
0 - Vasilias (Prologue)

The world as we know it was a large spatial cosmos known as the Universe. Somewhere in this Universe is a galaxy called the Milky Way. The Milky Way was a grand dazzling spiral, and if it was seen from a distance, it will be white in appearance.

It was named the Milky Way by the astronomers who founded it because of the appearance it depicted as a milky trail in the night sky.

It was a majestic cosmic body that could make anyone that gazed upon it to drop in awe from entrainment. However, the Milky Way is but one of the many grand galaxies that existed in the Universe, so its existence was not very unique, but not horrible either.

Like all other galaxies, it was made out of stars, a large body of stars. Those stars vary in size and shapes as well as appearance. Some were burning blue while others were dim red. There were some that were white as well, but those stars were few in numbers and also very rare. Some stars have a planetary system of their own and these stars were called House.

One particular House in the Milky Way galaxy was an orange hue in tone and was somewhat golden in appearance. Interestingly, if you get close enough to it, you can actually see that it was, in fact, whitish-blue in color instead.

Such an appearance for a star is quite normal. However, this particular House was extremely large, far larger than any other stars or Houses that existed in the Milky Way galaxy, or the neighboring galaxies around it. In fact, it was so large that even some of the smallest planet that orbited around it, had the size of a small star, while the largest, had the size of a regular star.

Among this gargantuan planets, one of them stood out among the bunch. Its size was not very large, only comparable to a small star or perhaps, slightly smaller. However, this planet was unique and if the surrounding planets were sentient, they could only gaze in grief and envy.

This was because, of all the planets in this planetary system, this planet had a blue background. It had several green and brownish solid landmass above the blue background. White clouds seethed above the landmass and a blue glow surrounded the planet. More importantly, this planet gave off an aura of life, which was extremely rare. This planet was called Vasilias.

Planet Vasilias was brim with vegetation and life. An innumerable chain of mountain ranges scattered everywhere among the landmass. The mountains were quite large, with the shortest being only tens of thousands of meters tall. Given the size of the planet itself, the number of mountain ranges on it was countless.

The planet was made roughly sixty-percent of water. Small landmasses could be seen scattered over the body of water. This 'small landmasses', however, was as huge as a continent that belonged to a smaller planet.

Even though Vasilias was already considered an extremely rare planet for having harbored life, it was far more enigmatic than anything else in the world.

That was because it exuded another aura, a second aura. This aura defies the laws of physic and the norm of our physical realm. The aura it emitted conforms with the supernatural and laughs at the face of scientists who believes otherwise. This was the aura of mystery, fantasy, and magic!

Planet Vasilias was a world of magic and monsters! It was a world where the Heavens and Gods exist and the Underworld and Demons coerce. Vasilias inhabits strange and amorphous creatures, mysterious and terrifying ones too. At the same time though, there were majestic and breathtaking, elegant and gorgeous, and incredibly mighty looking lifeforms as well.

Among the hundreds of thousands of lifeforms, however, not many were sentient beings. Those that did achieve sentience of the highest order became superpowers of their own respective lands. Among this ranks, three races stood above all of them all. They were the Demons, Elvens, and Humans.

The most mysterious of them all was the Elvens. They were the children of nature and followers of the tree of wisdom, Yggdrasil. They possess a long lifespan with a thousand years being the minimum. They were masters of magic and rune arts. Coupled with their unique ability to tame powerful beasts and communicating with nature, it ensured that they remain glorious throughout their reigning years.

The Elven race was quite bizarre as they were not a race with one single species. Instead, the Elvens was a group of race bound together by their common beliefs and status as children of nature. The majority of the species that made up the overall of the Elven Race were the Pixies, Fairies, Treants, Gnomes and of course the Elves. With the Elves unsurprisingly being the leader of the race.

The strongest of the three races, however, were the Demons. They shared many similar traits with the Elvens. They both possessed a similar lifespan, they were a group of species formed together to make a single powerful race, they both worshiped an entity and they both excelled in magic. However, their similarities were where their differences lie. The entity they worshiped were different, with the Demons worshipping their lord of the Underworld, Satan.

And instead of mastering true magic, they instead practiced another type of magic known as demonic arts. The magic was said to be gifted to them by Satan before his banishment to the Underworld.

They were also physically stronger and possess defining physical features. These features might be bat-like wings, spider legs, snake torso, exuding horns or scaly tails.

Their domineering might strikes fear to other races and not even the other two major race would dare to offend them, if not for a good reason.

Finally, there were the Humans. They were the weakest race among the three and they do not possess a long lifespan. They were also physically weaker than the other two races and their talent in magic was mediocre. They also did not possess any defining features to help them stand out. However, what they do have was their innovation, agriculture, overwhelming numbers and their status of 'Children of God'.

Out of all the entity any race could worship, God was the most powerful of them all, a sovereign of might. Being the children of God, the Humans were blessed with good fortune.

To ensure that his followers remain amongst the powerhouse in the hierarchy, God gifted them with divine beings known as Heroes.

They were Humans that possessed extraordinary strength, incredible magic capability, and prolonged lifespan.

Of course, Heroes were only gifts gifted by God and so they were extremely few in numbers. They would only appear through the summoning of people from another world using a ritual, and this ritual could only be performed once a century.

Another method was simply through sheer luck that a Hero would be born in their own respective world, yet the chances of that happening would be extremely slim.

On the other hand, there were some normal Humans in the world that were extraordinarily powerful and some even received a portion of God's blessing. Although they were not as powerful, to the extent to that of a Hero, they were still immensely powerful.

All of this made it so that, although Humans may seem like the weakest of the bunch, they were like a sharpened blade hidden in plain sight.

Concurrently, there were several other powerful factions such as the Beast-Man tribe, the Mermans, the Dark-Elvens, and the Undead. Each and everyone of this factions was extremely formidable and not even the three major powerhouses could afford to offend any of them, because doing so would lead to meaningless turmoil.

Even still, with all this great superpower on planet Vasilias, the planet itself was still grand and vast. As of now, only twenty-percent of the planet had actually been officially traversed and discovered. With the entire remaining portion of the planet being either too dangerous or simply impossible to set foot on.

Even then, only a measly one-quarter of the twenty-percent that was discovered was thoroughly uncovered. The remaining three-quarter was still shrouded in mystery and was extremely dangerous. As of now, only some of the Heroes from the Human race was able to travel out of the twenty-percent region; they were never heard of again.

*Whew* I think that pretty much cover the background of planet Vasilias. I can't wait to move on to the plot now, hope you all will enjoy this novel ^_^ and I'll try to not make my bad grammar obvious //(• 3•)//

Night_Vcreators' thoughts