
Chapter Eight


Believe it or not guys I ended up transferring to another school with my cousin Liza. Well, neither did I expect myself to transfer. The old university where I finished my first year is far from my home and I need to travel that far to university, now I decided to transfer closer to my house. Traveling that far make me think a lot of things about life, like how I just wanted this to end. Now that I am closer there are no excuses for me to be late and not attend my classes. 

I started wearing light make up and just love myself. I’ve been holding back doing things that will make me happy because of the people who just can’t mind their own business. I’ve been doing things that I know my future self will thank me, and that is enjoying everything that is in front of me. I don’t want to regret anything in the future. I see myself loving the transformation I did to myself. I am so proud because I know I’ve improved my skills when it comes to make up. Although it is still not like those professional make-up artist but still from the beginning of learning make up to now? I can say I improved.

I am so happy to the change that happened to me. I love myself more. Because of the things that happened to me before I started to love myself, appreciate myself more and just focus on myself. Truth is change is the only constant thing in this world; you choose if it is for the better or worst. It really depends on your mindset, some people see weak turning to strong toxic or changing for the worst. But in reality it is for the better so no one can harm them like before.

Looking at my new university I don’t know what to expect. As for my change I also created new account in every social media because I think it is part of the change that I want to impose to myself. Changing everything around me, involves me. Of course with the change of my physical appearance I am also trying to change some traits that I know is wrong and toxic. As I said I am trying to change myself for the better.

“Art are you ready?” My former professor who I never expected to be here asked me

“Ah yes sir.” I said as I still looked around observe everything around me

“I thought you decided to stay there.” He asked me as we walked to the dean’s office.

“I don’t feel like staying. It’s too far and prioritizing my mental health now.” I said, I was known as someone who always laugh and find humor in every situation but that is just my façade. I can’t cry to my friends because I don’t want to be a burden to them

“That’s good. You’ve been doing your best to make everyone happy and making sure they are okay.”

“I am no saint sir. I have faults too, I am not always the helping friend.” I said because honestly I don’t like to compliments myself, and also I think it is a normal thing to do so no need for compliments.

He just smiled at me and opens the door for the both of us. I am actually here to know my schedule and section so I can start on Monday. I hope my schedule would be good so I still can do whatever I want during my break time.

To my previous school it was hard to do things I usually enjoy. One hour travel from our house to my previous school and it depends on the traffic. The traffic in our area is no joke. Like seriously I am leaving at 6am but I’ll be at my school at 7:30 when there’s traffic. Kinda hard and hassle but life goes on I need to survive hahaha

“This is your schedule, Artemis Montefalco.” The dean said, I looked at my schedule and it is wonderful. I have a half day classes and I don’t have class every Friday!

“Thank you sir.” I said as I leave his office.

Now, I will go home and rest. I also got my uniform now and I need to wash it before I wear it, of course. Tomorrow I’ll ask Liza to come with me and buy stuff for Monday. I need to be a good student and pass this school year.

“Hey, Art!” I looked around when someone called my name

“Hey.. How are you Art?” Oh it’s Vincent.

“Hey, hi, I am fine. How about you? It’s been a while since we talked to each other ha.” I said

“Do you have time today? Can we chill at our favorite café?” I nodded at his offer and we both went to the café we used to go.

“So how are you?” I once again asked him

“I am fine. I broke up with her. And this time for real the last chance I gave her, she wasted it.” He said, I immediately know what he is talking about.

“I told you before right? That she won’t do good to you.” I said as I looked at the menu

“I know and I regret not listening to you.”

“But you know what at least you’ve learned your lesson. It wasn’t easy but at least you now know.”

“By the way, I’ll get choco dynamite.”

“Alright! I’ll be back.” It’s a good thing I saw him because I know at home I won’t do a thing and bored myself.

Vincent is my friend and enemy. You know what I mean? We sometimes talk to each other like a normal friend but sometimes we trash talk each other and just roast everybody who gets in our way when we are doing our usual fights. But I can say that Vincent is one of my closest friends in our group of friends.

Some people just come and go. Some teaches us a lesson, some are blessings and some people are both, a lesson and a blessing. These days all of us should choose our friends wisely. We all should choose friends who choose us and not tolerate our wrong doings. A good friend; surround yourself with people you can trust.