one day when Suzy decides to get her revenge she gets to know that Arthur is also some one who is like her will these two hearts be able to get their revenge by joint their hand or fall in love after knowing each other's past .
The judge asked to start the arguments . Attorney from stood from island people side and started his argument like this .Your honor the people of the island came here because this case is not accepted in their island the reason behind this is the zeal company owner tied up with their government and making the people in this island unable to tell their problems . These are evidences for it . The opposite attorney stood and said this is absolute nonsense how can a company like zeeal can influence the government in the island . I think this case is not related to the zeeal and if it is not involved the people of this island are not related to our country so court should not consider this case here . Looking at the evidences the judge has passed this statement as these evidences prove that zeeal company is involved in a business in this island . But the court in this company has no rights to involve in the island issue until the court there provides the acceptance . So the island people should submit the court acceptance letter from their country and later we will start the case . Till then we will not consider this case .
Listening to this the island people were sad the attorney from Arthur side felt sorry for them . Bur Oliver ,Eva ,Robert's father and suzy's father were happy . All of them came out of the room. Oliver looked at Hyena and said do you think it is that easy to bring us down . Hyena replied I never thought and you also doesn't think in that way about us . Eva said you are good with your words Suzy. Why don't your attorney learn from you a little so that he can actually speak . Arthur replied our attorney atleast have a good command on Mike he atleast know weather it is on or off . Eva looked Arthur and said. Arthur mind your don't forget that you are speaking to your step mother . Arthur smiled and said ofcourse I don't forget how can I forget when the media is making me to remember that by your affair . suzy's father replied looking at Hyena thanks to someone because of them good friendship turned into an affair in this society . Hyena smiled and said yeah such a bad society couldn't understand the difference between a friendship and relationship. Arthur asked whose relationship are talking about my mom's or your dad's. Hyena replied yaa I just got a dejavu . Telling that they both left from there .
In the Arthur's cabin Hyena was speaking like this there is no use of going in a legal way let me settle this issue in my own way . Arthur smiled and said inknow we will loose this case in this court . Hyena asked do you think we can apply in the other court . Arthur said yes . Hyena asked in which court are yiu talking about the court in the island but that court doesn't accept this case against their government and also even if this case goes there and we win . Only their relation ship of zeal and the island will be cut down Eva doesn't get any punishment . Arthur said I also know that . Hyena asked if you know that then in what court are you going to apply the case and how are going to give them a proper punishment for what they have done . Arthur looked at Hyena and said just wait and see you will know. Hyena said ok I will.