
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Aktion
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21 Chs

Golden offer

   Last night was like a dream to me. Who would have thought Mr Finley was actually a nice guy. Though I believe it was all fake but I'm not going to go into that now.

    He actually dropped us in front of our house instead of letting us get off at the nearest junction like we told him to. Not only that, he also got us takeouts for dinner. How kind of him,  right? I guess not, because sooner or later he's gonna ask for something in return. We're just gonna sit and wait for that to happen.

   We got to work on time again today, thanks to Harry who offered to be my alarm clock, and started our work. Harry wanted to finish up his work as soon as possible so he could go clubbing with some of his gang members.

   I'm surprised at how this guy manages his life. He basically goes clubbing four days a week and still gets to work on time.

   Anyway, I'm doing the best I can to finish up my work on time so I can leave with Harry. I don't want to be left behind. Oh, did I forget to mention that I'm also doing my best to avoid Joe. Yeah I am, after the event of yesterday, it'll be stupid of me not to avoid him.

"Hey man. I'm gonna head out now " Harry says coming up behind me.

"What!? You're not gonna wait for me? "

"You know I'd love for us to go together but I really have to meet up with the gang"

"Oh" I pouted.

"Come on, I promise I'll make it up to you"

"Okay"I cheer up and turn to complete my work while Harry leaves the factory.

     You're probably wondering by now what my relationship with Harry is.

   As I've afore mentioned, Harry is my best friend, he's the only one I have left in this world. After my parents died, I was all alone. No one wanted to take me because I was a handful. Even my old friends started to grow distant on me.

     And when I thought that was all, I bumped into Harry. One thing led to another and he took me in, hooked me up in the factory where he worked and we've been glued to each other since then. It's been four years and our friendship was still as fresh as ever.

   Though Harry has the most innocent look, you could never tell that he was a part of the most notorious gang in the country. He could be dangerous or friendly depending on the situation.

    Though I disagree with what he does in the name of the gang, I still stand by him. We always have each other's backs.

   I quickly finish up with the rest of my work and checked the time. '5:05pm' sweet, one hour thirty minutes before closing time. 

   I grab my things and start to leave when I spot Joe coming towards me. I try to make a detour towards the exit but he was quick to block me.

"Where do you think you're going? "


"Hey, I'm taking to you"

   He grabs my collar and slams me on the wall. He was about to hit my face when someone grabs his hand and pulls him away from me.

   damn, I should have listened to Harry and teach this guy a lesson. But I'm a chicken that's what, I couldn't even hurt a fly. Maybe I should have let Harry do the job instead but I was kind soul. I don't want someone to get hurt because of me. I wasn't talking of Joe, I was talking of my best friend.

   He was about to lash out on the intruder when he froze.

"Sss...ii...rr" he stammers.

   Looking past him, I saw Mr Finley and his bodyguard.

"Are you alright son? "

   I could see worry in his eyes,

"Yes sir, I'm okay"

"That's good"

   He turns towards Joe who was still being held like a criminal by Mr Finley's bodyguard and face palmed himself.

"What am I to do with you Joe? " he asks rhetorically.

"Ssiir, I can explain "

"Explain? You've got to be kidding me. I see you about to destroy the pretty face of this son of mine and you're telling me you can explain? "


"Let me remind you Joe that I don't like people who pick on others and most especially when it's the ones I've taken a liking to"

   I almost choked on my breathe when I heard that last part. He's taken a liking to me, this has got to be interesting. I gave the most angelic smile to Joe when his eyes met mine.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again..."

"...Oh it won't " Mr Finley cuts him off.

  Joe and I both looked at Mr Finley with a confused look before he explained what he meant.

"As of this moment, I'm taking Cole in. So that means he's my son and you know what that means Joe...you're relieved of your duty"

   Mr Finley spoke that last part like it meant nothing. I mean...he just fired one of his best employees...and did he just refer to me as son???

   I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing but I was kinda happy with the fact that Joe's gonna be off my back.

"When you're done spacing out you can come with me"

   Coming back from my little trance, I followed Mr Finley and his bodyguard to his car. He signals for me to get in and I did without asking questions. Then his driver pulled up from the driveway and into the road.