
Timeless: Love Lost in the Darkness (BL)

Fifteen years have gone by since the day where one life was sacrificed to save the life of another. Lixin was born into a well-off family with everything he could have needed. The only exceptions were his cold-hearted father and his two-faced stepmother. The only light in his dark and gloomy world was his childhood friend from next door. They were practically stuck to each other like glue. One day, Lixin’s actions caused his world to fall apart. He lost nothing, but at the same time, he lost everything. Author’s Note: Although it does not seem like it, it is a BL story with a decent amount of sweetness. I might change the description/blurb later on. Feel free to leave comments on what I can improve on or need to change! Rather than having an editor, all y’all can be my editor! I’m also taking requests for plots since I am planning on making this a long story. A little about me: Hardcore BL fan! Loves seggsy stuff, but isn’t comfortable with writing about them yet so this might be shounen ai rather than yaoi! This author-nim is pretty busy and broke as poop… Will try to post maybe twice a week if I can stay on track! I'm also a noob writer, so I'll be slowly adjusting my writing! Any artists that want to help out and make me a cover would be greatly appreciated. DM me for how I want my male leads to look hehe. Twitter: @mogul_crimson I’m also gauging interest as of now to see if I want to continue so please give me some positive reinforcement to keep me going!!!

The_Mogul · LGBT+
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9 Chs


Lixin snapped back to reality.

"It was another dream." He sighed.

Lixin sat up from his bed and rubbed his face. It was covered in tears. He had been having the same dream for over 15 years. No matter how much therapy he received, this nightmare continued to haunt him. The day that he lost everything kept repeating every time he closed his eyes. The only way he could sleep was by taking sleeping pills.

Using his sleeves, Lixin dried the remnants of his tears.

"Commander." At the foot of his bed was his trusted secretary, Junfeng. "We found traces of Toxiem in the old warehouse by the lake. The trails are still fresh. We have soldiers tracking them down this instant."

Hearing this, Lixin's lips curled up. "Finally."

15 years ago, Lixin and his childhood friend had been captured by the organization called Toxiem. They were heading back from school when both of them were snatched away by a group of three. At first glance, they already looked shady as they wearing hoodies and a mask in 92 degree weather. He was only 8 at the time, with his friend being 12. Both of them were going to be transported to Toxiem's main location to be used as human guinea pigs. Lixin had overhead this when the kidnappers were talking.

They were left in a small hut in the middle of a forest. Since Lixin was small and thin for his age, they did not feel the need to bound him. On the other hand, his childhood friend was chained to the bed.

Some may call it luck. Some may call it an accident.

The kidnapper on standby had forgotten to close the door after delivering their food. Lixin's friend noticed this.

That scene flashed in Lixin's mind of his last interaction with the closest person he could call family.

"Come here Lixin." Lixin, holding his stale bread trotted over. "Listen to gege*. The kidnappers forgot to lock the door so I want you to run. Run as fast as you can." With a smile on his face, his friend patted him on the head. "Run until you find someone. I know you'll come back for me."

"No. I don't want to leave you." Little Lixin began to sob. His friend used his other hand and gently wiped off Lixin's tears. "Lixin, gege needs you to be strong. Run as fast and as far as you can, until you can find someone to save gege."

His friend smiled, hugged him, and gave him a small peck on the cheek. "Now go." He was released from the warm embrace.

Lixin reluctantly walked towards the door. He looked back. His gege gave him an encouraging nod. "Lixin. Whatever you do, keep running and never look back. Do it for me."

As tears flooded down his face, Lixin reluctantly turned around and ran. Just as he took off, he heard, "Goodbye, Lixin. I will always love you, my little cutie."


Lixin got out of his bed and walked to the dresser table. He looked at himself in the mirror. He had long eyelashes with pale skin. Lixin had a well-defined face with long limbs. He is often mistaken for being an idol.

Out of nowhere, Lixin punched the mirror. Shards impaling into his fist. He should have known that was a farewell. Thinking about this, he felt anger and disgust against himself. Why did he run? Why did he leave him behind?

"Gege. Wait for me. I'll come find you." Lixin clenched both his fists.

*Gege: Brother

Since this is the beginning of my journey, I decided to release another chapter! Hope y'all enjoy it!

Also, I will say my chapters will usually be around 500 words. I'm a little busy juggling my studies. :] I'll let y'all know when I set up a definite schedule.

Next release will be probably either Tuesday or Wednesday!

The_Mogulcreators' thoughts