

Eric's POV 

''Tell me you are joking.'' Dad asked over the phone. 

I released an heavy sigh and sat on the couch as I thought of all that happened within a short period of three days. 

''I'm tired dad, I'm so tired.'' I murmured tiredly and ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. 

Dad was silent over the phone for a while before he spoke up. 

''You never cease to amaze me, Eric, you are just so amazing.'' Dad spoke in anger over the phone. 

''Can you stop this dad, I'm in pain and your scolding is not what I need right now.'' I murmured in pain and started pulling off my shirt. 

I heard dad groaned over the phone for a while before he spoke up. 

''Bring her back to California, we will take up from there.'' 

''It's not that easy dad, not as easy as you think.'' I murmured tiredly and took off my shoes. 

''It's your responsibility, deal with it.''he declared those words angrily and ended the call on me. 

I released a heavy sigh and kept the phone on the table before taking off my remaining clothes. 

I walked into my bathroom, steeped into the shower and put on the shower. 

I took in a deep breath and placed my two hands on the bathroom wall as Victoria words kept ringing in my head. 

I lost her again, when I thought I have finally found her I never knew I will lose her all because of my stupidity. 

I put off the shower, stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. 

I walked into my room and was about changing into my night wear when I heard a soft knock on my door. 

I went for my door, slightly opened it and saw my housekeeper standing by the door with food of tray in her hands. 

''Sir I know you said you are not hungry, but I think you will really need to eat.'' she whispered those words with her head slightly lowered 

I released an heavy sigh and took the tray of food from her. 

''Thanks Beatrice.'' I flashed her a weak smile and closed the door. 

I placed the tray on the table and walked towards the closet. 

I brought out a loose underwear, put it on and climbed on the bed. 

I closed my eyes and all I could see was Victoria beautiful sets of brown eyes filled with fear and curiosity. 

Looking into her eyes I saw how scared and innocent she was, it felt like I was looking into the eyes of a younger Victoria who knows nothing about life. 

I grumbled in pain and rolled around the bed as I kept on thinking of her until I drifted to sleep.

The next morning I woke up by the sunlight coming from the glass window. 

I slowly stood up from the bed, yawed tiredly and walked up to the window. 

I opened the window and inhaled the fresh air coming from the garden downstairs. 

I took in a deep breath and sat on the couch, picked up my phone and noticed I have few missed calls from Kelvin. I released an heavy sigh because I knew why he was calling. 

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up, 

''I've been calling you for hours.'' Kelvin spoke angrily, 

''I was sleeping.'' I murmured tiredly, 

''judging from the tune of your voice, I could tell that what I heard from your dad is true.'' Kelvin spoke in a calm voice, but I knew he was angry. 

I murmured but did not say a word. 

''You can't speak.'' he murmured angrily, still I did not say a word. 

''I'm very disappointed at you, after all this while we've been searching for her, you found her and what you could do was to make her fall into concussion and lose her memory.'' he muttered those words in an angry tune, still I was ashamed to say a word. 

The line was silent for a while before he spoke up. 

''When you are back to California you can call me.'' he muttered those words angrily and ended the call on me. 

I kept back the phone as I felt my heart pound in pain, all everyone could do was to blame me and tell me how highly they were disappointed at me .but no one has ever care to ask how I was feeling, no one knows the pains of watching your mate laying on the hospital and to think that you are the cause of it. 

I stood up from the couch, walked into the bathroom, took a quick bath and left the bathroom. 

I put on a casual wear and left my room, I got downstairs and noticed breakfast was already on the table. I ignored it and left the house, I got into my car and drove to the hospital. 

Few minutes I was at the hospital, I slightly opened the door of Victoria room and saw her sited on the bed while in deep thoughts that she didn't notice me walking in. 

I stared at her and felt my heartbeat increased, I was in love with this woman and I knew I was losing myself. 

Because of the woman I have become a total different person, different from the cold Eric I knew I was. 

I slowly walked up to her side and stood before her, before she noticed me. 

We lock eyes with each for a while before she swallowed nervously and looked away. 

''How are you.'' I asked while staring at her. 

She ignored and looked away. 

I sighed softly and took the seat beside her. 

''Are you hungry, I can get you something to eat.''she folded her hands like a little kid and looked away.

I smiled at her cuteness and relaxed on the chair as I stared at her with curiosity.

Even with her loss of memory, she was still cute and look even more adorable as she behaves like a kid.

''You seem like a good man.'' she murmured those words to herself, but I knew she was talking to me.