
Weird dream

Victoria's POV 

We all left the hospital and stood at the parking lot.

''Thanks for coming.'' Eric muttered those words to but Sonia and Kelvin before they left.

Eric and I entered his car and he drove off.

Few minutes to the drive I decided to speak up

''Why do you stop people From telling me things about my past.'' I asked with my gaze fixed on him.

''I don't get you.''

''Stop acting like you don't know what I'm talking about, you always stop people from telling me things about my past what are you hiding.'' This time I asked in a more serious tune

''I'm not hiding anything from you, I just don't want you to stress yourself, the doctor advised you remember things freely on your own will.'' I did not let those words finished from his mouth before I cut in.

''What are you hiding from me, what's the secret you are hiding.'' I asked again, this Time my gaze was fixed on him, but his gaze were fixed in the road.

''Eric.'' I called out his name when I noticed he wasn't saying a thing

''I'm not hiding anything from you, I will tell you when the time is right.'' he murmured

''And when is your right time.'' I muttered out angrily

''Vicky.'' he tried calling my name, but I cut him off

''Don't tell me, now is not the right time.'' I muttered out angrily

I noticed him shook his head but didn't say a word.

The drive back to his house was a quiet, awkward one.

We got to his house, I angrily got out of the car and walked into the sitting room before he could meet with me.

I walked straight to my room, locked the door and collapsed on the bed.

Aunt has been in the hospital for five years and I couldn't remember anything about it. As for Eric, I knew he was hiding so many things from me and I wondered what's his secrets.

Maybe I should have listened to Elliot when he asked me to stay with him instead.

I should have trusted him and not this mysterious Eric, who has so many things to hide.

Tiredly, I lay on the bed and forced myself to sleep.

''I can never accept you as my mate, you are not my type and I love someone else.'' that voice kept ringing in my head until I woke up from my sleep.

I felt a strong headache in my head as I kept remembering those words.

The voice sounds so familiar, but this time the voice was full of anger and hatred, but I could recognize it to be Eric's voice.

The picture in my dream were blank, but I knew it was Eric talking, but who was he talking to with so much anger in his voice.

''Mate.'' I murmured to myself as I stood up from the bed.

Walking around the room, I recalled what Eric Said about mate, but I wondered who he was rejecting as his mate and why would I dream about it.