
Chapter 6: For Every Lock There's Key

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Jan 29, 2022

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To Be Hokage - Chapter 6: For Every Lock There's Key

"Oh, Damn it to hell ", Jiraiya cursed his umpteenth time today. As he pulled his slightly singed hand back from gates of a compound. The said compound was none other than his prized student's home, The Uzumaki compound.

Looking closely at his hand, he saw slightly burnt hairs and skin from his attempt to test the seals present at the outer walls.

"Damn, these seals are tough nuts to crack, I am sure I could break them and move in, but that would destroy my 'noble' purpose", he giggled at his joke.

It was around afternoon, and he had been here since morning. It had been quite a task to send those pestering ANBUs away from here. After his act with Naruto last time, ANBUs were given some additional instructions from Kushina. They were quite wary of him. It was a good thing these ANBus were somewhat still gullible to his tactics. He had sent them after Naruto and his friends at a public park.

He had got the basic structure of seal down, so as he prepared for his next permutation for 'key seal' he thought out 'Its almost done, I will have access to at least the compound if not the house today It's first time I have had complete access to test these seals, if Kushina was here she would have been alerted by my tampering as soon as I started, I'm told she's coming back today. If only I had more time. Damn, why did I have to go to Kusagakure and pick that brat personally,' Jiraiya thought almost out loud.

Flashback to Kusagakure

After asking his informant to smuggle the girl to Kusagakure outskirts, Jiraiya met and collected the girl. The girl was quite distressed, especially at the sight of him, but that was given as he had heard she was a sensor. He had tried to calm her down, but the brat hadn't listened to him a bit. He still remembered her lashing words, " Stay away from me, you pedo pervert." and at that very moment, he was convinced she was an Uzumaki given her tantrums and anger.

Honestly, she compares him, the great Jiraiya, with that 'Paedophile' Orochimaru. He wasn't his teammate Orochimaru. So he had to resort to hard tactics with slight use of genjutsu he had sent the girl to sleep. Putting the girl on his back, he raced at top speed towards Konoha. Thinking of the girl on his back, he was sure Kushina would adopt her. He had inwardly cursed at the girl, for she would soon be having full access to the house where he had been forbidden. So it had been during this trip that he got the idea of tampering with seals using Minato's DNA. And if Minato's DNA comes in short, he would take Naruto seeing Kushina seemed to link seals by blood.

Upon entering Village Yesterday, he straightaway made way to the Hokage Tower with a now awake girl who was using her fists to throw punches at his back, all the while shouting at him. Thankfully it was dark, so no one could see him. Otherwise, he was sure he would have been given the title of 'Paedophile' alongside a pervert.

In Hokage's office, Sensei had updated him about Kushina's diplomatic mission. He had immediately raised a fist in the air at the opportunity and giggled, much to the ire and amusement of his Sensei, who looked at him questionably.

He introduced the girl to Sensei, who had calmed somewhat after some talks and soothing words from Sensei. Honestly, He sometimes was surprised by the way he handled kids.

After taking the girl to the Konoha Hospital, he introduced the girl to Tsunade. The girl instantly jumped to her side. Tsunade did a basic checkup on the girl and took out some blood for genealogy tests.

He was flirting with Tsunade, and it seemed she was in a good mood too. But as soon as he was about to ask her for dinner, the brat complained about how he threatened and kidnapped her. Tsunade's good mood evaporated, and she turned to him with narrowed eyes and her hands forming fists; he rightfully ran away from the hospital to avoid her. She would punch him first and ask questions later.

Flashback end.

He looked at the new permutation he had drawn on paper then, drawing said permutation back on his arm, inspected it again. Double-checking it again, he pushed his arm forward while bracing for the impact and backlash. He again received burning sensations as he pulled his hand back. "Not This one too, I'm so close. So close yet so far."

He gritted his teeth in frustration and started working on another permutation.

Kushina, alongside her protection detail, moved at full speed towards Konoha. They hardly stopped, other than stopping by for a brief period for lunch at Land of Fire borders.

She could notice the tiredness of some members of her protection detail. They had just crossed one of their own outposts in the fire country. She was sure news of her arrival would have been forwarded to headquarters. Looking up at the dipping sun on the Horizon, she sighed. 'It looks like I would reach home an hour after the sunset' her thoughts moved onto her son ' I wonder what Naruto has been up to. Did he miss me as much as I have missed him? Or did he forget about me ?' she shakes her head at last thought.

'There is no way he would forget me right ?'

They just reached a stream, and they could see a small town at some distance. Kakashi, who was just behind her, called out to her, " Kushina-sama, I think we should have some refreshments here at Nanporo town. We are near our village, and I think the team could take a little breather."

She looked in the direction of said town then at her protection detail, especially one in a crow mask, that one seemed like Nara and looked ready to keel over any moment.

She wondered how he made it to Anbu, but then again, they were moving at high speed for more than twelve hours with just a short lunch break. She conceded not everyone was a stamina freak like her. And thinking further, it wasn't like she had to go straight to Tower and report about her trip. It wasn't an emergency. Other than setting her late by an hour, having refreshments didn't have any fault.

She nods, and The team moves towards the town.

Though she didn't know why she felt like she should reach home as soon as possible. It was like something was going on behind her back. She ignored that feeling and started chatting up with the team about recent events.

Meanwhile, at Uzumaki compound, the sun started to set and Jiraiya, who had barely made it inside the perimeter. He was now checking on another set of seals that covered the house, cursing his luck as he felt a new ANBU team coming over to take the shift and guard the compound. Looking at the purple-haired cat masked Anbu, he double cursed his luck ' Of all the teams of ANBU, it had to be one under her. Guess I will have to try my luck some other day but thank sage, I made it inside perimeters, so it's a little win in my book.'

With that, he slowly moved back outside the perimeter of the compound, still hidden under camouflage Jutsu. Though he couldn't help glancing at purple-haired ANBU, more specifically her tight athletic figure, 'Damn, what are they giving kunoichis these days ? Its like they feed them something to grow up like that. Its one after another. I think she would make a perfect character for my next story Pushy Clients and Bitchy Guard' He laughed internally as he licked his lips.

As he moved out of range of ANBUs, he heard Neko masked Anbu speak up " Strange that Taka left his post to watch Naruto-sama and his partner Kuma-san also left position before time and met us halfway the route to Anbu headquarters."

Another Anbu answered, "It's not like he had guarded anyone here other than the compound, and we all know how violent Kushina-sama's seals are. Someone would have better luck snooping in at Hokage tower filled with Shinobis than trying out their luck here."

Neko nodded, " That's true I guess."

Jiraiya sighed in relief he had barely made it past the outer perimeter, and he didn't need Kushina spooked by Neko about a possible breach. He didn't have the confidence to go through the vile seals again, and he didn't know if he would get any further opportunities like this with Kushina out of Konoha.

looking at his singed hands, he sighed ' I better get them checked by Tsunade. I don't know if Kushina had applied any hidden traps in her seals that may affect me and get to see if Tsunade has cooled down.'

With that, the Sannin made his way towards the Konoha Hospital.

"Mikoto-ba, when will Kaa-chan come ? You said she would come today." Naruto whined to Mikoto.

Mikoto, dressed in her usual household dress, pinched his cheek. "Mo Naruto-kun doesn't like me, don't you like me or like it here ?" she spoke as she bent to his level.

"That's not it , you are the best, " Naruto shouted as he freed his cheeks from her grip.

"So who's better Kushina or me ? " She gripped his shoulders as she asked him to get close to his face in a sing-song voice.

His face turned red, and he sputtered, "That's not it Kaa-chan is Kaa-chan and Mikoto- ba is Mikoto-ba" He tried to release himself from his grip to no avail

taking pity at him she released him and laughed," Mo, you didn't understand the question at all " seeing his confused expression she continued

"Kushina will come sometime today, Naruto-kun. Why don't you go and bring Itachi for dinner. He has been assigned to watch you today " She smiled as sees his eyes widen from news about Itachi.

Honestly, that kid was so easy to handle, so much like younger Kushina when she used to split her attention to other things using the same tactics.

An ANBU had come and told her about Kushina's arrival. Sandaime had sent Anbu thinking ahead, knowing well about Kushina that she would be coming here directly for Naruto. She, in turn, sent one of the clan members to the gates to notify her of Kushina's arrival. She sometimes felt a bit jealous about Kushina having such a considerate mentor. Had someone supported her in her endeavours during her youth, she would have been the first female to head the Uchiha clan. Suppressing her past thoughts about becoming clan head, she looked at the watch, which showed it was just Half-past seven. ' Guess I should prepare for her arrival as Knowing Kushina she will come like a whirlwind without a care about time and place.'

She stopped her thoughts and saw jubilant Naruto and Sasuke pulling a reluctant Itachi to the room. Itachi had forgone the mask, and she nearly laughed out loud when she saw one of his eyes twitching at some words said by Naruto.

It had been quite late when Kushina and company made it through the main gates. She greeted the guards at the gates As Kakashi returned from signing entries. After thanking the team for their efforts on the trip, she bid them good night and dismissed them. With that done, a big smile blossomed on her face as she made her way towards the Uchiha compound.

And as she approached the compound, she was surprised to see Mikoto standing at gates alongside Itachi, Sasuke and a very excited Naruto. She was barely a few steps away from Them when Naruto ran towards her. She barely reacted in time to glomp her son in her arms " Kaa-chan, you are back, l missed you so much. You know Hinata witch was again mean to me she even challenged me to a game of Hide and seek . She is such a cheater too, using her super eyes for games."

smiling at her son's antics, she sighed in relief while internally singing, 'He didn't forget me.'

After placing kisses on his cheeks, she took his hands and moved towards an amused Mikoto.

Upon reaching close to her, she was engulfed in a hug by her friend " So how was the trip ?" Mikoto immediately asked.

Releasing herself from her grip, she gave her friend a pointed stare " I am alright too, Thanks for asking," she replied sarcastically.

Mikoto chuckled " uffu Yes I can see that"

Kushina smiled back, "Trip went well enough. Thanks for taking care of Naruto "

Mikoto nodded. "Well Naruto-kun was such a good boy ". she winked at Naruto, causing him to look the other way, she then looked at Kushina " I know it went well but I want details, Woman. "

Kushina sighed. "Mikoto I am tired from trip how about next time "

Mikoto smiled, "Well I guess I can wait." She then looked at Itachi, who came forward and handed her Tiffin. "Look, I made you dinner knowing you would be tired . Aren't I the best ?" She giggled at Kushina.

Taking the box from her, Kushina beamed, " Thanks Mikoto And you are the best . Guess it's already late. We will meet soon."

Mikoto nodded " Good night Kushina and yes I will hold onto you to that, I still need details from your trip" she then looked at Naruto and ruffled his hair " Naruto-kun don't be stranger, Comeback anytime, We can continue our swimming lessons."

Kushina raised her eyes at the mention of swimming lessons as Naruto sputters. After bidding the Uchihas good night, she took Naruto's hand and marched towards their home.

"So Naruto wants to tell me about swimming lessons ? " She asked her son

Naruto looked away. "Um, I don't wanna talk about it, Kaa-chan. "

seeing his discomfort, she stopped and then started to talk about his activities during her absence.

As the mother-son duo walked and neared the Uzumaki compound, they didn't notice Jiraiya sitting on one tree.

Jiraiya had after basic nursing on hands by Tsunade and again got brutally rejected by the said blonde. He noticed young Karin was with Shizune, and it seemed she was pretty intrigued by iryo Ninjutsu. But upon sight of him, she shouted, "Pervert." He had been surprised by her reaction but on seeing the expressions of Shizune and Tsunade. He came to the conclusion that they taught the little girl that word. He had whined to Tsunade about demeaning his reputation among kids but seeing the expression on his old teammate, he thought better to retreat and lick his wounds.

He was having dinner at Jonin lounge when he saw Kakashi enter. Making two and two, he guessed Kushina was back, so here he was now camouflaged in the tree looking at Mother-son duo.

Soon he saw them enter the compound gates and then into the house and lights of main halls opening up. As some time passed, he looked on from his spot towards the aforementioned compound. Jiraiya contemplates whether to try his luck or not.

Finally, Making up his mind and ensuring no one was nearby, he slowly made it down from his hiding spot. He made his way to the place where he had made a hole in the sealing matrix of the compound. Taking a deep breath, he drew the key in his hand and slowly pushed it towards the invisible boundary. Jiraiya was sure his heart would leap out of his chest at any moment, and his face was sweating with possible ramifications if his seal failed this time. He sighed in relief as his hand made past the perpetual border without any reaction. Slowly he moved his body. He felt slight jolts signifying that his seal was still imperfect, but when he received no further signals of his failure, he slowly made it up the walls of the compound. Now that he entered the compound, he saw lights from the main hall turned off and lights on the first floor where he knew Minato and Kushina's bedroom had been turned on counting his lucky stars as he slowly climbed up the tree, which was the same tree he remembered when he tried to spy on Minato and her.

Inside the house

After entering the home, Kushina quickly took Naruto to his room. After much whining and promise from her to sleep beside him tonight, she left him to his devices. As She entered her room, she turned on the lights and opened the windows for the fresh air to circulate. As she turned back with curtains now half-open, Not bothering to close them in the security of her house. She was completely unaware that the voyeur who was at that moment had breached her compound's shields and was climbing up the Sakura tree.

As Jiraiya reached the perfect viewing spot on the tree and hid himself under the camouflage Jutsu. Looking through the window, he saw his target, Kushina, turning her back to him. She was slightly bent over, looking for something in her drawer. Jiraiya got the perfect view of her tight Shinobi pants-clad ass.

Jiraiya was excited at the prospect of getting a free show from the redhead. He hoped he was right, and his guess turned right when he saw Kushina pulling out some clothes from drawers. He controlled his squirming as he drew out his 'research' notebook and pen from his jacket.

He looked in wonder as he saw her jacket come down and get thrown to the side. The very next moment, he saw her raising her hands above her head, and her blue Shinobi shirt pulled away from her body. As the cloth moved up from her back then above her head and finally threw away like the jacket. Jiraiya's hand got busy as he started to sketch the beautiful redhead. For the first time in his life, he saw Kushina like this dressed in just mesh armour and white chest bindings underneath. He could easily guess that she was at least suppressing a cup size. He didn't know when but he started getting hard on it. Finally, having the sight of the forbidden fruit.

His heart skipped a beat as he saw Kushina stop and look in his direction as one of the small dry branches broke away where his right hand was.

All the fear of getting caught and the possibility of being beaten to death by the redhead caused him to be rooted to the spot. He saw Kushina looking into the darkness, particularly at his location, but all fear turned to ecstasy as he got eyes on the redhead's barely covered body. As the light fell on her through the mesh armour, he could make out a very detailed picture of her skin.

With pants tied well below the navel, as his gaze moved upwards, he saw alabaster coloured skin peeking through the netted armour.

His gaze stopped as he saw subtle signs of her breathing as her breasts moved up and down. With a pointed expression on her face as she bit her lips, his little man raised to full height, forming a little tent on his pants.

He released his breath slowly and for the second time in the night, slowly wiped stress out his forehead as he saw the redhead turn back.

It seemed Kushina was too sure of her security seals. He wanted to chuckle at her face and laugh out loud, but a greater sense prevailed. With the memory of her front thoroughly engraved in his memory, he watched in anticipation as the redhead pulled up the mesh armour, and like the rest, it joined its other compatriots.

Time seemed to have slowed down as Jiraiya saw a trickle of sweat move down her bare back. Jiraiya thanked the 'God of perverts' for this opportunity. His hand had stopped sketching her a while back. Instead, one of his hands was holding his junk over the top.

He held onto his breath as he saw Kushina bent slightly forward with hands holding on either side of her pants. He watched as those slowly peeled down her legs. As they moved down Jiraiya, saw her black panties clad ass. With her bending forward, he could see panties sticking to her core though he couldn't make out much due to their black colour, but as he saw her stepping out of her pants, he now got a full view of her voluptuous figure. He didn't blink as he devoted sight of her clad in just bindings and underwear.

His heartbeat was racing at an uncontrollable pace. He wanted to jump forward and glomp that woman and have away with her.

He withheld his excitement somehow, and as he saw Kushina undoing knots on her bindings and slowly they dropped away from her body layer by layer.

His anticipation grew as he saw her reaching out to the waistband of her panties. She Had bent a little forward, and He saw panties pushed a bit downward, giving a slight glimpse of the starting of her butt cleavage.

This posture would be forever stuck on his mind, the nude curvaceous redhead dressed just in panties that were pulled down a little. He despised that he couldn't see her front side, but he could always imagine from what he saw earlier.

Just as he wondered if he would get her complete picture, he saw her stop and move away from his viewing angle.

He heard the click of the door opening, and he saw the washroom lights lit up.

He cursed his luck, he had almost seen her naked, but it seemed she had moved into the washroom for showers.

When Kushina returned, he was disappointed to see her dressed in a pyjama top and pants. Albeit they seemed to be a tight fit around her body. His all excitement turned down further as he saw redhead turning off lights. 'She's probably going to check on Naruto', He thought.

He slowly made it down the tree and moved to the other side of the house just outside Naruto's windows. Just as he had guessed, Kushina was talking animatedly with her son.

He saw Naruto placing his head on her lap as Kushina told him about travel which, of course, seemed over the top with mention of giant animals.

"Kaa-chan, don't close the lights. Sasuke says ghosts come in the dark." Naruto said. Unknown to Naruto, Sasuke had played him once he knew Naruto was afraid of the ghosts.

Kushina chuckled at her son. "There are no ghosts here, Naru-chan."

Soon Naruto seemed asleep with Kushina lying beside him. He saw him unconsciously grabbing her breasts. Jiraiya cursed, "That lucky Devil."

As time passed, He saw Kushina's eyes closing and her breath becoming slow and stable. 'Guess that's all the action I would get tonight.'

He looked at the redhead, more specifically at her rising chest. He wondered if he would ever get a chance to glomp those.

Shaking his head, he slowly stood up' It's the maximum progress I have made with her. If that seal remains unchanged I will have more opportunities.'

He slowly made it out of the compound and moved in the direction of his house. He had sketches to make and scenes to write. Today was a productive day. He giggled loudly as he was outside on the roads.

One of the few stray street dogs started barking at visibly skipping Sannin.

Had Jiraiya held on for a few more minutes, he would have seen first-row action from Kushina.

Kushina Pov.

Kushina originally had planned to get a full soaking at her private onsen. But after a request from Naruto, she had quickly eaten the delicious meal provided by Mikoto.

While changing, she had felt like she was being watched, but after carefully looking around at the surroundings and feeling seals working, she had quickly discarded the thoughts.

So after quick showers, she quickly joined Naruto after internally giggling at his fear of ghosts. It seemed Naruto took more after her than Minato as she was also afraid of ghosts.

So while she took place beside her son, who slowly reached the realm of Morpheus.

She didn't know when but she slowly also fell asleep.


"Hey who's that ?" A man was heard saying

"What's she doing here? " Another voice interrupted

Kushina opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by naked men in an onsen. As her face heated up, her attention immediately went to things hanging between their legs.

Dicks of various sizes and colours flew vividly around her vision.

"Hey What are you doing here ? Are you some kind of pervert ?" A faceless man asked.

She tried to speak, but no words came through her mouth, just sputtering sounds made it through.

As the band of naked men converge on her. Surrounding and slowly constricting the free space around her. She tried not to focus on their 'tools'.

"Wonder if she is some kind of female voyeur ?" A man spoke

"Well, she seems to be doing quite a poor job then , by showing her presence." another replied.

"Well now that she's here between us it's quite not right for her to be the only one with clothes." A dark-skinned man spoke as he moved towards her and-


"ah ! ", Kushina sat up. Looking around, she saw Naruto sleeping peacefully.

'What was that ? Am I really dreaming about that onsen trip? ' She thought. Looking at the clock, it seemed hardly an hour had passed.

As She stood up, she felt the material of her top brushing on her nipples. 'They got turned on during the dream ?'

Kushina kissed Naruto's forehead and adjusted the comforter. Closing out the lights, she moved to her room.

She didn't bother turning the lights on. She felt gentle cool air coming through the window. The natural light from the moon had illuminated the room.

She sat on the bed with her back resting against the headrest. "Was I really turned on in a situation like that ? Even though it was just a dream ? "

She unbuttoned the pyjamas top, and similarly slowly, she pushed the pyjama pants down her rump as she totally discarded them by kicking them through the air. She hadn't bothered to wear underwear under pyjamas. She hadn't known she would get such a vivid dream.

So now practically naked with just a pyjama top which also had been split open.

With one of her hands grabbing her breast, specifically stroking her nipple, the other hand started to massage her labia. She felt slight dampness, a telltale sign of arousal.

As she worked on herself, she imagined Minato stimulating her. "Ah Minato ! Ah ! please come soon." Words inadvertently left through her mouth.

Though as she imagined Minato pushing inside her at one moment, her mind played tricks on her by enlarging his piece.

As inner Kushina exclaimed, ' There's no way that thing can be that big, My mind must have played tricks dattebane.'

So as the usually virtuous lady turned wild with her moans breaking through the silence of the night. She tried hard to focus on the thoughts of Minato making love to her, all the while trying to keep away from thoughts from the scenes from onsen and the dream, especially down to men's junks.

In another part of Konoha, Jiraiya, who had been drawing sketches of Kushina, sneezed. 'Wonder if I'm missing something ? ' He shakes his head ' Nah nothing , Today I had one of the best shows in my lifetime.'

He giggled perversely as he continued on his sketch. Looking around the table, there had been different sketches of Kushina in various positions with a Man that suspiciously looked like Jiraiya himself.


On another note I have decided to post smaller chapters as they would help me push out faster and in better quality too

A big thank you to redlox23 and anonymous for doing the final read.

Please comment/Review. Do post what you liked What you didn't.

I would love to hear from you.

So How did you like Jiraiya's first intrusion into her seals? What more would you like to see

A big thank Y'Rhul, mordrre, Hurion, Seras_von_Raatko, Paradox009 , Kingkong101, Tempestuous God of Valour-77, Slugman91, Lnotvre alongside guests for putting up reviews .

Suppose you have any questions or suggestions regarding the plot. Kindly do post in review. I would be happy to answer them, and if tips are leaning to story design, I would definitely try to include them.

Again if you want to join my discord server feel free to join here. You can join my discord server (Sublime Vectors)

Server invite code: N8bhcKVXd5

Until next time!!

MrVectorPath Out!!