
Can't be true

Eric's POV



I felt a cold shiver run through my blood as watched mike talking to Victoria. 

I watched her angrily drank all the drink in her cup before she stood up and left mike, who followed her,  

''move the camera outside.'' I told the guy who nodded his head and type in, so figures before the display changed to the camera outside. 

I took in a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably on the chair as I watched Victoria rushing out of the club while looking around, it was obvious she was nervously looking for Gracie. 

I noticed mike walking toward her direction, and before I knew it, I saw two of his men taking Victoria away. 

''No.'' I shouted at the top of my voice as I hit my hand on the table and stood up,  

I closed my eyes to calm my anger because I knew my eyes were already red. 

I took in a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes,  

''Thanks.'' I did not let those words finish from my mouth before I went for the door. 

I left the bar and went into the car, 

''Take me to Mike's house.'' I muttered those words in a calm voice, but my anger could be noticed. 

How dare Micheal, how dare him lay his hands on Victoria, 

I felt an uncomfortable feeling in my chest as the thought of him touching her went through my head  

''Shit.'' I grumbled in pain as I felt tension all over my body 

I knew I won't be able to take it if anything happens to Victoria, I will definitely blame myself for it. 

''We are here.'' hearing those words I quickly opened the car and stormed into Mike's house 

''Good day sir.'' one of his men greeted me  

Without thinking, I grabbed him in his neck and watched him shook for air while the two men just stood there and watched me with wild eyes filled with fear. 

''Where you among the men who touched my mate.'' I asked in anger,  

He shook his head weakly, and I knew he was about to give up if I don't let go of him. 

I took my hand off his neck, but still held the dollar of his shirt. 

''After I'm done with Mike, I will come for you all.'' I declared those words while staring at the three men who couldn't meet my gaze. 

I forcefully let go of his shirt and stormed into Mike's sitting room. 

The moment I got into his sitting room, I perceived the fainting scent of Victoria, indicating she was here but not anymore. 

I felt my heart beat pound in fear and my hands became sweaty as the thought of what might have happened to Victoria ran through my brain. 

''Micheal.'' I yelled his name and rushed upstairs to his room. 

I opened different doors but didn't see him until I opened the last door and saw him sited on his bed with bruise on his face. 

I rushed over to him and yanked him out of the bed while I pushed him to the wall 

''Where is Victoria.'' I demanded in anger,  

''And what business do I have with her.'' I did not let those words finished from his mouth before I punched in on the face,  

''Don't taste my patience, where is Victoria.'' I yelled while I tighten my grip on his collar,  

He wailed in pain and struggled to free from my grip, but I was far too strong for him.  

''Where is Victoria.'' I asked while seizing my breath,  

He stared at me with fear and with wild eyes but did not say a word. 

I groaned in anger and threw him on the floor, and loosen my tie  

I walked up to him, picked him up from the floor and made he stared directly into my eyes  

''Where is Victoria.'' I asked again, this time in a roaring voice  

He gulped and still did not say a word,  

''Micheal.'' I shouted his name and hit his head on the wall,  

''Where is Victoria.'' I shouted in anger as I felt a sudden different type of fear enveloped my body.  

''She is dead.''he whispered  

I felt my head spun around the room and my legs because light that it could no longer carry my body that I had to fall on the floor while dragging Micheal with me. 

''What did you just say.'' I asked in a shaking voice, hoping I heard him wrong  

''She is dead, but I swear I didn't kill her.'' he begged in a shattering voice  

''No.'' I yelled in pain and let go of his shirt. 

I felt my head pounding in pain and my wolf howling loudly in anger to what mike just said to me,  

''No, no, no.'' I yelled at the top of my voice as hot tears came rushing down my cheek,  

This is not true, this can't be true. 

Victoria can't be dead, the moon goddess can't do this to me, she can't allow me to through such pain, she just can't. 

I took hold of Mike's collar and forcefully stood up with him, I moved him to the wall and hit his body on the wall. 

''Tell me you are lying.'' I begged, hoping this was just one of his tricks,  

He shook his head and gulped nervously as he couldn't meet my gaze,  

''No, fucking no, I won't accept this.'' I barked in tears and hit him on the wall,  

''Where is she, give my Victoria to me.'' I begged helplessly  

''She is dead, Eric, but I swear I didn't kill her.'' he muttered out with shaking legs  

''No.'' I screamed in pain as I felt my heart shattering to pieces. 

This is not true, this is just a dream.'' I murmured to myself as I let go of Mike's collar and collapsed on the floor. 

I closed my eyes and all I could see were her beautiful smiles, beautiful sets of brown eyes and her well perfect skin. 

I screamed at the top of my voice as I felt sharp piercing pain in my heart, my wolf was trying to shift me to its form, and it took everything in me to keep him at bay. 

''I'm sorry, I never planned for all this to happen.'' mike grumbled in a shattering voice. 

Hearing those words from him, I quickly rushed to him and punched him on the face that made him lose one of his teeth. 

''Where is Victoria.'' I asked again because I couldn't put up to the fact that Victoria was dead, I just can't accept it. 

He gulped and wailed in pain but did not say a word. 

''Answer me.'' I demanded in fear when I noticed the door opened and Kelvin walked in. 

He stared directly into my eyes before shaking his head,  

''This cannot be true.'' Kelvin muttered out in pain as he walked towards Mike and took him from me. 

''Where is Victoria.'' Kelvin asked, while shaking Mike's arms  

''You are lying, this can't be true.''he barked as he stared into Mike's eyes to read his thoughts. 

''You kidnapped her.'' Kelvin yelled in anger as he stared directly into Mike's eyes. 

I sat there on the floor as hot tears kept rushing down my cheek uncontrollably, I knew I wouldn't be able to make it if Victoria was actually dead. 

I moved my gaze back to Kelvin and noticed him shook his head as he let go of Mike's shirt. 

Kelvin groaned in anger as he moves closer to me and gently tapped my shoulders  

''Calm down Eric, I tried reading through his thoughts but discovered I couldn't access everything in his heart.'' he taps my shoulder and left my side. 

He moved to mike, took him up from the floor by his collar and dragged him out from the door and made him stood before me. 

''Let's go Eric.'' Kelvin muttered those words almost like a plead  

I wipe off the tears from my face and slowly stood up from the floor while I followed Kelvin out of the room. 

When we got outside, there was no trace of Mike's men outside, it was obvious they all ran away.my driver rushed to me and tried holding me when he noticed I was finding it difficult to walk properly. 

I signaled for him to let me be and slowly made my way to the car, I got into my car while Kelvin put Mike's in his car, and we all drove off. 

I screamed and roughly scattered my hair as Mike's words kept playing in my head. 

''Victoria can't be dead." I tried conceiving myself, but it wasn't working  

I let the tears flow freely on my cheek and had no control over it, this was a joke maybe mike is just playing with me, it can't be true my Victoria can't be dead not after all she went through. 

The car stopped and brought me out from my thoughts, quickly I opened the door and rushed over to kelvin's car. 

I opened the door of his car and dragged mike out of the car and hit in on the wall 

''Tell me you are joking.'' I pleaded with tears running down my cheek.

''Tell me you are fucking lying'' I begged, hoping all this was just a joke. 

He shook his head in fear but couldn't say a word, 

''Calm down Eric, we won't get anything from him like this.'' Kelvin pulled removed my grip and dragged him into my sitting room and made him sit. 

''Speak, we are listening.'' Kelvin spoke those words calmly, but I could see the anger and fear in his voice. 

Mike shook his head before speaking, 

''I kidnapped her from the bar and asked my men to put her in the boot, but before we got to my house she was already.''  

''You bastard.'' I did not let him finished his words before I yanked him off from the chair, 

''How dare you, how could you put her in a car boot when she is suffering from panic disorder.'' I yelled in anger 

''I never knew, I never knew she has such sickness.'' he murmured in fear 

''I will kill you.'' I yelled those words and hit in on the wall, giving him a deep cut on his forehead. 

Kelvin rushed to me and separated me from Mike, 

''Calm down Eric.''  

''Don't tell me to fucking calm down.'' I yelled in pains 

''He killed Victoria he killed the only woman I love, and you stand here and tell me to calm down.'' my angry voice echo in the sitting room. 

Kelvin ignored me and took mike from the floor and made him stared directly into his eyes. 

''I can't see further, his heart is blank.''kelvin murmured those words and shook his head 

''If she is dead then where is her dead body.'' Kelvin asked, still locking eyes with Mike, who gulped in fear and looked away. 

''Answer me.'' Kelvin demanded in anger, I stared at him and realized the color of his eyes were already darker 

''we...we threw her at the bridge.'' he whispered those words to himself, but I could clearly hear him. 

I pushed Kelvin away and grabbed mike by his collar as I felt my heartbeat increased 

''What did you say.'' I asked in fear, hoping I heard him wrong 

He gulped before speaking 

''We threw her at the bridge after we found out she was dead.'' he murmured in a shattering voice 

''No, No no, tell me you are joking.'' I pleaded in tears as I let go of his collar and collapsed on floor 

''Mine.'' my wolf howl in pain 

I felt my bones cracking, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold my wolf anymore, without a second thought, I screamed and shifted to my wolf form tearing my clothes into pieces. 

I ran out of the sitting room and ran to the woods, I kept on running in high speed as my wolf continued to howl in pains. 

I wailed in pains as I felt a sharp cut in my arms, but that couldn't be compared to the sharp pain I felt in my heart. 

My whole body was vibrating in pain as I kept on running in the wood, I ran around the woods with Mike's words ringing in my head. 

How can this be possible, how can she die just like that, how can the moon goddess be this cruel to me. 

I howl in pains as I stood in a spot still in my wolf form, I walked around the woods as I felt my wolf shedding tears for the death of his mate. 

I collapsed on the floor and wailed in pain as I closed my eyes, with my eyes closed I could still see her in my memory, beautiful, charming and so innocent. 

I opened my eyes and hit my chest in anger when I realized it was all my fault, she was my mate, and it was my duty to protect her, but I failed in it.





Special POV(Elliot's POV)


I closed the door and went back to my room, the pain, and sorrow I saw in her face was a clear indication that she needs my help and I have to help her. 

I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed a follower of mine number, it rang a few times before it was picked 

''Good morning alpha.'' he greeted 

''Can you come to my house as quick as possible.'' I asked, 

''I'm actually around.'' 

''That's good, see me in the sitting room.'' I ended the call and left my room for the sitting room. 

I went downstairs and saw Samuel already sited in on the chair, he saw me and quickly stood up while he lowered his head in respect. 

I walked up to him and flashed him a weak smile. 

''I need your help.'' I muttered those words to him and asked him to sit while I took the seat before him. 

''I will be glad to help you in any way I can, knowing that you've done a lot for me.'' he spoke truthfully. 

I nodded my head and thought for a while before speaking up 

''I want you to practice your new gift on someone.'' I murmured 

He furrowed his eyebrows confused, before speaking up 

''The only person I used my gift on, is still under the effect of my words even when I tried to reverse back my words.'' he spoke in fear 

staring at him, I knew he was scared of this gift, and still haven't gotten used to it, but he was my only option if I really want to help Victoria.

''Don't worry, you don't have to reverse your words because I want him to stay under the effect of your words for a long time.'' I declared those words calmly

He took in a deep breath and nodded his head before speaking up 

''Who is this person.'' he asked in curiosity

''Alpha mike, I believe you know him.''hearing those words from me, I noticed his eyes widen in fear.