
To revolt

It’s the time of the atomics(like the gen z) they are said to be the last that they will finish the world but all they dream of is finding a better would to REVOLT from there old one

Sayde_Jade · Teenager
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4 Chs

To Move Forward

As we walk along in the shadows we have to cover our tracks and are constantly looking over our shoulders. We all know that at any moment one of the BOMBs could come after us, but that's not even our biggest worry. That would be food and water. We brought some in our backpacks, snake offered to carry the most;she was one of the strongest out of all of us, but in the end I guess it slew her down.

"Penny" seven said "how many days trip?"

"Well... mmm. If the maps right is should be no more than three!" I said raising my hand with my fingers showing the numbers.

"Only she would be happy after losing a team mate. " someone had scoffed out. As I turn around in rage I see him. He's big and we needed him on this team, but I was not about to let someone think I'm okay with snake getting taken.

"If you have something to say to me..." I pause looking to see his number on his left inner wrist. "14 then you can say it to my face"

He looks as if he had wanted me to react this way as if he had found it amusing. "If you want me to say it to your face then I will I just didn't want to see your pretty little face get broken by sadness"

I tighten my jaw. Everyone knows I can't stand being called pretty or "little" I might only be 5'3 and tiny to his wopping 6'1, but I guarantee I could knock him out flat; but I don't want to have to drag that bag of trash around. "We all know that snake would not have been caught if you just took the extra load"

I was about to snap but luckily seven jumps in " hey now... everyone knows your the biggest here so don't blame penny for something you could have done, and cool down before we have to waste the rest of our water to put your fire out!" I giggle as I see his fist clench,but he relaxes probably deciding sevens right. Like he is most of the time.

"Thanks" I say under my breath leaning into a half hug.

"No problem. I don't understand why we had to bring him. You know I can't stand him" I look at him and roll my eyes and push out of his hug playfully. "WHAT! It's not funny."

"Mmhm... yeah your right it's totally not funny" I say trying to be serious, but I can't contain it and end up barreling over in laughter. "Sorry....sorry" I say but as I lose focus I trip over a rock and fall into a gap. I suck in all of my breath and panic strikes me as I try to not fall, then I fall into the deep dark unknown. My life flashes before my eyes, but all I see is the life I was headed for. Clear sky's, names, and a future but that's all gone now; all gone into the abyss.

By the way snake is 006 one of penny’s closest friends along with seven

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