
Well Planned

Not everyone mean the lines they speak ..Oliver was reading those lines by the time Eva and suzy's father opened the door of Oliver's cabin. Oliver shouted don't you guys don't know to knock the door before entering into the room . Oliver said I have got the solution for the next hearing. Eva asked what is the solution ? Oliver said to implement it I need a scape goat . Eva looked at suzy's father and he looked at her at the same type they were speaking with their eyes as suzy's father I said he would kill us if doesn't find a solution but now he is really killing yes . Eva yes you are right by the way what kind of mouth is it . All the bad omen is present in your mouth . Suzy's father said are you going to make Robert's father you should have said me this before .....Oliver meanwhile gave a huge palm punch on the table and said will you guys pay attention to what I say . Eva said who are you expecting to be as a scape goat me or him.Oliver smiled and said should it be any one of you suzy's father said orelse are you going to make Robert's father as scape goat . Oliver smiled and said no I am not going to cut the own branch I am sitting in . Eva asked what do you mean by that? Oliver said just wait and see.

After lunch Hyena came back to her table . Looked at the article she downloaded. Thinking of which she was researching about Oliver and his company but strangely she got to download a 30 year old article written by a school student . Hyena clicked on it and started checking on what the student wrote . "It wasn't the morning yet the vibe of something bad happening has already shoot my head . How to explain this drastic blood shed I have seen . The person is shouting like he us going to die in the very next minute . Not to talk how weak he is his two broken legs speak much about it . This story I was seeing since last 10 days but worsening every day just like adding up flower sent . Looking at his sad face makes me motivated for some or the other reason oh come on let us be a good friends ". Reading that Hyena immediately closed her laptop. She started thinking who on this earth described a person pain in such a weird way this person should have some mental issues . She immediately called Arthur and asked him to check on that . Arthur read that and came to Hyena's cabin . He entered and asked Hyena what's wrong with you why are you reading such weird things . Hyena replied no I am not reading weird things . It is something I found when I was looking up for more information on Oliver. Arthur said so what is that you want to conclude from it . Hyena replied may be by meeting this person we might know more about Oliver. Arthur said how are going to find some one with post . Hyena said give me sometime I will figure out a way .

Arthur in his cabin was looking into files . Zayan came in and said sir I think Oliver bribed our attorney why don't you look into this . Arthur said what are you telling sir yesterday night our attorney has received a lots of money from Eva account . I think they bribed him what are we going to do next ? Arthur said I will think and come up with a solution let me think first. Hyena came in and said Arthur did you get the news ?Arthur replied yes I heard right now regarding bribing our attorney. Hyena said what bribing our attorney I came to tell you here that they bribed our witness too . Arthur replied is there any other news that I need to here . Sam came in and said you people have to check this news . Hyena asked what is the news ? The news says about George death . They started a story that George was killed by the villagers. Arthur said so they are trying to make a dead person as a scape goat so that the case will be gone or if we want to defend them against this we have to show who were the actual killers . Uhhm they planned well. Hyena replied we will come out with the solution for this . We still have time .Arthur said these are the things we k ow there are many other things that they are hiding which they might show us at the court room so we should even be ready for that to .