
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Is this really the end of us?


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It had been a month since Lily, John and Kevin went missing. The sun rose and set over the same horizon every day and there was no news about the missing case. Nevertheless, the Coopers were too adamant to give up and kept trying every feasible way to find them. It was now obvious that somebody was deterring their every attempt to reach the Taylors unless they did not want to be found. Lizzie had been waiting for him and her hopes never went down.

It had been a month she finished her exams and her results were out. Her last exam hadn't gone well but at least managed to pass it. However, the overall numbers were not big enough to get her admission at the university she intended for, instead got her into a not reputed but decent university. She still has two more months in her hands before she goes to college and decided to spend these two months with her family and friends.

She explained everything to Lucas who was equally devastated to hear the tragedy. But somewhere in his heart, the selfish part woke up telling him to stay by her and make her his. But what was unknown was that her heart already chose its mate and nothing could change that.

Out of her friends, Lucas, Kiara and Matt were the ones she is still in contact with. Bella moved out of the city along with her grandmother to persuade her dreams without any distractions.

Every day was the same for Lizzie and one of her favourite and mandatory activities to do was to dial the same number every day which was no longer in existence and leave voice mails on how she was spending the days as though there was someone on the other side who kept listening to her. Most of the days she spoke every little thing she did on that day and a few times, she told how much she missed him, how badly she wanted to see him. But never did she stop talking to the person she assumed to be there.

The next fifty days were no different except for the calendar flip twice. The friendship between Lizzie and Lucas grew stronger and they got more close to each other which planted more hopes in Lucas. There were only ten more days left for the college to begin and Lizzie was busy prepping for her new innings. The passing time and Alice were the greatest healing pills Michael had. He slowly started to return to his usual self. That is not all. The search for the three people never stopped.

Lizzie initially wanted to move into the college hostel but the situations changed her mind to go to college from home. She shared her excitement with the so-called person behind the phone. She decided to stay at home today and do nothing. She came down to the living room and perched on the sofa beside her father who was busy with his work.

"Any luck dad?" This was one more thing she did every day. No matter how normal she was for the whole day, when she came to the point of asking this question to her father, her heart pounded as if someone played the drums on it. She looked at him with a glimpse of hope in her eyes.

Michael whose gaze was stuck to the laptop screen jerked his head towards her, meeting her gaze. His frowned face softened as soon as he saw his daughter. He shook his head sideways letting her know the same answer he had been giving her every day now.

Her eyes lost the flickering light but the hope still resided. She suppressed her emotions and gave a faint nod. "How are we going to know about them, dad?" she asked when her father looked back at the screen adjusting his reading glasses on his nose.

Michael who was equally concerned as his daughter put his laptop aside and turned to her. "Whoever is obstructing us from finding their whereabouts is very powerful. But I still believe they are alive or else we would have known about their deaths. But the only thing I don't understand is who is behind his and why he or she is doing this. But I won't stop trying." said Michael in a low tone before he sighed.

Lizzie nodded to her father's answer.

They heard Alice's call from the dining hall and the three had their breakfast. After a few minutes, Michael came back to the spot where he paused his work and his fingers started flying on the keyboard, his eyes crinkled to adjust to the brightness of the screen when he heard his phone chiming.

His fingers did not leave the keyboard but he glared at the screen to catch the caller ID giving it a side look. The number was unknown but he seemed to know who was calling because the next moment the call was answered with "Tell me what you have." He spoke forthrightly and authoritatively that passed chills to the man on the line.

"Sir, we came to know that they are nowhere in this country." the unknown man said timidly.

"Got it. Keep trying." he cut the call and sighed rubbing his temple. This seemed to be very bad but expected news since he could have an influence only in this country. Once the issue passed out of the country, there wouldn't be much he could do. But still, he would try he decided.

He shared the information with Alice and Lizzie and it rendered them speechless. Lizzie felt her throat clutched and her eyes showed the silent tears that screamed inside.

Till now she assumed them to be somewhere in the country and thought they could find them within a few months. But now all she could do was to wish for a miracle to turn the plates. 'Is this really the end of us? No! I will never give up on you, on us John. I hope you all are safe wherever you are. Please come back.' she could only mumble.

However, days elapsed but none brought them good news or promising leads. All leads they got brought them to loose ends. Lizzie started going to University to do an MBA. Lucas joined a law college, following his dreams to become an advocate. Though they went to different universities, they constantly caught up with each other.

Lucas was more than happy that he had a good chance to build a relationship with her. Although it was so selfish of him to think that there was no hope for John to come back, he did feel hopeful for himself and decided to pursue her again, but this time more serious than ever.

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