
Time to grow

Learning how to transcend from being a teenager to being an adult. 19 year old Cole was what you'll call a typical rich spoilt brat who thinks he can use his father's wealth as a source of his power and bully those he thinks is beneath his league. Well, life had other plans for him when his parents died in a car accident and all his father's wealth was taken over by the government as Cole's father didn't prepare any will in the case of his demise . Now Cole has to learn about life the hard way and appreciate it on the long run.

Daoist2000 · Aktion
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21 Chs

First mission (2)

  The silence was very suffocating but it was shortened as Julian came out of the kitchen to announce that dinner was ready.

  We all sat at the table eating in silence. The earlier tension still clear in the air. Even Mike who was usually a chatterbox at the table was extremely quiet.

Guess the situation is really aggravating. I just hope they solve it soon.

I looked at everyone as they ate, they were all in a sour mood. Jeez! This wasn't how I envisioned a night with a full house. I have to do something to lighten the mood.

"aaahh, why the long faces guys? " they all looked at me with confused looks as if expecting me to say more. So I did,

"it's a good thing the guy was caught right?"

"yes, it was " Julian started, so why the long faces?!

"but the damages has been done "

"what damage?"

"the leaked informations" Conny answered.

I looked at Conny waiting for him to expatiate but Harry did

"by the time we caught him, he had already sold some information to our rivals "

Oh, so that's why their so tense. Since the enemy has information about us then what does that means?

"does that mean we're in danger? "

"yes and no....." Nico answered as he stared into my eyes.

I'm not gonna lie, it was kinda weird. I should tear my eyes away from his but his eyes were so captivating, it captivated me.

"since we don't know which information they got, we're still uncertain but however we are at risk. So everyone will have to be vigilant from now on " he finished still holding my gaze.

So that means I'm at risk too?. Does that mean I could get killed? Shit! I'm too young to die.

"excuse me " Jeff said as he got up from the table and waked upstairs.

"me too " Mike said and followed Jeff's lead.

"I'm just gonna take care of the dishes " Julian said as he got up and took Mike and Jeff's with his plate to the kitchen.

"I should probably help him...you done buddy? " I turned to find Harry looking at me. Wait was he talking to me? I didn't even realize.


"are you done eating? " he asked again.

"um yeah " I had lost my appetite anyway.

He packed our plates and Nico's to the kitchen and help Julian with the dishes. So that leaves me and Nico at the dinning.

"how's work.....really " does he want me to answer with honesty?

"it's fine " he raised his eyebrows at my short reply so I went on to say,

"I mean, there are no problems so that's great right? "

"is there anything you find strange that's happened? " I was taken aback by this question but I answered.

"none...none that I know of at least "

"what of suspicious persons? "  my mind immediately went to the guy from the store.

Should I tell him? There's really nothing strange in buying tools from a supermarket right? Even if it's a sledge?

But still, I probably would feel guilty if on the long run things turned out bad because I kept it to myself.

"well, there is this guy I saw at the supermarket today. He was buying a sledge. I- I don't know if that counts as strange " I said looking at his face, probably searching for any sign that I was in the right to have told him.

He relaxed into the chair, processing what I had just told him. His silence and expressionless face were keeping me on edge so much that the hairs at the back of my neck were standing.

Then his eyes moved to face me and he asked.

"have you seen him before? "

"yeah, I have seen him a couple of times at the warehouse "  he nodded his head continually as he took in the piece of information.

"can you identify him? "  what?!

I may not talk about this or show it too often but I was kinda given a special ability when I was born. And this gift was a photographic memory.

That was why I always aced all my subjects when I was in school. I wasn't the studious type but I could remember the answers because I saw it in my notes.

I wasn't the good student type but I loved taking notes, I never knew why.

"y-yes I can " he raised his eyebrows.

"are you sure "

"certain " I answered leaving no chance for him to doubt me.

"alright...you can go to bed now " was his response before dismissing me.

Slowly, I got up and went to the kitchen to find Harry and Julian still doing the dishes.

"can I help? " I asked getting both their attention.

"if you want to " Julian answered,  no cupcake tonight huh. I sarcastically said in my mind.

I went over and took a napkin from the counter and started drying the plates and cutleries.

In no time, we were done and we all went to our separate rooms after saying a quick goodnight.

Harry and I entered our room and he collapsed on the bed.

I went and sat on my bed. I studied Harry as he laid on his bed facing the ceiling with one hand covering his eyes.

He must be tired, I thought.  Of course he was, I mentally facepalmed myself. With everything that's been going on, he must have been on his toes for too long.

I watched his chest moved as he breathe in and out slowly. Was he sleeping?

I went over and tapped him. He jumped but then relaxed when he saw it was me.  He was sleeping, I said inwardly.

"you were sleeping in an awkward position so I thought I'd wake you to sleep well "

"thanks bud...uh, I'm so tired I could barely keep my eyes open " he said yawning.

"you want me to run you a bath? "

"no thanks, I'll probably fall before I get to the bathroom " he said removing his clothes and changing into one more comfortable for sleeping. Then he laid on the bed turning off his bedside lamp.

"good night buddy, sleep tight " he yawned once more before finally crashing.

Poor Harry, I wish I could do something to assist so he doesn't have to work himself out. But what could I possibly do? I can't take another person's life? I'm too soft hearted to do that.

So what could I possibly do to help out in this situation? Ah! I feel so helpless!