
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Fulfilment of needs

Mature Content!!!


Lucas was too absorbed by the alcohol that his brain gave up and he didn't even realize a woman sitting beside him until she raised her hand and place it on his thigh, gaining his attention.

"Excuse me, am I supposed to know you?" was the question that left his mouth.

"If you wish, we can know about each other." She used the most seductive tone she could and moved her hand upwards looking him in the eye.

The man was too wasted to respond and he gave in. She trailed her hand further up until she was just a few inches away from his manhood. The mixture of too much alcohol and her hotness slowly soothed his pain. He found a way to forget her and he wouldn't lose it and thus reacted to her actions.

The woman in red and black glided her finger from his inner thigh to his torso making it very difficult for him to hold himself. She moved her hand all the way to his collar passing him chills and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Seeing him not refusing her actions, she spoke "How about we go somewhere calm and continue?"

Lucas simply bobbed his head and kept a few bills on the table and left for the night. He took her to a hotel nearby and both checked in to their room.

As they both went in, the woman closed the door behind them and took initiative, capturing his lips and kissed him vigorously all the while unbuttoning his shirt.

Lucas couldn't control himself anymore, he took the lead and dominated the kiss while his right hand cupped her left breast and started massaging it and the other one held her in the back for her to lean on.

"Ahh!" The woman let out a moan and threw his shirt away. She ran her fingers on his bare chest riding him wild.

He soon undid her blouse without breaking the kiss and tossed it aside. He unzipped her skirt and let it slip to her ankles leaving her in lingerie.

He soon darted both hands to her back to undo her bra hooks where he only met failure. He went frustrated as the alcohol and adrenaline were torturing his most sensitive area. He tried to rip the garment that was his worst enemy now but stopped when the woman held his hands.

They broke the kiss, not because of the stupid garment that came into their way, but because they ran out of air.

"Is this your first time?" The woman asked almost in a whisper, catching breath.

"It doesn't matter." Lucas said coldly, his gaze still on the woman in front of him.

Her eyes went round, not able to process what her ears just heard. She did not expect him to be a virgin as he seemed to be in his mid-twenties. Before she could think further, he took her lips in his and pulled her closer.

His hands enveloped her ass while his lips nibbled on hers. The woman undid her last piece of cloth on her upper body remaining half-naked and stepped out of her skirt.

As soon as his hindrance was gone, his one hand made its way to her mound and began to play with it. His hands felt like fire on her body making her go weak in her knees.

Before they realized it, they were already on the bed, both trying to unzip his pants.

That night went on, their hot session growing wilder and wilder till both passed out.

When the woman opened her eyes, the sun was already over their heads. She looked at the man beside her, with a lopsided grin across her face, remembering all the hot scenes they made last night.

Her hands moved towards his naked body, sliding them smoothly across his chest and her actions woke him up.

He squinted his eyes to adjust to the bright natural light welcoming him. The hands on his body made him look at their owner and everything that happened the previous day and also the intercourse he had later flashed in his mind.

He held her hand and kept it away from him, making the woman crease her forehead in bewilderment.

"Whatever happened yesterday was just a fulfilment of our mutual needs which ends there and then. I don't want to take this any further and expect to part our ways here." He got off the bed and gathered his scattered garments, putting them on.

He seemed to be a completely different man from yesterday night. The woman stayed calm, putting her clothes on as whatever he said was right.

The last night was nothing but fun to her. After the completion of their dressing activity, the woman went towards him, closing any gap between their bodies and faces, trying to kiss him when he stepped back, maintaining an appreciable distance from her.

However, the girl didn't give up and advanced close to him, saying "How about we don't stop this here and continue to fulfil our needs, huh?"

Her hand raised to fix his dishevelled hair but only to be thrown away by him.

"Look Miss, you are only testing my patience, and I am not on good terms with that. You need to look for another person if you want fun. We are done here. I hope we never run into each other again."

His stern words scared the woman. He reached his pocket for his wallet and took out something from it which looked like money and put them in her hand.

"This is your reward or payment, however you want to put it, now don't try to reach me ever again or else you may have to see this lawyer's skills." With that, he left the room leaving the woman behind baffled.




Author's Note:

Hope everyone out there is safe and healthy.

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