
Chapter One

Do you remember when we first talk to each other?

Do you remember when we first saw each other?

Do you remember our first meet up?

Our first hugged?

Our first kissed?

How about the first time you realize you like me?

The first fight?

The first time we cried together?

The first time you met my family?

The first time you introduced me to your family?

I remember all of those moments. I remember everything that involves you.


You made my year memorable and bearable. You made me realize a lot of things. You don't tolerate me when I'm doing some hypocrisy. You let me do a thing that makes me stronger. You motivate me when I don't feel like I can't do it.

We may fight a lot of times. We cried. We almost give up. We almost lost each other. But we never did.. The struggle of being in a relationship is real, that's for sure. We faced a lot of challenges outside our relationship and we're still together.. Still holding on.


When we can't control our jealousy? We can't see each other with another person. Some people say its toxic but do they even know how we handle it? Do they even know what we think about it? It's a feeling I, we, can't control.


I am always here for you like how you are for me. I love you. I will be forever grateful being with you, my love. Thank you for putting up with me. You are the best and I will love you till the end. I love you, my Always.

We knew each other since 2016, Senior High School. My friend, Louise, is your schoolmates in Junior High at the same time your friend, and that's how I get to know you. Actually most of your friends in junior high are my classmates in Senior High, but you are not in the school we are in but I got to know you because of their story about you. I don't even know why I keep hearing your name, what's up with you and how are you.

You had a girlfriend before, which is a friend of Louise, but she left and became the most beautiful Angel in this universe. I saw how things unfold, how your friends and you got messed up. How Louise almost gave up. I was in the middle witnessing everything that happened to all of you. I was also a mess because I don't know what I should do to comfort everyone even though it's not even my job and I don't need to do that but at the moment I feel like I should do something to comfort everyone. I know the feeling of someone you love the most leaving without saying goodbye.

I once lost my best friend, who means the world to me, so I know what you feel. I know how it feels to be alone without someone who can understand you. For years I also don't have someone who can understand me, someone I can rant to.

2017, you were supposed to be transferring to our school, everyone in your circle were waiting for you. Telling each other to ask the registrar to let you be in our section but you never came.

For a week your friends keep on asking when you are going to school. I was confused, who are you? Why Louise is so excited in the thought you'll be our classmate? Class is starting and for another week Louise told me that you didn't get your requirements to your previous school.

You were a mystery to me. Why do I always hear your name? What does it mean? Maybe I am overthinking what it means, but, really you intrigue me.


"Hey Artemis!" I looked when I heard my name. Who is it?

"Here Art!" and again I looked where I heard my name and I really can't see anyone I know.

I was surprised when someone tapped my shoulder, "Hey! I was calling you." Louise said pouting

I smiled at her and said, "I didn't see you, I am sorry, I was actually looking for you."

"Are you? I just saw you spacing out." She said with a suspicious look in her face, well that's true but I was actually looking for her then got distracted with my own thought.

"Really, it just that I got distracted." I said smiling at her almost like telling her to believe me.

"Alright then. Let's go Angel is waiting!" She said walking inside the café and I follow her inside.

"What took you guys so long?" Angel asked looking at us, "What you guys talked about? I saw you guys outside talking. Mind sharing?" She added

"Well Art was spacing out, I was literally shouting her name and she didn't even saw me then I asked her she was just spacing out." Louise said while looking at the menu

I looked at Angel and shrugged meaning I don't know why I spaced out.

"She's always spacing out though. What's new?" Angel said and I looked at her frowning. Are they really my friend? Grrr.

"True. Okay I'll order, what's yours?" Louise asked me, I looked at the menu and I'm really not into trying new drinks so I'll go to my favorite drink.

"Dark Cho—"

"Dark Chocolate as usual." They said in unison. They are my friends, indeed.

"Typical Art." Louise said before going to the counter.

"We are graduating next year, art!! I am so excited. This is the last year of senior high and then we'll be college!" Angel said excitedly.

I looked at her and just smiled. Are we ready? College is different. I saw my cousins cry because of their unmet requirements; they were saying that it is so hard they want to stop. Are we ready? I am so scared entering college. I feel like I won't make it. I am not smart enough. Will I survive college?

"Why is she smiling so wide?" Louise asked me when she saw Angel smiling like there's no tomorrow.

"She's excited because we are graduating next year." I said while looking at Angel who is imagining what will happen to her after graduation.

"Well, it won't be easy, but we can do it." She said, sipping her drink, I nod also sipping at my drink.

We will get through this.