(Boy Love) ----------------- Someday you find someone and then they make you feel like the whole world but suddenly, you lose them just because... But you must find a way to get them back! Kaiden would never in a million years allow his feelings for Jake to get swept under the carpet but then even if he must love his heart's choice, there are toxic family demands to live up to. Short book
Zev stopped to swallow a lump back in his throat. He was still finding it difficult to believe Kaiden's outrageous talk.
''Are you trying to tell me, he just let you have your coat back and dumped you out in the cold? More like he rejected you?!''
''Not me. You, moron! But yeah, he did reject my offer to take him biking last night.''
Kaiden nervously sipped of the can soda he was grappling on to; one he was clearly using it as a medium to settle his nerves. He was unusually grumpy today.
Even Larry could attest to his awkward behavior just now at the refrigerator stand where Kaiden had just left, almost pushing past him with much aggression. In a dash, he was running up the stairs while Larry let his curiosity sink his eyes deeper in his head.
Last night..