
Titled Honor

Titan, the Title Hero seems to be stuck at level 1. While his stats increase at the same rate as a normal human progression, his level refuses to budge. Until a disastrous occurrence changes his fate.

Mr_Djx · Fantasie
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3 Chs

Memories Of Reality

"Eons ago, it was said that devils and Gods coexisted in a singular realm. And all known realms were once forged together as Primordial Soup. With no form, the universe chaotically functioned yet was brimming with energy."

"However, the two races did not happily coexist. Their interactions only left bloodshed and destruction in their wake. That was until, Loki the God Of Mischief stole the seed of Yggdrasil. Using it's power, he divided the eternally expansive realm into different separate spaces and reduced the devil and god's former power into ethereal dust, banishing them into their own realms forever."

"As the progenitor of the universe and post the rewriting of reality itself, Loki infused his essence with the seed of Yggdrasil to hold the realms together and give the dimensions its own unique properties."

"And that is the origin of the universe as we know it." A man riddled with gray hairs across his jawline smiled to those existing in front of him. He wore white dress like clothing made of cloth and tightened around his waist by a brown leather belt.

"WOAH!!!" Sitting in front was a group of children gleefully baffled at the story that unfolded before them.

"Everyone give a hand to Mr. Weissman!" A woman with a very soft and calming voice. The children rejoice as their hands clap together rapidly to display their appreciation for the story they were recently informed of.

"Thank you, thank you." Weissman sways his left hand diagonally in a gentle fashion to the children.

"Okay kids, Mr. Weissman will be leaving us soon so if you have any questions for him, ask now."

Their ecstatic reached its peak. The children raise their hands with joyful smiles. "Ooh! Ooh! Me!"

Delighted and eagered for their questions to be answered, one by one they attempted to get to each child before Mr. Weissman had to leave.

"Titan, it's your turn." The teacher said.

Titan, a child seemingly larger than the others lowered his hand. "Mr. Weissman, was Loki the hero of your story?"

Such an innocent question. Even though it was innocent it puzzled Weissman. From an outside lens, Loki was the hero of the story when taking the story at face value. But was his deed truly an act of heroism? "Heh, who knows." Weissman rose from his wooden rocking chair, towering over the seated children. "Maybe Loki was the villain of this story all along and heroes don't always win. We'll never know." The old man with a creak in his voice rolled his shoulders.

"But one thing we do know is that without Loki me and you couldn't talk face to face like this or live in such peaceful times. So maybe he's a hero to us. It's all perspective."

After answering Titan's question all of the other children had new ones they wanted to ask. But Weissman's eyes were glued to Titan. There was this look Titan had on his face. As if he had more to ask but was reluctant to open his mouth. Weissman could see his longing for knowledge. The greed and anxiousness that follows his unanswered questions only bothered the child yet pushed him to discover more.

As the old man departed, everything faded to black. THUD!! "Ugh." A man shorter than the standard refrigerator was laid out on the floor right next to his bed. He slowly rises from the wooden floor of his room. His hand rest on his lower back as the pain of falling off the edge of his bed settled in. RING!! A melodic chime resonates throughout his room. It was coming from his dresser on the left of him. It was a small alarm clock.

Standing up, side ways, and blocking his field of view, his hair was frantically everywhere. Frizzy only defined a portion of what his hair looked like. That tired expression covered his face. A groggy moan escaped as the alarm continued to ring on and on. TINK! He knocked on the button on to of the alarm clock. The time was 6:18 am. Right after he did so, he rushed across his room. "Shit!! I overslept!!!" Clothes fly across the room from his dresser.

With black dress pants and a button up dress shirt, he heads into the bathroom buttoning his shirt up. SHK! SHKA! SHKA! SHKA! The bristles on the toothbrush drenched in toothpaste and water sweep across the surface of his molars and incisors. He scrubbed his teeth down swiftly within a minute. His mouth flopped to his chin as it was scrapped to perfection using the toothbrush. All of that was spat and rinsed with water.

Hot water burns his face to rid himself of any grime or bacteria. He got completely ready for the day. Using water and grease he moisturizes both his hair and scalp. His fingers brush through his hair until they reach the back of his skull. After quickly straightening his hair, he ties a rubber band on it to put it in a pony tail. Only one part of his hair slumped over his face. He then grabbed his satchel and headed out his room. He grabs a piece of bread and bolts to the front door.

"Bye ma!" We pan over to a picture of a young boy smiling on his mother's lap as the door creaks and shuts close.


"After further research was done, scientist theorized that there may be a particle more miniscule than a quark. This theoretical particle was then labeled as a . Each Fermion particle is said to be able to carry 10²⁴ spiritons." The sound of a stick of chalk tapping against a board rose up as the explanation of what seems to be spirit properties originates from the teacher Mr. Ferguson's mouth. "Now at first when the theory of the spiriton particle was first presented, scientists around the globe rejected the idea because at the time there was not sufficient reasoning or evidence to even slightly back up the probability or plausibility of the theory being true. That was until Project 36-STF. Project 36-STF(Soul Transfusion) was a study done to gather evidence for the Conscious Wave Theory, a theory that states that living AND non-living objects all have a soul or consciousness. In a collision of high energy to observe a reaction of the smallest scale occurred resid-"

The explanation was cut off by the knocking on a wooden door. The teacher looked at the door as it opens. "Titan Camelot, you're late."

"I'm sorry Mr. Ferguson. I overslept." He chuckled lightly.

"It's your first time Titan, do not turn this into a habit. You're a star student at our school. Okay?" Mr. Ferguson tilts his head down to look at Titan with his bare eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Ferguson. It won't happen again." Titan awkwardly was staring at Mr. Ferguson's feet instead of his eyes.

"Now have a seat." Mr. Ferguson then continued his lecture while Titan headed to the third row.

With Ferguson's voice in the background, Titan pulled out a small handheld device. It had a rectangular surface with round edges. Touching the screen twice in succession turned it on. It was a phone. He kept his phone on his lap while a voice recorder was on. He unzips his satchel to retrieve his laptop.

After entering his password he opens up Macrosoft Word to presumably type down his notes.

"The mana residue the scientist discover on the Fermion particles released new findings on Mana functionality." Mr. Ferguson's Mana Mechanics class was one of the few classes Titan loved attending at Arthur's Magic University. It truly encapsulates the foundations of Mana and leads to where Mana originated from. Which fascinates Titan.

After his first 3 classes was over, he had one last class he had to partake in. That was the Hero Training Class.

The Hero Training Class were for people who specifically gained the Job .

Jobs are archetypes designed by the Source to aid human advancements and survival. Each human is granted a Job that may either be random, based on inheritance, or experiences. Additionally, arrogance was built up within the Hunter World which includes the Heroes as well. The special treatment added on with the history that comes with the Hero Class inevitably created a structure that gives birth to arrogant jackasses left and right. Beings so prideful that a mosquito stinging them may hurt their ego.

The form of jobs known as the Hero Class is a group of jobs that grant the unyielding potential. Each class may represents an aspect of humanity.

Those with the Hero Class are said to be the defenders of the world. They are placed on the front lines of any interdimensional invasion.

Titan's job was the Title Hero. A new class that has never been recorded before. So unfortunately, there was no one capable of training him according to his class.

Usually when given a Hero job, one's stats and potential rises exponentially. However, Titan's physical capabilities and Mana capacity did not change. He only gained a Title that was labelled but blacked out. Even after his 3 years of training at Arthur's Magic University

Titan arrived at the area for the Hero Training Class. The coach instructed that they should be equipped with their light armor they were given along with the weapon the chosen from their last class.

The class meets up next to a bus in front of the university.

"Hey I thought you'd be too scared to come today. Guess I underestimated you short stack." A Blondie nudged a Titan's chest with her elbows smiling while doing so.

"Nice to see you too, Joan." Titan responded.

Joan wondered. "Have you finished making that P.A gun yet or what?"

"No, I have not finished my Particle Acceleration Gun since I don't have the materials or the funds to finish it. So I moved on to a more cheaper project."

Joan whined. "But I've been dying to get my hands on a sniper that shoots beams of energy. That'd be better than this bow I'm stuck using."

"Why not buy one of those Magic Snipers?? Can't you get your older brother to buy you one of those?"

"I can't use those. Magic Snipers are required more mana than a bow, more training, and weigh more. Overall, I just think the bow is better so I'll stick with this." She explained to Titan.

A memory hit Titan's dome after she compared the two. "Oh yeah, I've made something for you."

The kid with the Sword Hero Class a look of aggression deeply rooted in his eyes while looking at Joan and Titan hold a conversation. "Can't believe father is still okay with her speaking to that illegitimate child."

"Right!? How did a level 1 weakling like him get a hero class in the first place." Henry commented on the matter.

Within the world of hunters, strength is presumably everything. To settle a disagreement between hunters a duel is taken place. If territory is wanted, violence is ensued. These are the common societal standards of the Hunter World.

"There isn't much we can do if your father is okay with their relationship." Marco said. "Let's focus on our training and worry about him later."

".....Yeah....you're right." He turned his back to them with a small curve on the edge of his lips form.


"There's no way you made this for me!"

She held a more technological induced bow than the traditional one she had on her.

"I spent a month making this. I made the handle out of a flexible yet durable polymer. It's base is a constructed out a light weight and flexible metal only possible thanks to the Monster Cores you lent me last month." He pulled out a utility belt from his satchel. "And I also made you this. It's a holster for the arrow tips I made. Each arrow tip is reactionary. Imbue some of your Mana into it and it will transform into a full grown arrow." Titan geeky iterated to Joan.

She wrapped the belt around her waist he explained it's offensive mechanisms. CLICK!! Joan hurriedly pulled out one of the many arrow tips he made. Something wraps around the arrow tip as a cyan light is dimly produced by the input of Mana. A column of energy pushes out the hole that is of the opposite direction of the arrow head's point. The arrow shaft, fletching, and other portions of the shaft were made from simply embedding her Mana into the arrowhead.

"And if you change your mana's nature into fire, water, or whatever nature of your choosing then the arrowhead will accommodate for that. And you can call the arrowheads back to your belt using the Mana Link Formation Technique."

Sparks jolt across the arrow's shaft just as its color changed. "This is amazing Titan!!! This is so much better than carrying all of these useless arrows!!" She dropped the arrows and the traditional bow then folded the bow into the sheathe Titan made for her. The arrow's mana dissipated as she placed the arrowhead back inside the pouch on the utility belt. Her arms open wide and pulls Titan in close.

Titan only being 5'6 was swept up by the height of his best friend when pulled in for a hug. His face sinks into the cleavage of her large breasts. "I almost forgot she was so strong." His legs kick after they left the ground.

"Mmmmh!!" After a big hug, Titan was let down.

"Alright!!" The Coach projects his voice for all to hear. "Everyone on the bus."