
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Aktion
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21 Chs

The Boss

  I heard someone call my name from my sleep. Opening my eyes, I see Harry trying to drag me from my sorry excuse for a bed, muttering words that weren't clear to me.

"Get up you big baby_else we're gonna be late for work... and trust me when I say that is not how I plan to start a new week"

"Okay okay, I'm up " I get up from the bed yawning.

  I drag myself to the bathroom to take my bath. An habit that never died even after four years.

   After bathing and getting ready, we head out. We decided to branch by our favourite canteen to grab some sandwich for breakfast as we were going to be very busy to eat breakfast when we get to the factory.

   We got to the factory with fifteen minutes to spare_and that's a bonus. We look for a quiet spot to eat our breakfast, after which we started our work for the day.

   The day would have gone smoothly but some fool named Joe decided to ruin the perfect day project I was having.

"Look who we have here! " he half yelled, getting the attention of the workers around us.

"Morning chief"

"You're early today kiddo.. I'd say that was unexpected"

"Thank you chief"

"I wasn't praising you shithead " his face becoming tomato red because I wasn't playing along with him...not that I plan to anyways.

"I thought you were chief, I was gonna go celebrate it tonight " I'm not letting him have his way today.

"You little... "

"What's going on here? " Mr Finley, the owner of the factory asks entering the work unit.

  Yep, you heard me right. The owner of the factory is here today for whatever the reason.

Note: He barely comes to the factory except on emergencies... and there's no emergency today so wtf is he doing here.

"Eh...um... actually sir, I was um... commending him...for...being early today" Joe stammers.

"Oh, is that so son" Mr Finley asks with a fake smile plastered on his face.

"Um... yes sir"

"Well that's good. Keep it up then"

"Thank you sir"

"It's no problem" he waves it off and walks out of the work area to wherever he has business.

    Immediately Mr Finley leaves, Joe gives me the death glare and walks out...not before adding...

"You are one lucky bastard"

  'I guess I am a lucky bastard' I thought to myself before continuing with my work.

"Now I'm pretty convinced that Joe has something for you... I mean he's just always on your case" I hear Harry behind me.

"You think? "

"Do I think...na, I know he does"

"Yuck Harry, you really have bad sense of taste if you think I'd have anything going on with Joe"

"Hahahaha, you should see your face, it's so funny haha"

"Whatever, let's just get back to work"

"Sure thing "

    We went back to our various stations to continue with our work. While working, we tried our best to stay as far away as possible from Joe. Which worked quite well if you ask me.

    Time passed by really slow but closing time eventually came and it was time to go home. I quickly finished my worked and decided to wait for Harry outside the factory.

    Standing outside the factory for almost ten minutes, my feet were already starting to hurt. I decided to go inside and look for Harry, but as I was about going inside, the sound of a car horn pulled me back.


    Turning for see where the sound was coming from, I spot a black Rolls-Royce 2085 model pull up close to me. I know this is part where I should probably run but curiosity got the better of me and I waited until the driver rolled the glass down.

   When the driver finally did, I was shocked beyond reasoning. The one and only Mr Finley is right here in front of me. To say I was shocked is an understatement of what I was right now.

"Sir! "

"Oh my, what a coincidence... I keep bumping into you today, don't I? "

'Yeah right, coincidence my ass' was what I wanted to say but instead I said

"Yeah, what a coincidence " while chuckling.

"Heading home? I could give you a ride if you don't mind "

"Oh no sir, I was actually waiting for my friend"

"I could take you both then, the more the merrier right? "

   I'd swear that this guy was a psycho,

"Oh no sir, I wouldn't impose... "

"Nonsense! you're not imposing, I'm insisting" he says with a firm determination.

   And that ends our little argument.

'I'm going give Harry some lecture, since he's the one who got me into this'

  Well, think of the devil and he shows right at your doorstep.

Yep, Harry showed up right when I was thinking of a befitting punishment for him.

   Seeing me with Mr Finley, he was shocked but he quickly hid it. He greeted Mr Finley when he reached us and gave me a questioningly look which Mr, Finley saw and took it upon himself to do the explanation.

"I'll be taking you both home"

"I tried telling him not to bother but he kept insisting" I tried defending myself.

"Oh" was all Harry could say before he nodded his head in agreement.

We both got into the car and Mr Finley drive us home.

Mr. Finley tried his best to make the ride a little more comfortable by bringing up conversations but I was too uneasy.

  You can't really blame me, you would have been uneasy too if your boss insists on offering you a ride home.