
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 5 Necessary for time travel

Shen Zhihuan chuckled, took the pot of grains and wild vegetables in Li Qiuhua's hand, and took the lead into the main room.

  As soon as the three of them sat down, Shen Zhihuan pushed the rice porridge towards Xiao Weidong. He also wanted to get the bowl of wild vegetable soup that belonged to Xiao Weidong in front of him. However, the bowl filled with more than half of the bowl of wild vegetable soup was caught by Xiao Weidong's quick eyes. moved aside.

  "Third sister, my mother made rice porridge specially for you to replenish your health." Xiao Weidong frowned and said.

  Seeing this, Li Qiuhua quickly put down the cereal and wild vegetable wotou that he had just broken in half, and brought the rice porridge back to Shen Zhihuan.

  "You are weak now and you have to take good care of yourself. Besides, why does your brother, a boy, eat so well?"

  "Third sister, I don't like rice porridge, I just like to drink the wild vegetable soup cooked by my mother." Xiao Weidong After saying that, he happily started to eat the perfectly cold wild vegetable soup.

  The eager look made Shen Zhihuan feel sad.

  Shen Zhihuan forcefully poured the rice porridge in the bowls to Li Qiuhua and Xiao Weidong respectively, and then pulled some wild vegetables from their bowls into his own bowl, leaving no room for them to refuse.

  "Third sister, I really don't like rice porridge." Xiao Weidong looked at the rice porridge in his bowl and swallowed.

  "Eat quickly! Stop talking nonsense." Shen Zhihuan smiled and rubbed little Weidong's head.

  A little kid but a big kid!

  Does she look that stupid?

  I don't like rice porridge yet!

  Li Qiuhua looked at the pair of children in front of him with tears in his eyes, thinking a lot for a while.

  If she could be more capable, her sons and daughters wouldn't give in for a long time for who eats this bowl of rice porridge. In the final analysis, she is still too useless as a mother.

  I don't have the ability to give my son and daughter a full meal.

  "Mom, our life will get better and better as time goes by." Shen Zhihuan comforted and patted Li Qiuhua's shoulder as he tried his best to suppress the trembling.

  The words containing determination made the guilty Li Qiuhua burst into tears instantly.

  Xiao Weidong on the side couldn't help but blush when he saw Li Qiuhua was sad. He quickly pushed his job in front of Shen Zhihuan and jumped off the bench with tears in his eyes and walked around to Li Qiuhua's side.

  "Mom, please stop crying. I'm not hungry. From now on, I won't be hungry either. I will give all my meals to Third Sister. Please stop crying." Xiao Weidong hugged Li Qiuhua's arm and sobbed while crying. .

  "Silly boy, Mom is not crying, she is happy." Li Qiuhua raised his hand to wipe the tears on his face with a crooked corner of his mouth, and then wiped the tears on Xiao Weidong's face, feeling very happy in his heart.

  The cereal and wild vegetable wotou are rough and hard, and the wild vegetable soup tastes bitter.

  Shen Zhihuan, who was used to eating delicate dishes, couldn't swallow it. In order not to worry Li Qiuhua, she forced herself to finish the bowl of rice porridge mixed with wild vegetables and half of a multi-grain wild vegetable wowotou.

  Afraid of accumulating food, Shen Zhihuan walked around the small courtyard for more than ten times. It wasn't until a bright moon rose above the treetops that Shen Zhihuan returned to the house.

  Lying on the canopy bed, Shen Zhihuan turned her head and looked at the moonlight coming in through the gap in the window. Her thoughts returned uncontrollably...

  Some unfamiliar fragments of pictures flashed in her mind like a slideshow.

  When she tried to catch it, those sporadic images were like meteors passing by rapidly, disappearing in an instant.

  Shen Zhihuan looked away, turned over, and stopped thinking about those messy things.

  Her grandparents who loved her were gone, and there was nothing in that world worth her nostalgia.

  The only thing she felt was a pity was the Huaguoshan Resort left to her by her grandparents.

  Thinking of this, Shen Zhihuan suddenly realized a very serious problem.

  If she is gone, will all her fund stocks, bank deposits, and the 51% shares of the scumbag's company she holds belong to the scumbag?     Those extraneous things were given away, but the Huaguoshan Resort was a lifelong effort of the grandparents, how could they be tainted by a scumbag...

  The more Shen Zhihuan thought about it, the angrier he became.

  Suddenly a white light flashed, and Shen Zhihuan, who had been in the darkness for a long time, was blinded by the white light.

  After slowly getting used to it, Shen Zhihuan's slowly opened eyes suddenly widened. The shock in his eyes was no less than when he saw himself in the mirror during the day.

  There are mangoes, peaches, apricots, lychees, and cherries hanging on the branches, as well as strawberries and grapes in the fields in the distance...

  and the faint fruity fragrance of fruits in the air.

  She tentatively touched the round and bulging cherries next to her, which exuded a light fruity fragrance, as if she was afraid that too much movement would break this short-lived dream.

  The cool touch from her fingertips told her that this was not like a dream.

  Shen Zhihuan, who was so happy that she couldn't care less, picked off the cherry that exuded the alluring fruity fragrance and threw it into her mouth. The sweet and sour juice once again told her clearly...

  everything in front of her was not Dream!

  Has she traveled back to the 21st century?

  Shen Zhihuan frowned and looked at the deserted resort...

  It was the prime time for summer sales at the resort, but wherever he looked, there was no one around.

  This is obviously not normal.

  Shen Zhihuan lowered his head and glanced at Yima Pingchuan on his chest...

  Could it be that...

  the resort also followed her here?

  Thinking of the previous scene, Shen Zhihuan's heart moved, and she immediately concentrated her thoughts. In the blink of an eye, her eyes went dark, and she returned to the hard bed.

  In the darkness, Shen Zhihuan stroked the cherries as big as a dumpling in his hand, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

  Shen Zhihuan is also someone who has space.

  If she wasn't afraid of scaring the mother and son in the room next to her, she would have really wanted to rush to the yard and laugh three times.

  With this resort, why worry about not having a good life in the future?

  As for the eighty yuan owed to Su Changhe's family, is it still a big deal?

  Shen Zhihuan threw the warm cherries into his mouth and closed his eyes with satisfaction.

  The most important thing now is to take good care of her body. With a good body, she can take her mother and brother to enjoy the beautiful life that is about to begin.


  the other side, Su Changjiang, who had been holding a conference in the city for a few days, just entered his house and learned that Su Changhe, Wang Chunmei and his wife had canceled the marriage between Su Zijie and Shen Zhihuan, and he immediately became angry.

  The marriage between Su Zijie and Shen Sanyao was decided by the old man and Uncle Li. The old man had just left...

  Looking at Su Changhe who was squatting in the corridor with his head drooped as if he had eaten the weight, Su Changjiang really wanted to go up and give him a blow. foot.

  "Does Zijie know about breaking off the engagement?" Su Changjiang suppressed the anger in his heart.

  "This girl's marriage has been arranged by her parents since ancient times." Su Changhe said in a low voice, shrinking his neck.

  Su Changjiang snorted coldly, "You still have the nerve to talk about your parents' orders?! Then did you obey your parents' orders? The marriage between Shen Sanyatou and Zijie was decided by the old man. If you break off the engagement, where will the old man be placed? "