
Many things

After that Hyena went to suzy's home . She entered the home . By that time suzy's father and step mother were arguing with each other . Suzy's step mother was telling how dare you cheat on me is this the reason why you took over that company . Step down from your position immediately orelse divorce me choose any one . But one thing if you decided to divorce me then get ready to face the consequences. Hyena silently tried to enter into her room after listening to it . Suzy's father stopped her and asked those photos are in my private locker how did those come out . Hyena asked how will I know. And also dad I didn't expect you to be such kind of person.Any way if you guys think that I am the one created the problem in this family . If you people think I am not the one who suits in this family then I will go back. She went to her room weeping. She packed her luggage and stepped out of the house . While going She said dad I will come back to this house the day you belive me .

Hyena went back to her home . Arthur called her she picked up the phone. Arthur said welcome back to peace . Hyena said finally I am going to sleep in peace tonight . Yes I think so to said Arthur. Hyena asked what do you mean by that Arthur replied tomorrow you are going to speak about Robert's death and rumors of you being a suspect . Hyena said ohh no I almost forget about that fine that is tomorrow . Let me sleep in peace for today . Arthur said ok good night . Hyena said good night and kept the call. The next day morning they held a press meet . In the press meet Hyena said there were rumors spreading about me being a suspect in Robert's case . I couldn't speak about this last night because I was also in shock . The actual fact is I have an alibi and also there is no evidence that I have did it . But Robert is my friend I can't let his death go in vain so we were looking up into the investigation. We found few clues to an island far from here the rest of the things will be revealed later . A reporter asked mam do you know any one related to Robert's murder and also what is this island . Hyena said we will reveal it later when we have evidences . She said thank you and left the press meet .

Meanwhile after seeing this press meet choas has been created in the Eva office. Oliver started shouting at everyone . He first shouted at suzy's father how can you let such photos come out . And you Robert father you couldn't even handle own son's death case . Should I appreciate that . Eva we better stop this island contract. How did these people know about that island. Can you give me some explanation about it. He shouted at every one and said from now what ever happens that should happen only after I permit . I am stopping all of you people from attending public places and parties until we get know their next movie you people stay calm that is good . And don't use your own intelligence . I am going to chop you people if you do so . You better ask Robert father how God I I chopping at isn't it . Telling that he left the room.Eva looked at suzy's father and gave him a slap . How dare are you to keep those photos didn't you keep those photos In order to blackmail me . Suzy's father remained silent.