to admit it, but at times he could make the shallowest of decisions, giving them deep meaning later; this was one of those decisions. In reality, the young man had just gone too long without quenching his inner desires.

So, of course, he said he would go to the meeting.

This story is very much a spur of the moment, not too serious thing. So I have to warn you, things may not make too much sense. It is a way to get out of my creative rut and experiment so I thought why not upload this crack while at it.

Aeriya0411creators' thoughts