
A battle won


With its increased strenght, the creature grabbed the side of the ship, pushing it back and forth in an attempt to scare out the scientist. When that did not work, its syringe like appendages shot out towards the ship, puncturing through it in the hope of reaching him.

At least, that was the plan.

Every hand that had reached out to tear into the ship had been blocked.

Ban and Lafitte had grabbed a hand each, while Shinobu had cut the syringe appendages into tiny cubes, too fast for the eye to follow her sword.

"There is one thing you should not touch, no matter how heated the fight becomes. Trying to sink our ship is a bad move. I believe our captain has some unfinished business."

Ban kicked the creature backwards, pushing it straight back towards Akane's direction.

She had been waiting for it, her swords at the ready as Amaterasu made a downward slice, a current of black flames shooting outward and cutting of all the remaining syringe-like appendages. The black flames did their work smoothly, as the cut of parts remained aflame, slowly but surely spreading towards the creatures torso.

"Hurts! Daddy... Hurts!"

The creature screamed, trying to put out the fire waiting to consume it, only for the fire to spread out towards its limbs.

The golden beating heart in its chest shined in renewed vigor, the glow pulsing outwards. Another person suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Her figure was small, pale and fragile compared to the creature. Yet her demeanor was anything but weak, as her very presence seemed to blot out the struggling weak creature.

Her form, glowing golden in color, resonated with the golden hues coming from the creatures' heart.

Akane switched her gaze between the girl and the creature, a hint of recognition when she looked at the girl. A thought popped up in her mind, as a grin started to form on her face.

She had a clue, one that might fix this whole situation all together if it played out well.

"Lafitte, go fetch him."

Akane ordered, turning her attention back to the creature, who now looked at the girl in agitation and fear. So her guess had been correct.

Rushing forward, Akane switched her main weapon, Amaterasu, for Tsukuyomi. She had a different purpose now, one Tsukuyomi was better equiped to deal with than Amaterasu.

She could feel her sword thrum in annoyance, earning a chuckle from her as she placated her sword with a few comforting words, causing it to shudder in delight.

Tsukuyomi however, shook once, showing his aversion to Amaterasu's particular behavior.

Leaving her misbaving sword aside, Akane gripped Tsukuyomi tighter in her hand, getting in stance as she slowed her breathing. Her eyes darted out her route, assuming the best possible attacks to pull off what she had in mind.

Water breathing: Third form: Flowing dance.

Rushing forward, her Tsukuyomi bended forward as she moved around the creature in a flowing movement, her blade following her every move as she swiftly but precisely began to cut of parts of its body.

She didn't stop, as her form began to switch between the third, the fourth and tenth form. Her speed increased further and further, as the creature didn't get any chance to react. While her devil fruit powers were not much use in a battle like this, her sword play and the breathing style she learned from Shinobu were perfect against an opponent such as this.

He devil fruit powers were better used against less beast-like opponents, giving her sword play a prime chance to show its use against an opponent such as this.

The creature screamed out in agony, as it became too weak to move, with only its head and torso remaining of what was previously a boosted body. Its gaze lingered on the girl in front of it, small, little Alice. It had dreamed of the girl, her memories. They were so...nice...so peaceful.

Those were the last thought the creature had as Akane carved out its heart with pinpoint accuracy, just when Lafitte arrived at her side with the scientist.

The man yelped out in surprise, his hand moving so fast he barely had time to react. In his hands he held the still beating heart of his daughter, his precious girl who somehow had made her way to his side.

He crouched down beside her, still not believing how her weak body had arrived her, yet remained silent as the heart in his hands dissolved into particles of light, which were getting absorbed into her body.

From the side, Akane watched in amazement as the once pale body of Alice got a rudy complexion, her eyes fluttering open and a pair or amber eyes were staring at her.

Not at the scientist, who was huggin Alice tightly.

Not at the surroundings, that were surely much different from before.

No, Alice was staring straight at her, a small smile forming on the girls face.

"Thanks for helping her fall asleep. She's been so tired and sad."

Alice muttered, freeing herself from her father's hands and crouched down to pat the creature's smooth head with a hint of affection.

Under their gazes, Alice grew up, her body growing in proportions and filling up in the right places. Her few pieces of clothing she had been wearing were barely covering her body now, as before them stood a tall, very tall, adult woman.

If she hadn't heard the story before, Akane would have doubted the parentage of the woman in front of her.

Alice, now in adult form, towered over everyone present, even Ban, as she stood at a towering length of 13.1 feet (around 4m).

Looking at her now shrunken down surroundings, Alice laughed aloud.

"Wazazazaza! How odd. I have never felt like this before, how curious. Is this what it feel like when you speak with your smaller colleagues, papa? You are all so small, wazazaza!"

Her laughter, sounding a bit weird, made everyone brighten.

Her father even more so.

"You've become so beautifull, Alice. You make me so happy."

"Oh papa, why are you crying."

Alice bent forward, wipping away the tears that spilled down her father's face.

Turning towards Akane, Alice practically beamed in delight.

"Thanks for helping my dad. He has been such a worrywart ever since I ate my devil fruit. If there is anything we can do to repay you, just say so. Dad is a pretty good scientist. He even made my body better than before."

Alice hummed, a pair of white batwings appearing on her back, no doubt due to the tinkering the scientist had done to her body.

The scientist nodded even harder, no doubt agreeing with his dauther.

"Of course, anything. Just say the word and this Marcellus will help you with anything, be it making clones or even the Germa raid suits, I have worked on almost everything Germa was working on."

The scientist, now known as Marcellus, was patting his chest in pride.

Akane hummed in thought.

Previously, the islanders had spoken with Ban, saying much the same. If she put everything together, she could make this her base in the New world. With Shinobu's, Soren's and even Marcellus's help, she could fortify this island, making it a place to be reckoned with.

Soren would handle the modifications, creating defenses that would be hard to penetrate. Ban would surely love to test them out, making them sturdy enough to maybe take on a buster call.

Marcellus would be able to empower the citizens, making sure they did not fall prey to the strong that ruled this sea. So far, he could give them all monster powers, as well as improve their own normal bodies. He could even make them raid suits, should she provide the funds, something she would get back to later.

Lastly, Shinobu could make hazardous environments, ones that would keep unwanted people away from the inner parts of her base.

Now all she needed to do was improve the ecosystem with her barely used power to control plants.

She would make this a paradise for those that followed her, a place to return should they need one.

Now she just needed to make the impossible possible.

"I think I will take you up on your offer. There is just one thing I want to ask you."

Akane's eyes met Marcellus's, a devious glint making itself known.

"Do you know anyone else in Germa or across the sea that needs a place to live?"