

Suddenly A foreigner transferred come to my house to live for the next 6 months. Where my sexual life completely changed. Author's note: I do indeed appreciate your votes/comments/feedback on my stories. If you are indeed enjoying this one, drop me a note, let me know if this series is one that you'd enjoy seeing me continue. As always, I truly do appreciate hearing from you.

Cultivator_nerd_ · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

I lay there watching her touching herself, pleasing herself, jumping at the bit so to speak wanting to do all that and more to her myself. Yet every time I made any attempt to do so, she closed her legs tightly. "Not yet...I'm enjoying this, teasing you...teasing myself, making us both very, very horny," she explained. She was obviously dragging this out of course, but it was having the effect on me she was hoping for. I was horny. Damn fucking horny to be exact, and the thought of Doreen, or anyone else for that matter walking past her wide-open doorway no longer concerned me. I was half hoping someone would as aroused as I now was.

"Ok, now...stick your finger inside me, see how wet I am," she mewed pleasurably. Admittedly, it was fun, waiting on her to tell me what to do to her...and how. Slipping my finger inside, I wormed it around, feeling the slick, slippery texture of her pussy, enjoying the illicit sounds I made when doing so, as she did. "Hmm, yes...now taste me. Suck your finger off, tell me what I taste like," she asked.

I took my finger out, ensuring she could see it as I sucked her juices off it. "You taste...fucking sweet!" I informed her, sucking it off again.

"Close," she replied. I looked at her questioningly. "Now tell me again, only this time...use dirty words, filthy words, vulgar words to describe it. Stick it in again, your middle finger this time. There's a nice little spot you can easily reach that way. Tickle that for a moment...I'll show you something."

I did that, easing in my middle finger, finding what I was fairly sure was the very spot she had told me about. Caressing it...teasing it. Sure enough, I felt what appeared to be additional moisture leaking out of her, a bit like a trickle of water. Looking squarely at her pussy, specifically at her little pee-hole, I saw nothing coming from there, so it certainly wasn't piss.

"Ok, now tell me...suck it again, and tell me what it tastes like now. But like I said...use your imagination!" She said hotly.

Taking her cue, I thought about it...realizing what she wanted to hear me say, coming up with the most profane description I could possibly come up with as I once again withdrew my finger, licking and sucking it for her while she watched.

"It tastes like cunt. Hot, creamy, slimy, slippery fuck cunt," I said. "Nasty hot dirty pussy-cunt, sticky...drippy, gooey snatch," I continued as I looked down, seeing these little pulsations, contractions, as her still gaping maw seemed to open and close on its own accord. I was glad that it didn't have teeth, if it had, it would have chewed off my finger, let alone my tongue.

"Oh yes...yes, that's exactly what it tastes like...and looks like," she agreed. "Now...suck it, suck and lick my fucking clit, and finger my gash some more. Finger-fuck my cunt David, play with that spot again, make me juice, make me flow...nice and creamy and sticky and slippery for you."

I literally dove into her cunt. In seconds, my lips had captured that amazingly hard clit of hers, sucking and all but chewing on it as she thrashed and moaned beneath me. Two fingers now inside, walking back and forth along that spongy little spot. It was amazing, feeling continued moisture begin to seep out of her, actually starting to pool to some extent within the palm of my hand as I did that.

"Oh fuck that's hot...and feels so good!" She cried out as I continued to manipulate her pussy, literally playing with it, doing things to it I had never in my life ever done to another woman before. It didn't seem to matter, no matter what I did, how I fingered her, how I licked or sucked her, she wanted more, and wanted me to keep switching things up, taking her to the edge, backing off, and then doing it all over again. Even when I slipped an additional finger inside her ass, now scissoring her that way, double-fucking both holes, still licking and sucking her clit, she was going mad with desire and lust.

"Yes David! Yes! Finger-fuck my ass, my cunt! Suck me! Eat me! Lick me!" She cried out over and over again.

I was having the time of my life. And unbeknownst to me, and something I wouldn't learn about until much later that evening in fact...Bella had lost the bet. Though as busy as I was, as consumed with devouring, and simply enjoying her pussy the way I was, I never knew it...not until much, much later. And even then...the entire time thinking that I had been the one to have lost our little bet.


Bella saw Doreen as she passed by the door heading for more linen. She had already been to my room, having come from the other direction, getting an early start perhaps now that we had an additional guest staying. Something I hadn't thought about. After making my bed, straightening up a little, which was all she was required and asked to do in my room. She had now headed down the hallway towards the storage closet for more sheets, even though the sheets on Bella's bed had just been recently put on in anticipation of her arrival. Sure enough, she had stopped at the door, her eyes widening as she saw the two of us, prepared to back out as quietly as she could. But Bella of course had already made eye contact with her, smiling when she did, holding a finger to her lips telling her to be quiet, but then waving her forward as I continued eating Bella's cunt, totally unaware of all this. And all this...as I said, I learned much later that evening.

At first hesitant to do so, Doreen made a step back preparing to leave, unsure of Bella's intentions perhaps. But while I lingered at her pussy, so lost in the lust of my own world here between her legs, Bella once again held her still, shaking her head no, though I am sure had I known that, or seen her doing so, I'd have thought only she was still basking in the throes of her own heated passion. Doreen stayed, watching, now very aware of the silent request being given her. And as I thought about it later, I came to the realization that she would have, given the opportunity, which she had been given. Doreen was after all a very attractive woman in her own way. Shorter by several inches perhaps, and with smallish breasts. An image that came immediately back to me as we later discussed all this. I had admired her slim, toned body then, appreciative, if not longing for the sensation she was then being given as Andy's slim long cock penetrated her clenching pussy. I too had stood at the doorway, transfixed, watching the two of them going at it like dogs in heat. Totally unaware of my observance as Doreen rode his cock, thrashing, bouncing, and wildly gyrating herself against him until they both came together in a crescendo of mutually satisfying orgasmic bliss. I had then slipped back out the door, but not before spotting for the briefest of instants, the turn of Doreen's head in my direction. I didn't know if she had seen me or not. Neither one of us mentioning, or even hinting at it, though there had been curious looks for several days afterwards. Beyond that, nothing more.

Bella locked eyes with her, smiling wantonly. Even licking her lips suggestively. She began playing with her own breasts, pulling upon her nipples. Stretching them, lifting them, causing her breasts to become pointed with the intensity of her self manipulation, and then adding to all that, presenting dialogue to accompany the now decadent spectacle taking place in front of her as Doreen continued to stand there looking on.

"That's it David! Fuck my cunt with your fingers! Eat it, suck it...suck my clit. Just imagine...imagine this baby. Imagine Doreen sitting on my face, me eating her pussy, while you're eating mine. Imagine looking up, seeing her nasty, hot juicy split, oozing out her own juice, which I suck down, drinking...licking, lapping away at her...her..."

Doreen had been hot enough, bold enough to have actually reached down, lifting the hem of her short working skirt, and then simultaneously, slipping down her panties a bit in order to better pleasure herself. In doing so, she caught on to what Bella was asking, wondering about, further exposing herself in doing so. A small, neatly trimmed tuft of hair still framing her pussy, light brown in color, matching the hair on her head.

"Her...soft, light brown furry pussy," Bella added, moaning, reaching down with one hand, placing it behind my head ensuring that I stayed where I was, and not going anywhere. Though I of course had no intention of it. I could feel my hard cock spearing the sheets, no doubt soaking them as I continued to leak droplets of my own arousal, the small pool which had begun to form beneath me, actually cool to the touch as it widened, and broadened with each passing moment.

"Oh yes...yes," she moaned even louder now. "Image walking in on us, seeing the two of us together, her cunt pressing against mine, legs overlapping, scissoring one another, pussy fucking, cunt kissing one another, and then coming over, standing there over us, jerking and working that big stiff cock of yours until you began spraying all over the two of us. Would you like that baby? Would you like to see that? Do that?"

"Fuck...fuck, I'm gonna cum!" I announced. Her illicit diatribe, her descriptions, the surprised unlocking of a few secret hidden fantasies of mine making it too hard, too difficult not to. The slight, yet constant rubbing of my dick against the cool soft sheets. The slickness of my own lubrication caressing my cock, the aroma, intoxicating as it honestly was of Bella's cunt as I lay there licking it, smelling it, was simply too fucking much.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Bella cried out deliriously, once again not allowing me to move, forcing me to accept this rather bizarre way of climaxing, though even then it felt deliciously wonderful as I did.

And then Bella simply squirted. She didn't pee...it wasn't that, I would have known. No...this was plain and simply a small little fountain of almost clear liquid fluid that just seemed to erupt somewhere within the depths of her cunt. I caught the first squirt of it directly inside my mouth, backing off seconds later, surprised at the onslaught of her squirting nectar. Now fascinated as much as still in the throes of my own orgasmic bliss. My cock erupting, pumping out several jettisons of spunk into and against the sheets. Bella's cunt...squirting still. One, two...even three more little spunkings of her juicy fluid that shot out of her like someone was pressing down on the trigger of a squirt-gun between her legs.

I was blown away, I was mesmerized...I was in love.

I never saw Doreen come while standing there in the doorway watching the two of us. But Bella certainly did.


I knew a good strip mall to take her to not too far away from the house. It had plenty of designer labels and fashions, which I figured she'd be very familiar with, and of course she was. On the way over, I asked her.

"So...since I lost the bet...what is it that you have in mind for me anyway?" She just grinned at that.

"I'm still thinking about it...so I'll tell you later. But I promise, you'll enjoy it...whatever it is," she assured me.

I was sure I would too. And though I wasn't too keen on following her around from store to store, I was catching more than one or two appreciative looks from other guys, and even a couple of women as we walked hand in hand together browsing the windows until she saw something that interested her.

"Come on...in here," she said leading me inside the small, yet fashionable store. After only a few minutes she had picked out three or four dresses she wanted to try on. Along one wall was a half dozen or so curtained off dressing rooms. The kind where you could still look over the top of the panel and speak to someone. She chose the end one, stepping inside to try on the first dress as I planted my butt in a chair off to one side and waited.

The store wasn't all that busy either. There'd been only one other customer inside when we'd entered, and she'd already gone. The single clerk minding the store was a cute looking blonde, I doubted she was much older than nineteen tops as she soon strolled over towards us asking us if we needed any help. She'd gone back to the register fiddle-faddling behind that keeping an eye on us to some extent, which didn't surprise me. I figured having a man inside the store, and a rather attractive looking girlfriend with him, (which was an odd thing to be thinking about as I did) might raise a few curious concerns. I'm sure I wasn't the first guy and gal to enter the store and actually try and do something while there. And even half contemplated that as I periodically glanced over towards the curtain where Bella stood dressing behind it. Seconds later she reappeared wearing the first dress she'd selected. It looked good on her, but it didn't do much for me.