
Title : The Enigma Unleashed: Vijay - AN UNTAMED FORCE

In the mystical continent of "Bharatvarsha" , a land steeped in ancient traditions and martial prowess, the legacy of martial arts has endured from time immemorial to the far-flung future. In this captivating tale, the realms of humans, and "asuras", collide, and the echoes of divine powers intertwine to shape the fate of the world. As the factions of humans hone their combat skills and delve into the sacred arts of hand-to-hand combat and weapon mastery, a looming threat emerges from the depths of darkness. The "asuras" , masters of forbidden arts, fierce and cunning warriors, join forces to plunge "Bharatvarsha" into chaos. Amidst this epic struggle for dominance, the enigmatic "devas" and "gods" bestow their gifts upon chosen champions. These extraordinary individuals possess powers beyond mortal comprehension, heralding a new era of heroism and sacrifice. The fate of "Bharatvarsha" now rests in the hands of these warriors.

Silence_of_Scribes · Aktion
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7 Chs

"Whiskers on the Train: An Unforeseen Encounter"

Vijay was leaning against the window, mesmerized by the landscapes and sceneries as the train passed through vast meadows of golden wheat, swaying in the air, as if saying hello to the onlookers.

Soon after, the vast grasslands were followed by rivers breaking and merging through them. The eyes of Vijay and the kids sparkled with enthusiasm and curiosity as they leaned against the windows, as if ready to break out of them at any moment.

As the journey further continued, the sky became saffron as the sun gave the alarm of its tiredness, yet the children were still gazing at the scenery without any break.

With a screech, the train jolted to a sudden stop, causing the children to tumble and collide with each other.

"Ouch...!" a kid muffled, pushing the others away from him. "I thought I was a goner. Stand up... get off me," another one grumbled, shoving others aside.

"Attention... all instructors, report to your positions! A horde of beasts is approaching," the pilot announced, alerting the counselor and instructors.

"Beasts... where are the beasts... where?" the children clamored with enthusiasm, pressing their faces against the window, as if the word "beast" was the only thing that mattered in the entire announcement.

"All the children, stay away from the window sides and sit on your assigned seats. Hold onto something to stay firm," the pilot instructed firmly.

One by one, the children settled into their seats, gripping armrests and straps tightly.

The counselor stepped out of the train, his heart pounding with concern. He needed to assess the situation for himself and made his way to the pilot's cabin, anticipation building with each step.

"What's the situation?" he asked, his voice revealing a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

The pilot gestured towards the radar monitor displaying several ominous red dots closing in on a solitary blue dot. "Have a look," he replied somberly.

"The blue dot represents our train, and the red dots indicate the approaching beasts. However, keep in mind that this is just an estimation, and the actual number of beasts might be larger than what appears here."

"Attention, all instructors, to the pilot's cabin immediately! I repeat, gather at the pilot's cabin now!" The counselor's voice boomed over the microphone.

The instructors quickly reached the cabin, where the counselor and the pilot stood.

"What's the situation, sir?" one of the instructors asked, his brow furrowed.

"The beast horde is closing in. We need that shield activated now," the counselor said urgently, waving the pilot to take action.

The pilot headed inside the cabin, deftly operating the controls to activate the shield. He glanced back at the counselor. "All ready."

The counselor and the instructors stretched out their arms, projecting magic circles over their palms as they shot beams of energy onto the "yantras" engraved on the train buggies.

As the mystical energy surged through the 'yantras,' these ancient devices began to radiate a mesmerizing glow, projecting a protective shield that seamlessly enveloped the train, like a honeycomb embracing its hive.

Meanwhile, the relentless beast horde drew ever closer, approaching like a tidal wave of destruction. Though fearsome in appearance, a flicker of terror danced in their eyes, as if they were fleeing from an unseen predator of utmost dread.

Caught momentarily off guard, the instructors skillfully countered the beasts' strikes, creating barriers just in the nick of time to withstand the ferocity of the assault.

"All of you, fall into formation! Prepare your battle gear and focus on diverting their path. We must avoid unnecessary conflict," the counselor's voice rang out with urgency.

"Yes, sir," the instructors responded in unison.

Chanting ancient "mantras," the instructors channeled their inner power, and with a burst of energy, they manifested into formidable warriors, donned in gleaming armor and battle gear.

"Yodhas at the vanguard! Archers and mages, provide ranged support from the middle! Healers, hold the rear!" the counselor commanded with unwavering authority.

"Yes, sir."

With unwavering resolve, the 'yodhas' brandished their shields and swords, pushing the relentless beasts aside, while the archers and mages unleashed a barrage of arcane spells and arrows, skillfully altering the horde's trajectory.

Despite their valiant efforts, some of the more elusive beasts managed to collide with the train, causing it to jolt and sway violently.

In the midst of these events, a white energy ball, moving in the air as if it had its own consciousness, tried to enter the train but got repelled by the barrier.

After some consecutive hard tries, it finally passed through the barrier and the train, silently entering the buggy.

"Mo... moooo... mooo....." the white ball silently dodged the sights of the children and moved through them.

"Moo... mumu... moo," it moved swiftly yet confusingly, as if searching for a place to hide. Just then, it spotted a bag with a little open space beside a boy sticking to the window.

It silently and hastily hid inside the bag, and soon after, a little white glow radiated from within. The glow dissipated with some movements inside the bag, unbeknownst to the boy.

Meanwhile, the relentless beast horde finally passed through, leaving the instructors and the counselor somewhat relieved.

However, their brief respite was shattered by an explosion of tremendous energy deep within the forest. Shockwaves rippled outward, awakening the entire woodland.

"What... what is that?!!..." the instructors exclaimed, their faces filled with astonishment and concern.

"This level of power... we must act swiftly and move. It exceeds anything we could handle," the counselor declared, motioning to the pilot to take action.

The healer, displaying remarkable skill, aided the instructors in restoring their energies. Together, they made their way back into the train, prepared for a swift departure.

"Hmmm... swish..."

Seamlessly and silently, the train glided through the forest, its passage leaving the flora undisturbed until the train's form blurred into the distance.


Upon the canopies, dark shadows appeared, their gazes directed toward the fading train, as if observing its departure with eerie intent.

"Hmm... it's all gone wrong," the man with a dagger stained in blood muttered from the shadows, his voice laced with anger and frustration. "This was such a golden opportunity to capture it. Can't you idiots handle a simple task correctly?"

"Sorry, sir... but I think that might have gotten inside the train," the other man replied nervously.

"Hmm... where is the train heading to?"

"Um... I think, sir, it's the train of Takshila Academy."

"Well... that might be troublesome... or might be good though..." The man with the dagger turned toward a commotion inside the forest.

"Let's head back, but before that, leave a part of the Takshila University uniform here."

"Yes, sir," the others nodded and headed out of the forest, leaving behind a piece of the Takshila University uniform.


"Thump... thump... thump."

A massive shadow loomed over the discarded uniform, followed by a deep bellow.



The next day, the train pulled into the "Vidyanjali" city's station, its metallic surface glistening with a faint yellowish-saffron glow under the enchanting blue moonlight.


"All right, everyone wake up. We have arrived at the 'Vidyanjali' city's station. Pack your things up and get off the train," the instructor's commanding voice cut through the drowsy air, rousing the slumbering children.


The instructor's voice woke up Vijay from his sweet dream. With a sleepy smile, he stretched and greeted the sun's rays streaming through the window. He then made his way to the washroom, eager to freshen up after the long journey.

He washed his hands and mouth, brushed his teeth, and headed back to his seat to pack his stuff up.

"Pranam, instructor," Vijay greeted the instructor while folding his blankets and cleaning up the seat.

Till now, almost everyone had woken up and was packing up their stuff while greeting and chatting with each other.

Vijay had no one to chat and chuckle with, so he quietly tied up his shoes, tidied up his uniform, and got ready to get off.

"Hmm... I think my bag has become a little heavy, or it only seems that way to me," Vijay thought, hanging his bag on his shoulder.

"Alright, everyone, enough with the clatter and chatter. I want everyone down within 5 minutes, got it?" the instructor's authoritative command echoed through the carriage.

"Yes, sir," the children chorused in unison.

Vijay ignored the thought and made his way to the exit gate. As the train's gate hissed open with a resounding "click," Vijay's eyesight briefly faltered, adjusting to the sudden exposure to the morning sunrays and the rush of fresh breeze.

Stepping down from the train, he gazed upon the sprawling station. Its grand architecture, although not vastly different from the one they boarded, held an air of significance and grandeur.

But in the midst of things, unbeknownst to Vijay, there was some slight movement in his bag , as a little tail covered in small, soft white hair, with a fluffy tuft end, popped up from his bag.




....✦Chapter ended you "otakus" what are you looking for, I am not providing the meanings✦...



Words and Meanings


1. Yodha - A "yodha" is a warrior or fighter, typically used to describe someone skilled in combat or engaged in a battle.

2. Pranam - "Pranam" is a respectful gesture common in Indian culture.

3.Mantra - A "mantra" is a sacred or mystical phrase, word, or sound, often repeated in meditation or prayer for spiritual or transformative purposes in various religious and spiritual traditions.
