
Have nothing to do with you.

Victoria's POV

I clapped my hands and laughed loudly at his words. 

''Did you just say you love me.'' I asked in a mocking tune. 

He shook his head and tried moving closer to me, but I stopped him with my hand 

''Stay back.'' I ordered 

He stared at me with those two sets of green eyes that always brings shivers to my body, before speaking up. 

''Let seat and let me explain.'' he tried speaking, but I cut him off. 

''There is nothing to talk about Eric, you and I are done, there is nothing between us.'' I declared firmly. 

''That's not true Vicky, you are my mate, and we are bound to each other.'' he spoke in a soft calm voice that I wondered what was going on through Eric's head, he was indeed different from the Eric whose hatred towards me could be seen all over his face. 

''Give me a chance and I will make everything right.'' hearing those words from him, I felt my body melt to his words, but quickly I shook it off. 

I can't let his words get through me, I hate him and will always hate him. 

''You are saying this because of your wolf and your selfish desires, you have no feelings, someone like you will never love someone like me.'' I said those words firmly 

''That was what I thought, but I was proven wrong, the moment I fell in love with you''.the way he expressed those words, one would think he meant everything he said, but I knew this was a trick from him. 

''Leave me alone, Eric, I left everything behind just to run away from you and yet, you wouldn't let me be.'' I yelled in anger and tried moving away, but he gripped my hand and dragged me to himself. 

''Let go of her.'' I heard Elliot's angry yell from behind. 

I turned around and stared at him with wild eyes, we agreed that he will stay in the car until I settle things with Eric, but I was shocked when I saw him walking towards our direction with an angry look. 

''Let her go.'' he yelled in anger and forcefully pulled me away from Eric's grip. 

''Are you okay.'' he asked while staring at me with concern, but before I could reply to him, Eric dragged him away from me by the collar. 

''What are you doing with her.'' he yelled in anger. 

''Calm down and get your hands off me.'' Elliot spoke angrily and tried removing Eric's grip on him, but it was too tight for him. 

''How dare you take what is mine.'' Eric yelled in anger and pushed Elliot away. 

I stared in wild eyes as I watch him shift to his big black wolf form right in front of me with his clothes pieces on the floor. 

I heard a loud scream, turned around and noticed Elliot changing to a big wine colored Wolf beside me. 

I felt fear run through my body as I watched them attacked his other with so much strength that I felt the ground shook under my foot,  

''Stop.'' I yelled in fear, but no one listened to me.

Author's note 

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