
To-Love you: Add up system.

I am having a second life. This thought of mine changed the way I see the world around me. I was once a common boy who grew into a common man and lived a happy life, or so I thought until the end of my previous existence. Just how everyone is born! At the end of their lives, they must also face death on their own terms, and I had nothing to gripe about. If not for how I saw them dying, as I could only helplessly look at their tired faces as they closed their last breath. Consequently, I committed suicide in the end so that my last heir would receive my life insurance and be able to take care of himself. However, the brutality of society prevented him from receiving even 1% of the money I had been saving, and as a helpless soul, I watched him sob to death. Nevertheless, I was given a chance because their souls had reincarnated into different worlds along with mine, and they were enjoying their lives. As a result, I chose to exchange all of my memories—aside from those of anime—for a system in this life. As I began my new life in this world as Yuki Rito, follow me on my journey.

Shubham_Gosai_2019 · Anime und Comics
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31 Chs

Plan of going back!

After meeting Beta, who was running away from her household, Alpha brought her to Rito, and with the help of the potion, Rito was able to cure Beta, given that the things bought from the system guild point can only be used by the byer.

Therefore, Rito's job was to aid in their healing, even though all he had to do was spray a potion on them.

It was Alpha's responsibility to locate other berserk possessors.

"Lord Rito!" After receiving treatment, Beta was able to learn the majority of Rito's Japanese language, and she was able to communicate with him even without the aid of a system-assisted translation mode.

Contrary to Alpha, Beta began addressing Rito as Lord Rito for her own reasons, and Rito also understood why all the members of the shadow garden in anime tend to refer to Cid as Lord Shadow.

In a few days, Rito and the other four shadow characters arrived at the misty forest, where the Mist Dragon reigned.

However, as the group was engaged in combat with the dragon, Rito simply withdrew a barrel of wine from the system.

As a result, Misty Dragon became so submissive toward Rito and the others that he even permitted them to establish a base there as long as they could supply him with a barrel of wine every week.

As for how Rito came to know about everything, it was thanks to a system-specific item that could instantly tell the history and weaknesses of whoever was in front of it.

Rito used this information to pinpoint the dragon's vulnerabilities.

As a guild leader, Rito was eligible for a 90% discount on all items, so he used the enormous tree as his base of operations and the System Shop to directly purchase a complete tree house for 500 points.

Therefore, based on estimates, this tree house would have cost a normal user like Alpha, Beta, and others 5000 guild points.

Rito discovered that by simply choosing five trees and pricking a small knife on each of them, he was able to watch the five trees flash with bright light, and a whole mansion appeared on top of them.

However, since all three of them were present and in need of a camp, he was only able to purchase that tree house.

'Huh! This is also possible, Huh!' Even though Beta, who had only been with them for four days, was not used to seeing things like that, she was able to sigh! and accept the situation as it was happening right in front of her.

"This is really ridiculous, right?" Rito laughed when Beta sighed in front of him, making Beta blush as she turned to look at Rito, who was grinning at her and could only nod, given that she thought that it would take some time to become completely familiar with things like this.

Even though she claimed to always be by Rito's side, she still gave Alpha more freedom to look around for other hero descendents.

"So, let's go and have a look inside the tree house." Rito excitedly climbed up, using the mana step, to jump all the way to 100 meters above the ground as he gazed at the tree house that resembled a mansion on top of the tree.

He then set the stairs down so that Beta could use them to ascend since her training had only recently begun and she was not yet accustomed to using Mana steps.

Rito, who had been using instant acceleration, accidentally used Mana within it one day and discovered that his body's explosive dash ability had greatly increased. As a result, a new skill called Mana Steps was developed as a result.

[Name: Yuki Rito] [Level 2: Un-assigned points: 100]

[Magic: 20] +++ Skill: Appraisal, Creator, Item-Box, Rejuvenation

[ATK: 16.1] +++ Title: Otherworlder, first-time traveler to a different world

[DEF: 15.2] +++ Skill points: ***

[AGI: 16.6]

[INT: 19]

[LUCK: 15]

[Guild Inactive (Currently)]

[Guild point: 700]

Passive System-Skills: Sword God Style (Master) || ********************************** ||

P-Mathematics Level 3 (127/150) || P-Social Studies Level 3 (34/150) || P-Science Level 3 (122/150) ||

P-English Level 6 (225/700) || P-Japanese Level 5 (211/500) || A-Hairdresser Level 3 (334/900) ||

A-Dash Level 3 (674/1000) || A-Jog Level 3 (700/1000) || A-Instant-Sprint Level 2 (999/1000) ||

A-Kendo Level 4 (784/100) || A-Mix-Martial Art Level 5 (446/5000) || A-Boxing Level 5 (700/5000) ||

A-Pianist Level 3 (120/700) || Mana Step Level 1 (100/1000) ||

"Wow!" Rito discovered a complete modern flat room inside the tree house, complete with everything he could possibly need, such as a refrigerator, television, fan, kitchen, washroom, and guest room.

Because the system was interconnected with the multiverse, the computers had access to the internet, which contains information from all dimensions and specifics.

On the computer, Rito discovered numerous novels that he had not yet read, as well as numerous volumes of manga, anime, and other materials.

Not to mention, Rito had watched several different Pokemon anime episodes and had fantasized about how he might become addicted to living in this enormous tree house for the rest of his life, if that were possible.

'If I could bring Mikan over here, she would have been thrilled to see this world, right?' Rito broke into a sad smile, and when Beta, who was looking on, noticed him doing so, she thought it odd and went to sit next to him to ask.

"What happened, Rito?"

"Ahh! It's nothing; I just missed my little sister from my world, that's all."

[Ding! The host has already finished the quest of this world and can return to both worlds at will. Plus, Host can also bring anyone of either world to and fro.]

"Eh!" Rito, who had been feeling depressed for a long time, felt strange as he considered bringing Mikan to experience this world as well.

Rito looked at Beta and contemplated something as the system responded way too quickly, as if picking up on Rito's emotions and words.

"Beta! Do you want to check my world?" Rito's question caused Beta to smile broadly as she questioned whether they should wait for Alpha to arrive before returning to Rito's world together.

6 months later!

Rito and Alpha were discussing their plans to travel to Rito's world when Alpha returned that evening.

Alpha suggested that once they had established themselves and gained control of this world, they should bring Mikan back. Rito agreed to that part and calmed his emotions as he remembered the face of that girl who died in his arm.

After all, this world was full of anomalies, and Mikan, who was a normal human, would be too weak to do things in this world and they might put her on the pinch someday.

Since then, Alpha has brought along a large number of additional guild members.

Eta and Gamma have grown particularly close to Rito as a result of their consistent tendency to sleep with him on the chair. If they see Rito sitting on the chair, they will often lean over and cuddle up next to him.

Rito did not mind these two adorable girls because he remembered how Rito had stopped Delta from killing her family.

In this world, Delta had become docile but was still a skilled fighter who occasionally went berserk.

Eta, on the other hand, adores the way Rito talks about things from his world and even buys them from the system so she can open them inside the tree house, reverse engineer them, and attempt to create them using this world's technology.

Since then, Eta's reverse engineering efforts have been going way too well, but she has always had a clear example in front of her.