
A Fine Line

Peter Pettigrew was a third year Gryffindor, and he felt that this statement summons him up perfectly. He was a part of the house of lions, he was one of nineteen boys Currently in their third year of schooling, and sure he wasn't the best or the brightest, but he was here. And that was what mattered to him. He had three great friends who stood up for him, who helped him with the magic he didn't quite understand. Hell, Peter wasn't sure that he even wanted to be the best wizard their age, he wasn't cut out for it.

Perhaps the best wizard their age was Sirius, with James and Remus not too far behind. But it wasn't surprising that the Black would be so good, what with his brother.

Turais Black terrified Peter.

Oh, he knew the boy was brilliant, he was nice to everyone and always had time to stop and chat with anyone. But Peter hated snakes, and the boy was a parselmouth. It wasn't enough for him to not talk to the older boy though. It was only a minor thing that always had Peter on edge, expecting a snake up to pop up out of nowhere as start snapping at the heels of everyone nearby. Of course had never happened.

What scared Peter the most about the boy was how perfect he seemed.there had to be something wrong with Turais Black, something he was hiding. No one could really be perfect, could they? There had to be something wrong with him, a frightening temper, questionable tendencies. Just something beside that pleasant mask he wore, hidden away under lock and key,

Peter had never shared this thought with anyone else, but there was something else to Turais Black. He'd probably never have noticed, probably would be under the Sam illusion as everyone else. But he'd seen the older boy, for just one movement when he'd been sneaking down to the kitchens with the rest of the Marauders. Turais had already been there -for the boy knew the castle better than perhaps anyone else in existence- but it had been the look in the boys eyes that Peter had noticed.

It'd been dark, haunted almost.

It was not the eye of a child, it reminded him of his muggle grandfather, who had fought in the muggle war. It was the eyes of a soldier.

How had no one else noticed that look? Sure it'd only been there a moment, but Turais Black wasn't so good at hiding it that his family had failed to see it, surely not? Peter didn't know, but he knew Sirius loved his brother a hell of a lot. And Turais Black looks out for his little brothers with the protective streak from saying anything for now.

Unless of course James went throughly with his idea to prank Turais. Then he'd put all his efforts into shopping it. He did not want to think about the possible repercussions of that idea. Not at all.


Lily Evan was not a happy girl. Scowling, she stormed forward, drawing her wand from her skirt pocket at the sight before her. Jane potter was the worst kind of boy. Her father had warned her about his kind, she could compare him to little Ellis Brahman from primary school. The boy who'd had a crush on her on her but shown it through pulling upon her pigtails until her accidental magic had given him quite the electric shock. She just hadn't know that until two years ago.

Potter was good at getting a laugh, but some time he just took things too far, him and his studios little friends.

Severus was all but pinned to the wall, his hands having been turned into hooves and this rendering him unable to use a wand. potter was stood before him grinning, but black was stood slightly off to a side, looking somewhat nervous now.

"James, I think that's enough," the Black whispered, grey eyes scanning the crowd. They landed on lily for a moment before continuing to rive around the place, obviously looking for a face in the crowd.

Potters face fell slightly, but he never the less turned Severus' hands back to normal, despite the fact the donkey like muzzle remained. All the other children were still giggling, and Lily pushed a second year out of her way, determined to com the aid of her closer friend.

"Sev-"Lily cut off, grimacing as Severus fired two spells, one Black and the other at Potter. They both hit, Potter lurching forwards and throwing up whatever had been in his stomach whilst boils broke out across black's face. There was a squeak from Pettigrew, and before Lily could do anything about it, the three boys were going at one another, spells rocketing around the corridor and sending all this who'd been watching racing for cover.

Lily grimaced, ducking before a nervy statue with a second year Ravenclaw, who seemed to have realised that watching the show was not wort the chance of getting caught up in it.

"Sev!Potter! Pack it in!" Lily let out a scream, pulling her head back behide the statue as a spell shot past her, sizzling through the air.

"Go get a teacher!" Lily growled to her fellow student, but the girl didn't even get two steps away from the statue before there was a loud bang and then silence.


Peeking out carefully from before the statue, Lily let out a sigh of relief.

While most of the Slytherin students avoided her like the plague, Turais Black was always friendly hand helpful towards not just her, but anyone, including muggle-Borns. He was the only other Slytherin that Lily really talked to outside of Severus. He was just the kind of person to stop the dual That'd been happening.

"What in merlin's name is going on here," Turais growled, meeting the eye of the three third years. Only, he was looking up at then. Which was unsurprising, seeing as Turais appeared to have used a spell to dangle them from the ceiling by their ankles. Blood was rushing to the three boys' heads, scowls upon their faces. But it was Black's face, looking so upset and ashamed that his brother was before him now that let Lily know it was safe to move out.

Turais seemed to sense her immediately, for he turned away from the three boys to get a good look at her.

"Miss Evans, care to tell me what happened?"

"I only got here when Potter was Half way to turning Sec into a donkey. Black said that it was enough, and the Sev threw spells at them and they started duelling."

"Okay. James, why were you turning Severus into a donkey?"

"He stared on Sirius! How he'd… how he'd never be as good as you…" Potter trailed off and Lily levelled a glare at her best friend.

Really, that was not a nice thing to say. Turais Black was very impressive, both as a wizard and a person. Sirius was probably under a lot of pressure to live up to his older brother, no doubt Turais' shadow was a large thing to step out of.

Sighing, Turais pocketed his wand, letting the trio of third years drop to their feet.

"Right the it's the detention for the three of you with Professor Slughorn I think. Do I need to escort you to the Madam Pomfrey, or can you get there without me needing to hold you hands?"

The trio blushed, but nevertheless shuffled off. Lily stood a few steps behide Turais, because while a part of her wanted to see Severus to the safety of the medical wing, she got felling the older boy wanted to speak to her. As if in cue, Turais slowly exhaled, one thumb and forefinger reaching up to massage his temples.

"I believe Miss Evans, that your friend and would be suitor need to sort out their differences."

"It's Lily," she murmured, looking up at the oldest Black brother. He wasn't that much taller than her, but In that moment, he seemed so much older, so very stressed. She felt like she was witnessing something private, something that Turais Black tried to keep separate from the rest of the world.

"If that's what you prefer. I suggest you get to class, I need to go and talk to professor Slughorn." Offering her an almost strained smile compared to what she was used to seeing in the older boys face, Turais twisted on heel and stalked off to the dungeon.

Lily watched him go and frowned. She'd looked up to the Slytherin prefect since she first met him on the train, and this was the first time she'd ever seen him look anything other than perfect. Like he was a normal human.

Shrugging off how uncomfortable that thought made her feel, Lily adjusted her bag and set off for transfigurations.

Scrolling, Sirius Black folded his arms across his chest, bottom lip jutted out in what he would later deny to be a pout. James was stood beside him, the two of them waiting for the door to Slughorn's classroom to open.

Turais had turned up after they'd gotten out of the medical wing to inform them they'd be in detention later that night, to turn up outside of the pitons classroom at eight o'clock exactly. So now that it was five minutes to eight, here both Gryffindors stood, grimacing at one another. Sirius knew his older brother refused to show him any preferred treatment in regards to his prefect duties, and normally Sirius was okay with that. But didn't he realise that Sirius had been trying g to get James to walk away before Snivellus had fired those spells at them. Those boils had been really uncomfortable!

And there was nothing Sirius hated more than letting Turais down. He knew there was a fine line between pranks on a person and outright bullying. Turais had drilled that into both Regulus and himself. James should given him detention and that disappointed frown that made him feel so much worse than anything his mother could scream at him.

"Snivellus," James' grunt brought Sirius back to the present as he looked over at the other member of their little detention club.

The greasy Slytherin was stood growing at them, big nose twisted up as if he smelt something bad. But before the situation could degenerate even more, Slughorn called for the. To come into the room , and Sirius sucked in breath before as he followed James in. Slughorn was sat up to his desk, obviously marking a selection of essays and Sirius grimaced at the reminder he still had homework he needed to finish up. Thank Merlin tomorrow was Saturday.

But what made Sirius almost come to a screeching halt was his brothers figure, calmly leaning against a wall with his arms crossed.

"Now boys," Slughorn murmured, looking up from his collection of essay and taking a noble of some crystallised pineapple as he did so, "I don't normally do this, because detentions are suppose to be supervised by a professor. But I think that Turais will be able to keep the three of you In line, and he seems to have some idea about how you thee can work out your differences, and I've yet to se him submit a wrong answer." The walrus moustache lifted up in a smile, which Turais matched with a somewhat from frown.

"So he'"" be taking your detentions tonight and I hope that I won't see the three of you back again for a good long while. You're talented young men, no doubt you just need to set your differences aside. They're all your Turais."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Turais mumble a low thank you, hefting up the eager large bag that'd been sat resting beside his feet.

"Follow me and keep up."


Turais led them to the second floor, leaving Sirius' head somewhat spinning, he Konrad that Slughorn would jump through whatever hoop Turais presented, simply because his brother was the best student to ever grace Hogwarts. But to let him run a detention? Sirius wasn't too sure if it was a good idea, because Turais could be unusay creative when pushed. And Sirius was somewhat apprehensive to see what the boy had in store. He was half expecting to be hung from the rafters In only his underpants. Or what if the fact Jane had been turning Snivellus into a donkey reminded Turais of that stupid ' pud the tale on the donkey' game he'd shown them as kids, only with them as the donkey this time?

Luckily enough, he was pulled from his thoughts when Turais stopped before the girls bathroom and Sirius felt his heart sink. He wasn't going to be force to clean It, was he? Turais knocked, but when he got no answer he opened the door and went in, dropping the bag he was holding before gesturing for the three of them to come in. Somewhat cautious and sharing a look with James, Sirius followed after his brother, looking about nervously.

"Isn't this bathroom haunted?" Snake muttered, looking about the room wearily.

As if on cue, the ghostly form of a student floated out of the bathroom, eyes Landing on Turais, and she giggled. Sirius knew that look, loads of girls In the school wore it, and quite a few had it when They looked at Turais.

Good fistic, this ghost had a crush on his brother!Sure Sirius was planning to set his brother up on a few dates, but not with a ghost.

" hello Turais," she giggled again and Sirius grimaced, sharing a horrified look with James. Ev. Snape looked a little nauseous. This ghost was not a pretty sight like the grey lady was, she was covered I. Pimples and had huge glasses on, with lanky dark hair.

"Myrtle, it's good to see you again. Let me introduce James Potter, Sirius Black and Severus Snape."

The ghost girl, Myrtle, took a look at the three of them, focusing mostly on Sirius.

" this is your brother," she looked to Turais for confirmation, the older boy nodding.

" one of them, yes, I was hoping you would tell them what happened 13th of June, 1943." Sirius was nervous.

For Turais to know the date of something, that meant from something important had happened. And if the way Myrtles eyes had lit up, it was something the ghost girl quite liked to talk about.

"Oh, it was horrible. I'd been having a dreadful day,

And I'd come in here because olive hornby was teasing me about my glasses. So of course I was crying about it, because no one ever stoop up for Myrtle, no one very cared that she was hurt." The ghost lifted her head in an almost superior fashion, but Sirius didn't miss the way her eyes flashed over to Turais, who was just sat patiently waiting for her to continue. If a ghost could blush, no doubt Myrtle would be as red as a tomato.

"And then I heard someone come in. No doubt to tease me little more. It was a boy, so why else would he had been there? So I opened the door to tell him to go away and the ," she paused, inspecting all of their face. Both James and Snape seemed begrudgingly curious about what Myrtle was about to say, but Turais had obviously heard it before from his bored, yet polite expression.

"I died."

"What?" James spluttered, looking up at Myrtle's floating figure in shock, the girl nodded, playing with a stand of her lanky hair.

"I just saw these big, yellow eyes, and the. I was dead. Nobody even missed me, it took them hours to find me. Olive Hornby only came by because Professor Dippet asked her to look for me, and then she saw my body. I know because I was waiting there. I made sure she didn't forget for the whole time she was here,"

Sirius felt sick.

How had a student dies at Hogwarts? How had that happened, and why hadn't he heard of it before? Sirius looked to his older brother for answers, but Turais was just focused on Myrtle, still half sat, half learning against one of the many sinks basins,

" thanks for sharing that Myrtle, it's astounding how many people don't know about your unfortunate death,"

"It was unfortunate, wasn't it. Though if we'd been at school at the same time I don't think you'd have let me die, would you Turais?"

Sirius gagged in the back of his throat, but his older brother just gave another genteel smile.

"I would certainly not have let Olive Hornby continue bullying you, thats for sure. Now if you excuse me we'll be moving on to the next part of our tour."

Myrtle tittered again, offering his brother farewell for now, and that he would always be welcomed to visit her before his disappeared back into one of the stalls.

"Turais, what-"Sirius was cut off as his older brother stood up, turning to face the sinks before parseltongue left his lips. And with an almighty groan, sinks began to slowly part, revealing a large hole in the centre. Turning back to look at the three Astonished faces, his older brother just offered a grim smile before gesturing to the large hole he could most certainly not see the bottom of.

"Come on then, we haven't got all night."


Being honest, Sirius would say he was terrified. When none of them had made a move to go down to the hole that only opened to parseltongue, Turais had sighed before actually pushing all three of them down. Thankfully the large drip had transformed into a slide halfway down, but it had been long, long drop. He had no idea where he was, only that he was far, far beneath Hogwarts, somewhere in the great belly of the school that he'd bet only the four of them stood here knew existed.

"Where are we? Why are we here?@ if James' voice was slightly higher, tinged with a twang of panic, then Sirius wasn't going to pony it out. No doubt his own voice would be the same if he got a chance to speak.

"The three of your are here because you're going to sort out your differences, and I'm here to feed Aseira."


"Aseria. Salazar's last defence for the school. Though legend has twisted her into something a bit more terrifying."

It clicked in Sirius' head roughly the same time that it did Snape's no doubt.

"We're in the chamber of secrets," the younger Slytherin breathed, suddenly looking around the cavern with new eyes.

Sirius grimaced, if you, then he really was no impressed. Slytherin's beast or not, he knew that Turais would protect him with his life. Snape was too in awe to worry, but James seemed to have realised there was danger about. And the Potter didn't trust his life fully with Turais Black.

"Not quite, we've still got another door yet."


Turais led them through the large oval door, seven stone snakes slithering about to release the lock and allow them entrance.

"Welcoming to the chamber of secrets."

"But wasn't Slytherin's beast suppose to finish off his work, killing muggle-horns?" James asked, looking wearily around, as if expecting the beast in question to surface at the mere mention of it.

Turais offered a weary grin, dropping the sack and with a wave of his wand, summoning the two shrunken cows from within. Thankfully two dead cows. Dear Merlin, how big was this beasty?

Shuffling a little closer to his brother, Sirius didn't even have the heart to snap at Snape when the big nosed it did the same. Hell, James was so close he was perhaps two inches from completely pressing his body against Turais. So maybe the three of the. Were a little frightened.

"No, Aseira was suppose to be the last line of defence should the muggles ever managed to break into the school, but at some point someone changed the order for her to take out the muggle-Borns, making her believe they were invaders, I've set her straight now, she won't harm anyone with magic and I've been coming down here since second year, so I can promise that I know what I'm doing," Turais had found the chamber in his second year?

Sirius grimaced ad the older boy Sat down on the cold floor , water threatening to rise up from the sides of the platform and flood the flooring. Hesitantly, Sirius copied.

" I want the three of you to know that there is a vet fine line that you're dancing with. There's pranks, and then there's bullying. And you already know how that turned out for Myrtle. I don't want you to end up dead, nor lead a person to their death, accidental or not. You either need to come to terms with one another, or ignore it. I'm not saying don't prank people James, just not the same person every time. And Severus, don't taunt Sirius. It might make you feel good about yourself for a movement, but it'll swallow you up eventually.trust me."

Sirius frowned, and he wasn't ashamed to say he learn into the hug that Turais pulled the trio into. Even if both James and Snape fought him, blushing angrily the entire Time.

"So try not to get in any more trouble?"

Grinning, Sirius punched his brother in the arm.

"No promises,but I'll try… are you ever gonna tell people you've found this place?"

"Once I've moved all the delicate items and books to places only a parselmouth can get to, yes, I plan to. Though I don't plan on telling anyone that the basilisk-"


"-still lives. There's a lot of things down here the ministry and Dumbledore shouldn't get there hands on. But enough of that, let me introduce you to Aseira and the. We'll get the three of you to bed."


And maybe no apologies had been made that day, and no truce really called, but if James and Snape glared at each other with just a little less vigour the next day, Sirius considered it a step forwards.