
Telling her the truth

Eric's POV 

''Can you please get me a mirror.''she pleaded with her two eyes on me. 

I was about saying no when the doctor walked in, he smiled at me and walked up to Victoria's side. 

''How are you.'' he asked 

''I'm fine, can I go home how.'' she asked quickly 

The doctor smiled at her but didn't say a word. 

''Please meet me at my office.'' the doctor said those words and left the room. 

''Why is he not saying anything.'' she murmured to herself, I smiled at her and stood up from the chair. 

''I will be back, wait for me.'' I flashed her a big smile before walking away. 

I got to his office, sat on the visitors' chair while he sat before me. 

''What is wrong doctor.'' I asked in curiosity, 

''We have to tell her the truth, we have to tell her that she could only remember a few things from the past and give her a mirror to look at herself.''

''Is now the right time.'' I asked, as I imagined what Victoria might go through. 

''The sooner, the better, and we have to do it now.'' he said those words while getting up from the chair. 

''Let's do it now.''hearing those words from him, I stood up from the chair and followed him out of the room. 

We walked into Victoria's room and saw her talking to a nurse, she saw us and immediately stopped talking.

''Good morning, miss Victoria.'' the doctor smiled at her and took a seat in front of her.

''How are you doing.'' he asked, 

She nodded her head but didn't say a word.

''Take off the needles from her and let her seat with me.'' he muttered those words to the nurses.

They took off the needles from her hands and led her out from the bed.

''Sit.'' the doctor taped the space beside him.

Victoria stared at me for a while before taking the seat, I took in a deep breath and stood there while I watch her staring around.

''Victoria we need to tell you something.'' the doctor spoke softly

''Is something wrong with aunt.'' she asked in fear and panic

seeing her behave this way I knew it will be a great shock to her when she realizes her aunt have been hospitalized for five years.

''We are not here to talk to you about aunt, but we are here to talk about you.'' 

''What about me, is something wrong with me.'' she asked while staring at me with curious eyes.

''Calm down and listen.'' the doctor said those words and took in a deep breath before speaking up

''You had a hit on your head which cause you to lose some part of your memory.''

''What?'' she asked confused

''We are not in 2015 but rather we are in the year 2021.''he explained calmly, but Victoria stared at him with wild eyes before she started laughing loudly.

''Year 2021?'' she asked in disbelief 

''Yes, you have a concussion, so you don't remember any event after the year 2015.'' she did not let those words finished from his mouth before she cut him off

''No, you are all lying to me, where is Aunt I want to see my aunt.'' she yelled out.