
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Seven long years

"How are you doing?" Lucas asked as he handed over the coffee he bought to Lizzie.

Both of them settled at a two-chaired table in a corner of the cafeteria. She took a sip from the mug and placed it on the table before flopping back on the chair.

"Ahh! This cafe has the best coffee in the world." She murmured in a low and relaxed tone making the man in front of her chuckle.

Ahe then settled herself straight in the chair and spoke, "I am fine and working as you know. How about you?"

As soon as those words left her mouth, Lucas became deadly serious. "You know what I am talking about. How is your father?"

"He is not good. The company is falling apart day by day and he is afraid of losing the company. Investors are abstaining from investing in the company and the worst part is there is nothing I can do to help him." She said and took one more sip of her coffee and placed it back in its place.

"I tried seeking help from all the investors I know through my law firm but no one is ready to pour money in a plummeting company." He expressed his concern.

"It's okay Lucas. You are doing whatever you can. Please don't burden yourself with all this in addition to your hectic work."

"You are my best friend Lizzie. Nothing related to you is a burden to me. You can always count on me." He said as he leaned on the table on his elbows.

He meant whatever he said. Lizzie has been his bestfriend or more than that since their childhood. No matter what is going on between them, he never hesitates to help her or her family.

Lizzie gave a meek smile and bobbed her head in acceptance. "I know."

Lucas smiled and the next few minutes were occupied by their talks about some random pieces of stuff. Lucas always wanted to ask her about John. Though he knows there is not much news about him and Lizzie would definitely intimate him if there was any, he still wanted to ask her about him. Every time she tells him about John, she never mentions how she felt about it and that is what Lucas wished to know the most about, how she felt, if she still loved him or if she forgot him and moved on. However, after a long fray in his head, he decided to put his question out.

"Have you heard anything about John?"

Lizzie who was about to take the coffee mug froze at his question and her grip on it tightened. She did not look at him but shook her in no.

Lucas felt relieved in his mind and heart. He knew he shouldn't and was being selfish but he couldn't help feeling that way. But this question was just a bridge to his next question.

"Do-Do you still love him?" His heart beat rapidly at his question.

This time, Lizzie raised her head to meet his. "I have always loved him and I will continue to do till my last breath."

Her words rendered him furious. "But it's been seven years, SEVEN LONG YEARS Lizzie." The way he emphasized those three words would scare any other girl sitting in her stead.

But Lizzie kept calm and listened to him.

"Why can't you forget him, Lizzie?" His voice remained in the same tone. Soon enough he lamented his words.

"Not even a lifetime is enough for me to get over him or forget him. You will know this when you truly love someone." She maintained.

This was a proclamation to him that he can't make her his and she belongs to someone else, no matter if the person she loves is with her or not.

'Oh! So I don't even know what true love is, right?' He thought to himself with a sardonic smile on his face which went unnoticed by the girl he loved the most. But whatever he does or thinks doesn't matter to her and that is what held his thoughts back from coming out of his mouth.

Both dwelled in silence till they finished their drinks and Lucas was the one to break the unbearable silence.

"I will leave now. Take care." His voice was calm but yet despondent.

Lizzie nodded her head before saying "You too."

Lucas ambled to his car and hopped into it. He saw the fading figure of the woman he loved and his heart sunk in agony. Tears kept him company as they found their way down his cheek. He bashed the steering wheel but the pain he felt in his hand was a trifle to what he was going through.

"I am just a friend to her, nothing more or less. I shouldn't think of her anymore the way I used to. I have no other option than to let you go. I will be your bestfriend forever. I will now let you go from my thoughts and heart Lizzie how much ever hard it may be." He convinced himself of the bitter reality and started the car, stepped on the gas and hit the road to god knows where.




Author's Note:

Hello everyone, I am back and will be releasing one chapter per day. Please support this first-time author. What do you think about the story so far? Please let me know your opinions through the comments. Also please take a moment to review the novel.

Hope everyone is safe out there.

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