
To love you for eternity

What happens if two childhood bestfriends become strangers when they meet each other after seven years? Meet Lizzie Cooper and John Taylor and join them in their journey... On the other hand, Daniel White is a cold and aloof person and everyone fears his vibe. What turned him into such a person? Will he be able to love someone in his life?

twinkling_star · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Fate's plans

At Taylor mansion

Lily and David were enjoying their privacy sitting in the patio at the back of the house.

The majesty of the sunset only made the evening more romantic.

The two people sitting there were reminiscing their sweet old times which still made their hearts flutter.

"It's been a long time since we spent such quality time together. I wish to hand over all the business responsibilities to our son and get rest from all the business tensions." said David.

Lily looked at him with not so convincing look"What are you talking David? He is only 18. He needs to live his life before carrying any of these responsibilities. And it's upto him if he wants to take over the company. And you know how it is to work at such a young age."

David gave her a faint smile, keeping some worries to himself and not wanting her to know them and he succeeded in doing that as it went unnoticed by Lily.

He nodded his head in agreement and wished badly in his mind that, that could be the case.However only he knows that fate has other plans for his son.

David was never a strict and cold father who would force his kids about studies and business. He never wanted to pressurize his son to carry his responsibilities especially when he knows how it feels to take huge weights on shoulders at a very young age.

He started working at the age of 19 to establish what he owned today. He swore to himself that he would never let his son go through the same. He wanted his son to enjoy his life until the right time and age comes to take over his responsibilities unlike him who worked hard all his youth to reach where he was. But who could imagine that one incident would collapse all his dreams and promises.

As he was in his own thoughts, the couple heard footsteps approaching them making them turning their heads to see John and Lizzie walking towards them.

Seeing the young faces enlightened them. David snapped out of his thoughts and tried to be normal in front of his family. "Hi aunty, hello uncle" greeted Lizzie and went closer to hug them. David jovially ruffled her hair making everyone smile.

Lizzie is very close to John's parents as if she is their own daughter. They always treated her equally with their son. David and Lily always wanted to have a daughter but couldn't due to the latter's poor health. She went through a miscarriage after the couple had Kevin.

Kevin is the second child of David and Lily and John's younger brother. He is 3 years younger than John and quite opposite to him.

"How are your studies going on Lizzie?" asked Lily as they walked inside the home. "Good aunty."replied Lizzie looking at Lily. Lily gave her a smile and nodded her head.

"So what are your today's plans?" asked Lily again making John pursue his lips into a thin line. "We will be doing combined studies mom." John said half truth before Lizzie could open her mouth not wanting his parents to know about the meeting he and Lizzie had with their class teacher. He did not want his parents to worry about him. Lizzie understood what he was thinking and acted along with him.

David and Lily widened their eyes in shock as they never seen or heard of their son studying. "Huh?..studies and you?...Did I hear that right?" David gave voice to his thoughts.

John rolled his eyes and said,"You heard me dad!" making Lily and Lizzie chuckle. "Don't make fun of my son, David." Lily said looking at her husband and the man in question nodded his head rising his hands into air.

She then again turned to the children and said,"You both can go to room and study. I will send your snacks later." John and Lizzie nodded and went upstairs to go to the former's room.

The mansion was very large to have separate rooms for the couple, John and his brother. The mansion also had two more rooms for guests, a mini library and music room for Kevin as he likes to play piano.

The both headed to John's room.

The room was black and white themed which looked very classy. It has a single cot with a white beside table on its right bearing a moon lamp on the top of it. There is a lounge sofa beside the door and study table lying on the opposite side of the sofa.

They both entered the room and sat at the table, started studying.

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