
To Be The Stepmom Of The Main Villain

Hana, a smart law student who loves reading comics, suddenly wakes up inside the world of a novel she’s been reading. She has transmigrated as Duchess Vivian Thornfield, the stepmother of Damian, the main villain who will one day destroy the world. Realizing her new role and the significant impact she can have, Hana decides to change Damian’s fate, which was warped by a lack of affection and the cruelty of his stepmother. In a world filled with noble intrigue and family conflict, Hana uses her intelligence and legal knowledge to survive and get closer to Damian. With a strong determination to prevent the impending destruction, she tries to build a relationship with the boy, while also dealing with her cold husband, Duke Marcus Thornfield, and the pressure of a palace full of secrets.

Yuhi99 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Rejected Seeds of Love

Vivian walked through the long corridors of Thornfield Manor, unease creeping into every step. The white marble floors gleamed under the sunlight streaming in from the large windows, but none of it could quell the anxiety gnawing at her thoughts. Her last conversation with Damian kept replaying in her mind. The boy had been so cold, looking at her like she was an unwanted stranger in his life.

"Why do I always feel like I'm doing something wrong when I talk to him?" Vivian muttered to herself.

She knew Damian was deeply hurt, a wound that hadn't healed since losing his mother. That pain had only been made worse by the cruelty of the previous Vivian. Even though she understood that, it didn't make things any easier.

Knock knock knock.

A soft knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. A neatly dressed maid entered, her head slightly bowed, her expression polite but rigid.

"Duchess, lunch is ready. Would you like me to call Master Damian to join you in the dining hall?"

Vivian looked at the maid for a moment, as if processing her words. Damian… eating together… It was a nice idea, but also seemed so far out of reach. She reminded herself that Damian always ate alone in his room.

"No, thank you," she replied softly, trying to give a kind smile. "I'll be there soon. Let Damian eat in his room if he prefers."

The maid bowed respectfully before leaving. Vivian stood there for a few moments, lost in thought. I can't let this go on, she told herself. Damian's been isolated for too long. If I don't start trying to reach him now, when will I?

Determination began to build inside her. This time, she would go to Damian. If he wouldn't come down to eat with her, she'd bring his meal to him. Maybe this could be a small chance to start building a connection.

After a few moments standing in front of his door, Vivian raised her hand and knocked softly.

Knock knock knock.

Silence. No answer.

Vivian knocked again, a little louder this time, trying to overcome the awkwardness that hung in the air around her.

Knock knock knock.

Still, no response. But she knew Damian was inside. She could sense his presence behind the door, filled with the dark energy that seemed to dominate the room.

"Damian?" Vivian called gently, her voice barely audible. She waited a moment, but there was still no response. Finally, carefully, she turned the door handle and opened it.

Inside Damian's room, the atmosphere was immediately different. Heavy curtains blocked all the windows, casting the room in near darkness, despite it being the middle of the day. Damian sat at the edge of his bed, his back to the door, with his hands folded in his lap. He looked so small in the large, gloomy space.

"Damian?" Vivian called again, a little louder this time.

Damian didn't move. "Why did you come in?" he asked flatly, without any interest, still not turning to look at her.

"I came to have lunch with you," Vivian replied, trying to sound warm.

But it was clear from his tone that he wasn't interested. Vivian's eyes drifted to a small table near the bed, cluttered with empty plates and half-eaten meals.

"You didn't need to bother," Damian replied coldly, finally turning his head slightly. His icy blue eyes glanced at Vivian briefly before turning back to stare ahead.

Vivian approached cautiously, keeping her voice gentle. "I want us to start having meals together, Damian. You always eat alone, and I thought… maybe it would be better if we could do it together."

"Hmph." Damian scoffed. "Since when do you care?"

Vivian paused, absorbing his words. "I know I haven't been a good stepmother to you," she admitted quietly. "But I want to change that. I want us to have a better relationship."

Damian gave a small, bitter laugh, devoid of any joy. "You and everyone else never really care. You just say what you think I want to hear."


The sound of a plate nearly slipping from Vivian's hand startled her. Damian quickly averted his gaze, avoiding further eye contact.

"I know you're hurt, Damian," Vivian said after a brief silence. "And I know you're angry. But I really do care. I know it's hard to believe after everything, but I want to try."

"You don't know anything about me," Damian hissed, his voice sharp. "You don't know what I've been through."

Vivian held her breath for a moment, then slowly exhaled. "Maybe you're right. But I want to listen to you. I want to try to understand."

Damian fell silent, staring at the floor for a moment before finally speaking. "Don't bother. There's nothing you can do to change anything."

Vivian felt a pang of sadness at his words, but she wasn't ready to give up. "I won't give up, Damian. I know you might not want to hear it right now, but I'll be here. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be here to listen."

Damian didn't respond. His gaze remained distant, and Vivian knew that this conversation wasn't going to go any further today. But it was a small step. She had opened a door, even if just a crack, that Damian might someday step through.

"I'll leave lunch here in case you're hungry," Vivian said, placing the plate on the table. "I'll come back tomorrow, and we can try again."

As she walked out of Damian's room, Vivian felt a complicated mix of emotions. She hadn't won him over today, but she also hadn't been completely shut out. Maybe, with time, she could show Damian that she truly cared.