
Time Swap System:~ I'm Gonna Swap Time And Space

Somewhere in Milky-way, there exists a wrold beyond comparison, and the entity's here taking records of various ups and downs of entire Humanitarian and Non-Humanitarians. Not just that, some times they bet's on the Chosen one's,. whoever is favourite for doing chores of their desires. For that purpose and to not dying of boredom, they established, a firm creation of Systems. Then Various systems of multi purpose were sent to guide the entity's favourites. Well, billannia passed without an error but now, as nothing is absolute, nor a thing is eternal. During the transition, one spirit of a system attacks another and disrupted both of their routes. Since they weren't on lifeline of Milky-way, soon going to be vanished, in a hurry both unconscious Systems merged together for unknown reasons, and gets caught in the gravity of a planet and sucked in. A new identity emerged from both systems merging and it found a person on the verge of death, as its function showing only one life force suitable for inhabiting, while others are incapable. For better or worse now Our main lead is a good for nothing, nor blessed nor lucky but favourite of a cursed black star of Tragedy. Well, find out what the future ahead for this piece of simpleton, when he starts his journey of the cursed king.......

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22 Chs

Rewards:~ So Cool

It's been like forever, boy tried but not avail couldn't work out but determine as if believes in system. He continues for hours bathed in his own sweats, dripping all over from his body to sucked dry by ground. After absorbed by ground many faint black shades were seen formed of sweat drops dried all around him.

As if his unyielding determination has been approved by some unknown force, his body slowly emits white aura. Time passes, the Mana in surrounding area flows like whirl inside this cave and circles around him, as if checking whether to touch this weird one or not. Well later on those Pure White Mana touched his own released emitting Aura, intermingling together. Slowly absorbed by his skin's.

Some time after, 'Pure White Mana' flows inside his body. With time his bones absorbed those flowing mana along with His own Blood Cell's. His Veins breaking then Merging simultaneously throughout his figure.

Simultaneously inside his own Sub-Domain in sub consciousness, his own figure materialised in cross legged posture, yeah naked too. "Wow, wow, wow this, this is amazing." He slowly opens his eyes in his Sub-Domain, looking all around but nothing catches his eyes other than the gloominess.

"Wow! what's this feeling. I-I never felt like this before. Wow this feeling must be something to do with system, but uh! where am I actually? What's with this place. Why it is plain black. Wait isn't I was inside that cold cave, then all off a sudden how in the hell I'm here? Hey! Tch! system what's with this place and where I'm now exactly?"

Boy felt enormous pressure conjuring on his chest seeing this pitch darkness, felt an itch like has been in this situation before but still holds himself from falling as if felt like if he step forward or worse even stumble then that's over for him.

"Ding!!! Master has entered inside his Subconscious Space. Even master is in his fragile state where even an ant can pulverize him, its remarkable, so system prompt a special reward. Ding! Reward has been sent. Please it is advised to clear all rewards and move to next level. Time limit has been set. Now master only has ten minutes. Be sure to take everything out Master."

System sounds considerate to it's host, but somehow boy felt nauseous of this whole ordeal. "Well it's not like system will harm me. Huh! so now, I just need to get rewards and move to see what's beyond that. Okay! Let's focus, rewards, rewards, rewards, show me."

Snapped his right fingers with bright eyes to his surprise, he was brought back to reality. Felt chill down on his buttocks, he snapped, widely opens his snowy velvet eyes as well another interface showing rewards section opens and appears in front of him.

"Oohhuhuh! this, this is so damn cold here. let's finish this and move out from here. Alas! Whoo, this, this is incredible. Sooooo awesome. Wow so this is getting a reward after so damn hardwork feels like. Let's see, what I have here. Hun....

{Quest Rewards}

1. Novice Cheap Package (Fitting For Frigging Whimsical) {Temporary Quest Reward}

2. Broken Grandeur Armour (Red Stage) {Temporary Quest Reward}

3. Book of Fallen Kailetra! (Kailer's Journal) {Bonus Reward}

4. Egg of GARGOFLUN (Slumbering Initial State) {Special Quest}

5. Eternal Banyan Myriad Lotus~ 999 Pieces With Shadow Dew { Approximately 10,000 years old}, 687 Pieces Rainbow Petals Tulips

6. Sacred Pomei Palm

{100 Green~ 10,000 Years Life Expectancy}

{300 Yellow~ 3,000 Years Life Expectancy}

{1,000 Slight Red & Purple~ 999 Years Life Expectancy}

7. Hidden Quest Reward {25% Strength of GARGOFLUN}

8. Fresh Water Dead Piranhas {10 Pieces}

9. Violet Dark Beast Core {3 Baby Bear Core}

10. Sky Blue Marble Beads {49 Pieces}

Speciality: Once Blue Mane Tribes' Women's Shed Lovely Tears To Their Mate, An Eternal Soul Bond Forge. Can be Used as Decoration Items, Jewelry, Enhancement and Forging.

11. Eternal Kiss Kiss Ring~ 2 Pieces {Astral Stage} First Come First Fell

12. GARGOFLUN Nail Piece {Can be use to forge Red Stage Armaments}

13. Heavenly Mana Crystals {10 Pure Ice Crystals, 15 Pure Iron Crystals, 20 Pure Water Crystals, 5 Soul Stones, 3 God Crystals}

14. Alpine Silk Grass {36 Pieces, Can be use to Produce edible Commodities}

15. Pure Crimson Marble Beads {13 Pieces, A Sign of Deep Bondage.

16. Special Soulmate Reward {Weaponizer}

"Woaaaah! This many. Wow, Wow, Wow! seriously wow. I didn't knew that I have so, so many things in my system storage. Uh! what's its name again, hunnn!..." Looks around then catches the name in middle top. "Ahhaa! Yes this is it 'Void Closet.' Good Name but weird one though, who cares. Now let's see system suggested that in offer to know about myself, I have to use these item's. Huh! Okay so let's start with the first one, 'Novice Cheap Package.' Open it."

His Command prompts and Novice Cheap Package vanished from Rewards 4x4 frames and with that appears a slight grey undergarment, a sky blue half sleeve vest, a turtle neck cyan full sleeve shirt, a faded red hue half sleeve fur jacket, a shade black silk trouser and a pair of black sandals with yellow connected lines, a palm size broken Iron trident and a green shade cloak on top of his palms.

He immediately runs out near the slow river. Carefully chose a dry place and put his new clothes there, then jumps in slow flowing river. Dipping several times to freshen up. Scrubs by own hands to rid all the dirt, glitches as well sweats to cool himself. After finishing upper half his hands reaches to lower half, washed both legs and once he touch to clean his swollen wither sword, felt heart breaking pain.

"Aiyyaaa! Oh! Oh! Oh! shush! sshush! fu, fu, fu!!! I had forgotten my Lovely charming boy has broken to core and needs time to heal. Huff! sorry my little one, daddy will find a way to heal you. You just rest till then." The Boy like an idiot talks to his own paining shaft. Carefully placed it back on his abdomen to rest, then slowly clean it.

[An hour later]

Boy comes out of river. Water droplets clinks, tickling then race to drop down. He goes ahead and wears his clothes.

"Grrr! Grrrr! Grrr!" "Oopsei! Haha! My tummy wants some rummy. Might as well feed my tummy these Pomei Fruits. Well these sure looks a lot like pomegranate. Wait what is Pomegranate? Where did this word come from? Huh! forget it, I might as well do as system says, then maybe I gets my answers. But first let's dig in these Pomegranates. hunn! Cut! Cut! Cut!!! hunn! its tasty. So, So Yummy. Wow so sweet. Uhunn!"

Crunching as well munching sounds can be heard near the river bank where on a flat stone a neatly but weird dressed boy savouring the lamenting juices of sacred fruit like Carrot and redishes. All the while he looks in system's window interface of Rewards Section while scrolling Up n Down just by his thoughts, connected by mental presence he chose second reward, 'Broken Grandeur Armour {Red Stage}.'

Without a flinch of sec, a red piece of Armour with yellow Peacocks on either sides trying to swallow a Dark Pearl in middle, glow out of a large Red flower in Abyss crafted on this Armour in front and on pitch green back a cross X of lightning swords along with a golden trident cutting in middle neatly yet precisely crafted.

"Wow! it's, it's so damn cool but weird choice of colors. Yet it's So damn dazzling. Let's see how am I going to look, once I place this on me." with that thought he put both arms in this Half sleeve Armour. Once wear it he goes ahead to see his reflection in flowing river and amazed to watch himself. This Armour fits perfectly but soon his joyful moments vanish as soon as this Armour evaporated from his eyesight.

"Wh-What, what's going on? Wh-Where did it gone? Where, Where it is? Hufft! Huff! Where, Where?"

Gotten goosebumps of sudden vanishing of red armour he just wore a moment ago, in panic rubs his chest, scrubs back of his head hairs, then clenched fists so tight that even his own nails pierced his palms skin's, a little bit of blood drops out.

Eyes turns teary, as well puzzlement of what just happened? And once he fell on his four limbs, like a mad digging hole in mud as well fists landed on barren land. Got bruises, back of his hands were swollen red, some blood strains were here n there, continuously crying like has lost his favourite toy, just then.

*Grerrr! Grerrr! Roaar! Roaar!*

Unbeknownst to him some bloodthirsty figure approaching near him with precise breathing and careful approach, like a Predator. Looks like heaven pity him more than he pitying himself. Another pack of Beasts appears and Roar! which alerted him, the boy looked behind.