
Wave 2

We make our way out the gate so Master can release his anger. Once in a familiar field Master walks straight up to the closest balloon monster, he has a look of pure anger on his face

"Master Naofumi, what happened with those people from earlier" (Raphtalia)

"I don't want to talk about it. Both of you stay back. I really just feel like punching the fucking hell out of something right now. DAMN IT ! DAMN IT ! DAMN IT !" (Master)

'Hm this isn't right'

"Master, the wave is starting soon wouldn't it be better to save your strength and release your anger la-" I say while materialising until I was interrupted by Master

"Shut up, Saber. Just let me do this" (Master) he says while still repeatedly punching the Orange Balloon monster

'The only reason they are with me is because their both forced to follow me, otherwise Raphtalia would of left with Motoyasu and Saber wouldn't even be here. That's right their both Women just like that bitch Myne, even if I explain myself they'd never believe me. SO WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE TO FIGHT THIS BATTLE ?!' (Naofumi)

"𝐷𝐴𝑀𝑁 𝐼𝑇 !!" (Master)


Time skip (15mins)

After Master got out his anger we headed back into the city I made sure to go back into my Spiritualized state to not arise attention like last time

Raphtalia suddenly stops and says "Master Naofumi..." (Raphtailia) this also gets Master and I to stop in our tracks.

"What ?" (Master)

"No its just, well... when I think about how we'll be fighting together, I'm filled with an emotion I can't properly describe... im so grateful to have met you, Master Naofumi. I mean, you have given me a way to live.. you've given me a way to fight back against the wave." (Raphtalia)

"I'll be in trouble if you or Saber die, I'll do what I can, but I'm not sure whether I can properly protect both of you until the end" (Master)

"I realise that, I'll do my upmost. Iam your sword. I'll follow you wherever you go." (Raphtalia) she says that with so much conviction I find it almost impossible to stop my self materialising and speaking to her.

'I'll do it at a later date'

"Yeah... good luck with that" (Master)

'How can he say that ! She'd be a perfect Knight if she fights with as much conviction as she speaks'


As soon as it hits zero we're Teleported to a forest

"We were teleported...?" (Master)

"Where are we...?" (Raphtalia)

I materialise still I my armour but with the addition of Excalibur coated in invisible air "Master, look at the sky."

Both Master and Raphtalia turn to look at the sky

"The sky is breaking apart ?! That... the wave of calamity !" (Master)

We all notice that a bunch of monsters mainly zombie type monsters some small some bigger than around 9ft

"Hm ?"

I turn my head along with Master and Raphtalia to see the other Heros and their parties rush past us. Probably going straight torwards the boss monsters.

'They shouldn't all go for the boss, what about the surrounding villages. They don't deserve to be called "heros".'

"It's them ! Let's not follow them yet we have to check the surrounding area first..." (Master)

While Master is looking at the other "heros" Raphtalia find something

"Master Naofumi. It's the coal mine ! Ryute village, the town that helped us so much is near here !" (Raphtalia) she says this while pointing at a near by mine

'Hm I don't particularly remeber what Ryute village did for them. My brain is still a mix of memories that I'm still trying to put in order.' While I've been Spiritualized I've been trying to but my mix of memories In order which may take a while but it'll be all good soon

"I guess there is no way that they are done being evacuated..." (Master) he then turns back to face the "heros" which are now very far in the distance "Wait, you guys ! We need to evacuate the the villagers first !"

I turn to Master "Master, I think we should head to the village you speak of post-haste, I don't think those "heros" will be attempting to help the villagers anytime soon"

"I bet their gonna take all the credit for this... Let's go Raphtalia, Saber !" (Master) 

We then run as fast as we can

"Master I request to run ahead using prana" 

"If it gets you their faster, then do it" (Master)

"Hn." I nod and channel prana into my legs to use prana burst


After about 2 minutes of continuous prana burst I make it inside the village and start to attack the zombies making sure to attack the ones closest to the villagers, I slash horizontally at a zombie which is attempting to maul a person, its green blood splatters all over me

I rush into the centre of town and flare my prana to catch the monsters attention which works perfectly, I'm surrounded on all sides, this is going to be eventful

Naofumi POV

Currently me and Raphtalia are just about to enter the village when we're met with a few zombies around the outskirts

Me and raphtalia split up to cut down as many as we can om the outskirts so we can get into the centre of the village quickly, while I'm killing a zombie I forget to check behind me until I feel the air above me change and feel a breath on my back so I instinctively roll out of the way, but even if I didn't get hit the shock wave it formed threw me back I look up to see one massive 9ft zombie.

'Ow, damn it ! Why do I have to go this far for those who have treated me like shit ! No one even cares about what I do. Its retarded that I have to put my life on the line like this !'

Just as I'm giving up I hear a familiar voice "Master Naofumi !!" (Raphtalia) she then decapitates the big zombie, she turns around to look at me "are you unharmed, Master Naofumi ?!"

"...yea, I'm good." I look up to notice a huge group of bright yellow light falling straight at us.... 'that's.. "Raphtalia !!" I grab her and cover her with my cloak taking the brunt of the fire magic falling at us.

"As I would expect of the shield hero. You are quite tough." (Guard)

I smirk " the guard ?! So you guys finally showed up..." I hear Raphtalia grit her teeth then I see her dive at the guard infront of me

"If you knew Master naofumi was here, then why did you attack ?! Know that depending on your answer I may not be able to forgive you !" (Raphtalia)

"I can't be certain why, bu-" (Guard) As he was talking he is cut off by another familiar voice

"You do not have the right to call yourself guards let alone Knights, you don't even guard the people you swore to protect. No you kill them, you kill them with no regard to who dies just so you can make your job easier. You sir disgust me." (Saber)

We all turn arou nd to look at her and there she is crouched down with green blood all over her surrounded by dozens upon dozens of monster corpses

"Saber ! Are you okay ?!" (Raphtalia) she starts to run torwards her

"Yes, I'm perfectly fine. None of this blood is mine I certainly don't bleed green" (Saber) she nonchalantly saying while standing up and walking over to me

"You ! How dare you speak to me like that !! I'll have you executed !!" (Guard) at this point the guard looks like he's gonna burst a blood vessel

We turn back torawards him but stop as we see the same monster that caught me by surprise earlier plus some extra friends

"I stayed nice and quiet just so I could see you become food for all those monsters. Not too bad a view, if I say so myself."

Just then the biggest one slams down its axe missing the group, but succeeded in throwing the group into shock

"UWAHH !" (Guards)

"Don't panic ! Everyone quickly prepare yourselves" (Guard)

'They won't get into formation fast enough.. here it comes again'

I dash forward and block the attack taking the full brunt of it and throwing dust and dirt everywhere, while it's recovering

"Raphtalia !" She jumps and stabs the sword straight through its head

"Saber ! Take out the stragglers"

"Understood, Master" (Saber) she runs in with Raphtalia to take out the smaller enemies

"Listen up ! These guys are the closest, so we're gonna fight them ! I'll take on their attacks, you aim for those openings !"

"Why you .. a criminal like you are to give us orders ?!" (Guard) I turn around just in time to see a zombie swing for him

"Air strike shield !!" A green shield appears between the Guard and the Zombie while the zombie is recovering another guard runs in and finishes it off

'I've gotta tell them like it is then'

"The enemy is flooding out of that fissure. Don't misunderstand my intentions ! I can run away and leave you guys to die anytime I want !"

This catches Raphtalia and Sabers attention, though Saber hides it very well... just like "that" women

But just as I finish speaking Raphtalia draws my attention to the sky "Master Naofumi... the sky, the sky is returning back to normal !

Time skip (10mins)

Once we have cleaned the village of all monsters Saber and Raphtalia approach me

"Master, should I spiritualize so we can preserve the little Mana you have left ?" (Saber)

"Yeah do that."

She then disappears in a flury of blue particles, I was about to start walking when I heard Raphtalia start to speak

"I... did my upmost, did I not? I limited the number of kids who might become like me, didn't I?" (Raphtalia)

'She looks like she's about to cry.'

"Yeah." I put my hand on her head to rub it "you did well. That goes for you as well Saber"

"*whispers* 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟" (Saber)

P.s I hope you like this chapter, this is probably my favourite chapter to write so far so i hope you like it as much as I liked writing it ❤❤