
To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)

Once upon time I was a normal guy. Now, I am Kakarot, the clone of Son Goku created by Kami. There isn't much time, but I'll use it wisely, and go even further beyond. https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime und Comics
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94 Chs

Awakening 2

The second I walked out of the lookout residence and onto the large outdoor area all activity ceased. The five engrossed in training all froze in their tracks and turned towards me. Krillin was the first to react, breaking away from Tien and racing over, "Goku!" The bald monk cried, "You're alive!? And you're so young again!" There were actually tears beginning to form in his eyes.

To bad I'd have to crush that joy forming within him, because I may have Goku's memories up until he was thirteen years old, but I'm not Goku.

"Goku!?" Yamcha gasped and Yajirobe outright tumbled backwards out of the cross legged pose he sat in for meditation.

Ah Yajirobe, always good for a laugh.

Thankfully, I didn't need to explain anything. Kami who was standing a few feet from the entrance spoke up, "I'm afraid he is not the Goku you know my friends," the guardian of the Earth spoke up, "He is a perfect clone created by Mr. Popo some years back that was used to help Goku during his training with me leading up to the battle with Piccolo."

"What!?" Krillin shouted, jerking back, "He's a clone?"

I rolled my eyes, "Yes, I'm a clone idiot," I snapped, "But I'm not Goku, just call me Kakarot alright?"

"That name!" Krillin hissed.

I rolled my eyes again, "Yes I'd heard you had a run in with my older brother," I said drolly, "Don't worry so much Krillin, I'm a perfect replica of the original, meaning I even have the memories he lost as a toddler, memories about being a saiyan that he lost."

"You certainly talk a lot differently from Goku that's for sure," Tien finally joined in on the discussion having been silent up till now, "A bit arrogantly too."

My eyes lit up, "Tien, perfect just the guy I need." I replied. The others would be far too hesitant to do what I asked, but a former assassin like Tien should be able to help me out. "I'm gonna need you to come with me, oh and you as well." I told him, then added to that while pointed at Kami. That said, I floated slightly up into the air by pushing ki out from the bottom of my feet and hovered there for a moment.

"What, why?" Tien asked in confusion.

"I must confess that I too am rather perplexed." Kami added.

"Just come with me to Korin's," I ordered, "This will help out a bunch when the other saiyan's come trust me." It'll help me at least. A plan had already been forming in my mind the moment I woke up. With my knowledge of the future I know how strong I need to become. I need to become at least strong enough to deal with Frieza so he can't get immortality, a daunting task but it just made me excited at the prospect.

You gotta love those saiyan instincts.

I flew off without a second thought, dipping over the lookout in a moment and descending downwards to where I know Korin's is. They may be Goku's friends, but they're not mine. I'm really not interested in getting chummy with them right now. Though I kept my speed light enough for the other two to catch up quickly.

"So what's this plan of yours?" Tien asked as he got level with me, Kami following in his wake.

"Saiyan's are a warrior race, and we have a special ability." I replied, "This is something Goku has forgotten."

"What kind of ability?" Kami asked.

"It's called the Zenkai Boost," I replied, "When a saiyan is injured, when we return to full health we gain a a boost in power to adapt against what injured us in the first place."

"That explains so much!" Tien gasped.

It really did. Tien trained just as much, if not more so than Goku did. Despite that though, he was only slightly stronger now than Goku was when he fought King Piccolo. And once he healed after that fight, he'd gained quite an increase in strength in comparison to where he was previously.

Still, I'm not sure how this will work out. There are two main theories for Zenkai coming from Jordan's memories that I know of. One is that on average a saiyan only gets a 33% increase due to a zenkai, only very rarely do they get what is termed as a super zenkai and gain a multiplier boost, like how Gohan, Vegeta and Goku got stronger so quickly on Namek.

Taking into account Goku's strength against King Piccolo and the strength I have now, alongside the very minor gains I got from training against Goku during his training under Kami, then that one seems to be viable.

On the other hand, there is a theory that zenkai add more when a saiyan can feel a power so much stronger than their own. The stronger the power they feel around the, the stronger the zenkai they get. An instinctive boost to fight against all possible threats that seems very viable as well.

That could be troublesome. Popo is the strongest being on Earth right now. I sensed his strength the moment I woke up on the Lookout and know that numerically it's at 1,080. While I could reach that quickly in that sense, it would sliver down off as well after that.

"I see," Kami said softly, realization clouding his wrinkly features, "Are you sure about this? It's such a barbaric thing to do to yourself just in order to increase your strength."

The upcoming pain didn't really bother me. What did bother me though was spending all my time constantly training. I'm not going to waste my life like the Goku did in the original timeline, there are plenty of ways to shorten the amount of time I need to train and I'll take advantage of any and all of them. I wonder if King Yemma's fruit really exist? I know they appeared in a few games besides the filler episode they were in, so it's possible. A couple of those could save me a hell a lot of time and energy.

"There's no time to waste Kami," I replied, "If a little pain helps us save the world then I'm fine with it."

A moment later we touched down in Korin's home. The tubby white cat was already standing at the ledge to meet us.

"Well well well," Korin hummed, thumping his staff on the floor, "It seems you're pulling out all the stops aren't you Kami?" he said, looking right at me.

"It cannot be helped old friend," Kami replied, "I'm quite glad I did though, for it seems something has occurred that even I did not anticipate and our young friend here has retained even the memories of the saiyan childhood that Goku lost."

"Hoh, well isn't that interesting," Korin hummed one more in interest, "So what can I do for ya?"

I stepped forward, "Korin, how many Sensu Beans do you have left over?" I questioned, getting right to the point.

"Ah, I've only got two left from the last batch, that fatso Yajirobe keeps munching on them when I'm not looking," the cat wrinkled his nose as he replied, "I started on a new batch the moment I sensed what happened to Goku, it'll take a good year for them to be ready though." As if by magic, he held up one white paw and a brown near empty looking little bag appeared held within his grasp and held out towards me.

Only two, I clicked my tongue. The fat blob! If it weren't for him I could make stupid gains rapidly. I sighed deeply, it'll have to do. One for now and I'll use the other just before Nappa and Vegeta arrive, maximize my gains. I accepted the bag and grabbed one before tossing it to Tien.

The bald man caught it deftly before staring at me seriously, "Are you really sure about this?" he asked, brow furrowed.

I hesitated for only a moment before I replied, "Yes," I needed to test the zenkai quickly and I needed to get stronger as quickly as possible. Pain was just a hurdle I have to deal with and overcome, "I chose you Tien for a reason, because you're the only one who has the resolve needed to do this. The others would wimp out on me."

Tien snorted, "Glad to be of service I suppose," he said dryly. I always liked Tien after he mellowed out, he wasn't anywhere near the hassle the others were to deal with. Goku might have been fine with it, but I'm pretty sure their shenanigans will annoy me quickly.

I stepped up and stood just a few steps from the tall three eyed warrior, "Hit me with your best shot Tien," I told him, no trace of joking in my voice, "Don't hold back at all. In order for me to get the most out of this, you need to bring me as close to death a possible."

A bright golden light erupted throughout the tower and all I felt was pain exploding from my abdomen.​