
To Love Ru:A celestial Love

In the middle of the center of creation where the Celestial Sapiens live, there is a celestial child who has not yet formed his basic personalities, but instead has developed a peculiar personality. Seeing the way his brothers and sisters act at the center of creation, the celestial child decided to run away from his home so as not to be like his family. His destiny was earth to learn what human life is like. In this story we will follow the journey of this young celestial in search of a new purpose.

GrandMasterBRX · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Saruyama is a father?!

Days after the incident at the haunted old school, classes continue as usual.

Everything is going well when Mikado-Sensei visited our classroom with something to say to Lala.

She said that a package had arrived for her and told Lala to go see what it was when she finished the test.

After the test, Lala, Saruyama and I went to the terrace and saw that there was a large box in front of the door.

💭 This is the largest package I have ever seen in my life.

- Who could it be from? - said Lala, going to the box to see what the package was.

The moment Lala opened the box, a giant black Alien cat jumped out of the box.

💭 A giant Cat?!

The Cat tried to attack Lala and I, but we both managed to dodge the attack right away.

The Cat didn't give up and continued to try to cut us both using his claws.

He didn't hit our skin, but he managed to cut parts of my uniform and even took the Peke out of Lala's hair, resulting in Lala being naked.

At the same time, Saruyama was very happy with the free view. I can't deal withhim since I'm busy with the cat.

The Cat was going to attack again, but I pick Lala up in my arms along with the Peke and put the robot in her hair, making her clothes come back on. 

- Are you okay? - I ask.

- Yes. Thank you Akira. - Lala thanks me quickly and goes back to looking at the animal. 

- Peke, do you know something? - Lala asks.

- This is a Assassin. - Peke said.

- Another one? - I answer.

- Yes, it seems like someone wants to kill you both. - Peke said. 

💭 I wouldn't be surprised if it was just me, but Lala too..... anyway, it's better for me to eliminate this problem.

Just as I was about to act, the cat stopped moving and immediately fell to the ground in agony.

💭Huh? I haven't done anything yet, why is he in pain?

Lala approached the animal without fear and crouched down.

- You're fine. - Lala said to the animal.

- My belly hurts a lot. - said the cat in a somewhat feminine tone.

- Akira, can you take her to the nurse? - said Lala, looking at me with a serious expression, and I was surprised.

- Are you serious? - I said.

- It's not a normal bellyache! - said the animal.

- What? - Lala and I said together.

- It's labor pains. - said the cat in a low tone, but we all heard well.

- Pains? - Lala said this, not understanding.

- I... am pregnant. - The Cat confirms, taking Lala by surprise.

Lala, Saruyama and Akira: NANI?!?!?




I take the future mother to the infirmary and discover that Mikado-Sensei is not there, but Yami is inside.

Yami said that Mikado asked her to watch the infirmary while she is not available. 

I put the Alien cat to bed and then we hear the bell ringing to say that classes are starting again.

Lala and I decide to let Saruyama watch the Alien Mother while we go back to class and Yami leaves the room to get Mikado-Sensei. 


After a few hours the whole room hears the sound of a baby animal and Lala and I know what it is.

We both immediately go to the infirmary and see the mother cat with her baby in her arms and Saruyama wearing a doctor's uniform. 

- He was born?! - Lala said.

- He's a healthy little boy. Mommy is tired, so get some rest, okay? - Said Saruyama picking up the kitten.

💭I didn't know Saruyama was good at medicine!

- Lala-sama, thanks to you, I had a good birth. - Said the mother cat giving a small bow.

- Congratulations! - Lala said very happily and I was surprised by what I saw.

💭 Saruyama surprised me today.

- Sorry for being rude earlier. - said the mother cat.

- Of course! It's okay! - said Lala with a smile and the mother cat looked at Saruyama who was playing with the kitten.

- Before giving birth, I accepted a mission with the objective of taking your life and that of your fiancé on this planet. - said the mother.

- Don't worry! Okay? - said Lala with a smile taking the mother cat by surprise, but she smiled too.

- You should at least be worried about the person who sent her. - I answer.

- It's okay Akira. - Lala said with the same smile, seeing that there was no way to convince her, I let out a sigh.

- Okay, I'll ignore what happened. - I say this with my arms crossed.

- I really was silly. - said the mother crying a little.

- Don't cry. Nothing matters now that you're a mother! - said Lala.

- Yes... - said the mom with a smile.

- I bet your husband must be excited! - said Lala, leaving the cat mom with an expression of fear.

- About that... - The mother said that.

- What happened? - said Lala, getting curious.

- I don't know who my son's father is. - said the hot mom, taking me and Lala by surprise.

- What can I say... we know how to get by, live to the fullest. But it doesn't matter, the problem is that we are free, at best without rules. - said the mom.

💭In other words, they both did it and the father left right away. As wrong as it may be, I can't blame the nature they live in.

(A/N: The classic father who went to buy milk.)

- I know! In celebration of your birth, I'll give you a gift! - Lala said.

- No need... - Said the mother cat, but Lala didn't give up.

- Would you like a souvenir from Earth? - Lala asked.

- A souvenir from Earth? Let's see... - The mother says this looking at the room until she stares at Saruyama for a few seconds, I see this and I already start to understand everything.

💭 Oh-oh. This is not good!

The mother cat observes Saruyama, who is taking very good care of her son who seems to be very comfortable in his presence. Soon after the mother cat starts to get shy. 

She says something, but she covers the sound with the blanket, Lala asks her to repeat it and the mother repeats it louder saying that she wants Saruyama. 

This took the three of us by surprise as we didn't expect this answer.


- Saruyama, are you on Earth or in space? - I say this to him who is standing still like a statue.

- Saruyama! Do you want to be a reminder of Earth? - Lala asks.

- Wait a minute Lala, I think you got something wrong. - I answer, but the damage has already been done.

- NO WAY!!!! - Saruyama shouts and immediately the kitten starts crying. Saruyama saw this and gave the baby to me who immediately became quiet.

- Why did I want to be a reminder of Earth? - Saruyama said this with a serious expression and he leaves the room.

- Saruyama-san.... is angry. - Said the mother cat who saw everything.

- He's not. I'm sure he's just shy. - said Lala.

💭 I didn't feel any shyness coming from him Lala...


After that, Saruyama and I got our snacks and went back to our room.

- This is no joke, seriously! Bro. What are these space people thinking? - Saruyama said this, clearly irritated by what happened.

- Honestly, I'm surprised, I expected you to accept. - I answer.

- Don't bother Akira! I'm not you who can have any woman in the world! - Saruyama said.

- You're the one who keeps complaining in my ear all year that you're single and that you want to marry someone. Now that you have this chance, you refuse? - I say that.

- Yes! I want to marry someone, but I don't want to be a space object! There's a difference! - Saruyama said.

- There are other ways to have a souvenir, it doesn't have to be you. - I answer. 

💭Actually, this whole situation is a misunderstanding.

In the middle of our discussion, Lala appears, saying why we're eating slowly, and right after, Saruyama starts running, shouting that he doesn't want to be a souvenir.

Lala goes after him, but she doesn't catch him. 

To make matters worse, Lala tells Risa and Mio about what happened.

The two say that Saruyama would be a disgrace to Earth if he becomes a souvenir, but they will transform Saruyama into a suitable souvenir for Earth.

This resulted in the girls forcing Saruyama to wear a fish costume.

Saruyama starts running with the costume, but he bumps into Yui who was in the middle.

Saruyama is taken to the infirmary and the cat mother says that she would like Saruyama to become her husband and that he will become the father of her child, but she also said that if Saruyama is in a relationship, then she will give up being a memory.

Saruyama heard this and immediately ran to me begging for help.

- Help me Akira! You who are my best friend, help your brother here! Teach me how to date someone! I don't want to be a souvenir of Earth! - Said Saruyama throwing himself on top of me.

- Calm down Saruyama! Acting like this will only make the situation worse! Calm down first! - I reply.

- How can I stay calm in a situation like this?! - Saruyama said desperately.

- Do you want me to help you or not? - I say this and Saruyama immediately goes quiet.

- Let's go to the terrace first. - I say this.


- Okay. Saruyama, from what you told me. You don't want to be a souvenir. - I say this and he nods.

- Even if the mother cat really loves you? - I say this.

- If she really loved me, she wouldn't want me to be a memory! - Saruyama said, making me sigh.

💭 This is all happening because Lala got things mixed up. I know she does it unintentionally, but she needs to be aware of what she says so there are no misunderstandings like this situation.

- This is because Lala has no idea how we Earth dwellers act. She didn't do this with bad intentions. Because of this, the mother cat doesn't know exactly what a souvenir means to us humans. - I say this.

- What do you mean, Akira? - Saruyama asks me.

- What I'm trying to say is that all of this can be resolved through dialogue. - I answer.

- How? - Saruyama asks me.

- You simply talk to the mother cat about your opinion on this. By doing so, you would solve the problem of the souvenir and you would know that she really just wants you to be by her side. - I answer and Saruyama becomes thoughtful.

- But how will I know that she's telling the truth. - Saruyama asks me.

- From what I've seen, she's totally in love with you. I'd say that her situation is the same as what Lala feels for me. - I answer.

- How? - Saruyama asks me.

- Through her eyes. As the saying goes. "The eyes are the window to the heart." She really just wants a father for her child. I'd also say that you liked the kitten, right? - I ask him.

- Yes. I can't deny that I really liked the baby. Even if she and I work out, how am I going to deal with a cat alien? It's weird. - Saruyama said.

- Hmm... from what I know, her race is very loyal to the individual she likes. In other words, she would help you with everything you need, she would even defend you if necessary. - I answer, taking Saruyama by surprise.

- Seriously? How do you know that? - he asks.

- Let's just say I researched her race. With Lala's help, of course. - I answer.

💭 In fact, I used my powers to find out her race, but he doesn't need to know that.

- And now, Saruyama, do you intend to talk to her? - I ask.

- Yes, but I can't get rid of the fact that she's a giant cat. I don't want to offend her, but it's hard to ignore that. - Saruyama answers.

- And that's your problem? If it is, it's no problem, I'll solve it. - I say this, leaving Saruyama surprised.

- And how do you intend to do that? - he asks me.

- It's a surprise. - I answer with a smile.


After a few minutes I call Saruyama to the infirmary and when he arrives he sees the mother cat in an adult human form.

- A-Am I weird? Being in this form is a little weird for me. - said the mother cat, feeling a little embarrassed.

Saruyama didn't say anything when he saw the mother cat as if he had been hypnotized.

I transformed the mother cat and her son into human forms, but with certain differences. They still have their animal instincts, but they are not as strong as in their original forms, they have ears and a tail that didn't come out, I wanted to keep them so that they at least have something they are already used to.

As for the cat mother's appearance, she looks similar to Mikado-Sensei, but her hair is longer compared to Mikado's. Her eyes are golden with long black hair, she practically looks like a sexy model and Saruyama really liked it, due to his silence.

- You look beautiful... I can't take my eyes off you. - Saruyama answers without thinking and the cat mother got shy at the time. 

- T-thank you for the compliment... - The cat mother said this not knowing where to look. 

- I think it's better if we leave them alone. - I say this taking Lala's hand.

- Awwwww, but I wanted to hear their conversation... - Lala said pouting.

- I know, but they need to have their privacy, we don't want to disturb. - I answer. 

💭 I could have not interfered, but I felt like I should, I don't want to make my friend sad knowing the opportunity he has.

With that, Lala and I left the infirmary and left Saruyama alone with the mother cat.



After their conversation, my plan had a happy ending.

Saruyama fixed my understanding that Lala had made and agreed to take care of the cat mother's son alongside her.

The cat mother had no name, so Saruyama named her Himari. 

Himari now lives at Saruyama's house, helping him with his homework.

Mikado-Sensei heard the news and helped Saruyama learn how to take care of Himari's son now that he became a father. Overall, everything went well.




- I never thought Saruyama would be so happy now that he's with Himari. - Lala said, looking at the sky.

- I thought the same thing.  It doesn't even seem like he was the pervert he was before. Well, he still is, but at least he conveys this to Himari by talking about how pretty and hot she is, etc., but I could swear he still continues to compliment other girls, but this happens much less than before. - I answer.

- Love really changes people... it makes them do things no one ever expected. - Lala says this with a thoughtful expression.

- Hey Akira... - She calls me.

- Yes? - I answer.

- Are you in love with me yet? Did I manage to make you like me? - She asks me with a slight smile. 

It's one of those moments when Lala gets serious and I can't stop looking at her and as if even though I'm all powerful, I can't take my eyes off her.

For some reason I feel like I know the answer to her question, but I still can't give a definitive answer.

- Maybe... - I answer.

- Maybe? - she answers.

- I don't know what's happening to me right. It's like something inside me doesn't want to lose you, but there's a part of me that's angry that it's taking so long to get an answer. I'm sorry Lala for not giving a definitive answer. - I say this being completely honest and Lala smiles with a satisfied expression. 

- I understand... well that's good for me, it seems like I'm winning. I just need to wait a little longer... - she answers.

- Do you already know the result? - I ask, genuinely curious.

- This is a secret. A girl can't reveal things so easily, can she? Anyway! Let's go back? We don't want to get scolded by the teacher. - Lala says this as she goes down the stairs from the terrace and I just watch her go down. 

- I really deserve a punch in the face for not being able to answer what she wanted, but at least I didn't make her sad... I hope... - I say this.

💭 I promise Lala that even if your Father gets in the way, I won't allow myself to lose you. I swear that.

With a new determination I start to go down the stairs with hopes of more things happening in the future.