
episode 2

(The episode opens with Erin and Kanisha walking in the garden)

Erin: How many mortals did you have relationships with?

Kanisha: Don't tell me, you are jealous

Erin (arms crossed): As if

Kanisha: Okay, well many mortals I dated, only one I married, who in which I turned into a vampire

Erin: Vampire, (looks at Kanisha) you can turn people into vampires

Kanisha: Yes, along with other creatures

Erin: Do that for me

Kanisha: Do you realize what you are asking, you won't show up in mirrors, cameras, you have to drink blood, you will live longer than your family. This is a lonely life, it's not to be taken lightly

Erin: You would rather be alone and see somebody that you want to date, die instead of giving them a chance to live with you

Kanisha: You are so selfish, you don't even know if we will stay together through your immortality; and think what this would do to the people you love

Erin: I do understand

Kanisha: No, you think you do, but you don't, just like the other mortals. But, I'll give you time to think (disappears)

Erin (looks around): Kanisha! Kanisha! I guess she left me

(The screen switches to Kanisha walking in the dinosaur exhibit)

Kanisha: What an idiot (reaches into her pocket and a wine bottle appear)

(Kanisha's tail opens the wine bottle and she starts drinking it)

Kanisha (thought): I may not get drunk, but I still can feel

A voice: Poor immortal girl

(Kanisha jumped and landed on all fours)

Kanisha (red eyes): Show yourself

(A woman who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red dress and heels appears from behind a t-Rex)

Kanisha (annoyed): Diana, what do you want?

Diana (getting closer to Kanisha): Are you really drinking wine to make your worries go away like a mere mortal?

Kanisha (angry): What's it to you?

Diana (walking around Kanisha): Poor Kanisha, I warned you along with so many others to not get involved with mortals, yet you keep falling for them like a fool. Why not, just come to the land of immortals and ditch Earth?

Kanisha: Because I'm the protector of Earth, I can't just leave and be with the immortals, (drinks more wine from the bottle) besides I hate those jerks

Diana: Ouch and (put her hands on Kanisha's shoulders) yet you stayed a little while for me

Kanisha: Don't flatter yourself, that's not happening again, I know your tricks

Diana: Fine, but let me leave you here with a reminder of me

(Diana kisses Kanisha on the lips)

Diana: Lips sweet as ever, bye (disappears as she walks away)

Kanisha: I hate that she is right

(The screen shows Erin taking pictures of the forest)

Erin: What am I doing (sits on a bench by the cabin) Kanisha's right, I'm selfish, I mean I heard her, express her suffering because of her immortality and all I cared about was the chance to be with her, but I can't rely on her forever

A voice: Another poor mortal fell for that immortal freak

Erin: Who's there?

A voice: Nothing you need to worry about, mortal, all you need to know is that falling for that immortal freak is wrong, she just using you to stay in the mortal realm

Erin (angry): How dare you! Kanisha isn't like that, she's sweet, kind, protective, strong,m

A voice: She got you bad, it might be too late, then I'll fix that

(A dark aura surrounded Erin)

Erin (covering his eyes): What are you (coughing)

(The screen shows Kanisha drinking water, her tail starts shaking)

Kanisha (eyes widen): Erin

(Kanisha disappears)

(The dark aura gets closer, trapping Erin)

(Erin nearly passed out)

(Kanisha appears and catches Erin)

Erin (weak): Ka

(Kanisha kisses Erin on the lips)

(Erin's eyes widen, then he jumps out of Kanisha's arms)

Erin (mouth covered): You kissed me

Kanisha: And you can breath, you are welcome

Erin (moves his hands): You are right

The dark aura: You always spoil my fun

(The dark aura blasts Kanisha with purple lightning)

Erin (worried): Kanisha!

Kanisha: Stand back (flies and blasted the dark aura with white aura) that hurt, you annoying witch

(The dark aura is blasted away and turns into a woman who has black hair, white skin, black hat, black dress, black heels lying on the floor)

Erin: Who is that?

Kanisha: Erin, meet Angelina the witch of dark hearts

Erin: How do you know her?

Kanisha: She always goes after people I want to date or hang out with

Erin: No way, so you do want to date me?

Kanisha (red eyes): Don't push it

(Erin backs up)

Kanisha: I'm still mad at you

Erin: Fair enough, sorry

Angelina (flying): Ah! A couple fighting

(Dark aura starts to surround the room again)

(Kanisha puts a shield around her and Erin with a white aura)

(Angelina sends a strong wind that turns into a tornado)

Erin (barely breathing): Kanisha (falls to his knees)

Kanisha: Uh, (bites her arm, which causes her to bleed) (turns her blood to an ax) (her wound heals)

Angelina: (laughs): What will that do?

Kanisha: Nothing special (gives the ax to Erin) (flies around Angelina)

(The tornado starts to break up)

Kanisha: Throw it

(Erin throws the ax at Angelina)

(The ax hits Angelina)

(Angelina turns to dust)

Erin: We did it!

Kanisha: Good job (fainted)

Erin: Kanisha, what's wrong?

Kanisha (lying on the floor): I lost some of my blood, give me a second

Erin: Listen, I'm sorry you are right, I know my parents, cousins, aunt, and uncle would miss me and resent me for picking immortality. I got excited about living forever

Kanisha (on the floor): You idiot, that's not the only reason. You think I would leave you because you only will live as long as an average human, but I don't care if you live as a mortal or immortal. I want it to be your choice not for me

Erin: Then, can we go on that date?

Kanisha (on the floor): You are persistent

Erin: I thought you forgave me

Kanisha (on the floor): I do, and come closer

(Kanisha pulls Erin closer and kisses him on the lips)

Erin: Uh

Kanisha (puts her finger on Erin's mouth): Don't ruin it

Erin: Okay

(Erin and Kanisha continue kissing)

(Episode ends)