
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 45: That’s too much.


  Su Ziyu, who was eating wild vegetables at home, heard the familiar cry of turtle doves, put down his bowls and chopsticks, and left.

  "It's so late, you still want to go out?" Zhang Fengxia looked at the sky outside the house and frowned.

  "Something's wrong!" Su Ziyu said these two words without looking back.

  Seeing her son disappear in an instant, Zhang Fengxia turned around and glared at Su Changjiang, who was eating wild vegetables.

  "It's so late, and your son is still running around, but you don't say anything about it."

  "Your precious son doesn't even listen to you, but he still listens to me." Su Changjiang finished the bowl in two gulps. After eating the wild vegetables, she handed the bowl to Zhang Fengxia.

  "Is he your biological child? You should have heard about it if you didn't see it! Wild boars dare to run to the mountainside to look for food in the clear day. Your son goes out in the middle of the night, but you, the father, are not worried at all. "Zhang Fengxia took the bowl with a dissatisfied look and put it in front of Su Changjiang.

  "The three girls of the Shen family and a little girl can smash a wild boar to death, how can he, a soldier, be injured by a wild boar?" Su Changjiang picked up the bowl and started eating.

  It's not dark yet, why is it so late at night? !

  His son dared to go up the mountain to catch pheasants and chase rabbits when he was five years old. If a wild boar met him, who would be unlucky?

  "Mom, my second brother is capable! Don't worry!" Su Zijun said with a smile.

  Speaking of Zhang Fengxia, everyone in the nearby villages would not praise her for her good fortune.

  The man Su Changjiang knows both cold and hot, but he is also the village party secretary of Panshi Village.

  The eldest son, Su Zijun, was honest and filial. He followed his uncle into a flour mill in the town at the age of eighteen. A few years ago, he became a full-time farmer and began to eat commercial grain. He married a daughter-in-law, Zhou Xiuqiao, who was also a good hand both inside and outside the house.

  The second son, Su Ziyu, was admitted to the military academy at the age of sixteen. Everyone in the village knew that he had become a high official. As for how high an official he was, no one could tell clearly.

  The third daughter, Su Lixiu, was married a few years ago to a machine factory cadre who worked on commercial grain. The gift of only 300 yuan made her envious of the many young wives and girls in these ten miles and eight villages.

  The youngest daughter, Su Lili, is fifteen years old this year. She is smart and lively, and families with sons in several nearby villages are secretly thinking about it.

  "He can't even get a wife, what a skill he has." Zhang Fengxia sighed softly.

  "Mom, my second brother is a big cadre. How can he look down on these country girls in our village who can't even read a few Chinese characters? Mom, just wait! Maybe next time you take a vacation, my second brother will bring you something back to the city. My daughter-in-law." Zhou Xiuqiao said with a smile.

  Seeing that the bowl in front of Zhang Fengxia was empty, Zhou Xiuqiao reached out to help fill the meal, but Zhang Fengxia waved her hand.

  "As long as you can know how hot and cold you are, and treat your second brother well, it doesn't matter whether you are in the city or not."

  As long as a woman can take care of housework, serve men, and have children, there is no difference between being in the city or in the countryside.

  Didn't the son of the brigade captain in the next village marry an educated youth from the city? What was the result?

  After entering the house, I spent the whole day with the captain's wife, who had a nose that was not a nose and a face that was not a face, and they did everything they could every day.

  It's just a matter of getting up in the morning to make breakfast. He doesn't even wash his own men's clothes, and he still talks about equality between men and women.

  As soon as he heard that he could return to the city, he threw away the divorce certificate, the man and the two children and ran away.

  Poor those two children...

  It would be better if they could meet a kind-hearted stepmother in the future, but if they met those who had no conscience...

  Zhang Fengxia sighed deeply in her heart.


  Ziyu walked out of the courtyard and went straight to the tung tree forest a few fields away from his home.

  As soon as he approached, a dark shadow greeted him.

  "Brother Yu, the old woman who lives behind Aunt Li's house said that girl Zhihuan is sick again, and I heard she is very ill." Li Jiabao glanced around and whispered.

  Although he didn't know why Brother Yu suddenly asked him to help take care of Aunt Li's family, but now that Brother Yu had spoken, he was determined to do so.

  Having grown up naked since childhood, he didn't think Brother Yu was the kind of person who would meddle in other people's business.

  Since this matter has been taken care of, there must be a reason for it.

  "Didn't Aunt Li ask Doctor Hua to take a look at her?" Su Ziyu frowned slightly.     Although he is not often at home, he also knows that Li Qiuhua loves her three daughters as much as if they hurt her.

  It's really something you put on your head for fear of being frightened, and hold it in your mouth for fear of melting.

  "Please, I saw Doctor Hua go there with my own eyes." Li Jiabao nodded.

  Aunt Li felt sorry for the girl Zhihuan, and no one in the eight villages within the ten miles knew that because of the frail and sickly girl Zhihuan, Doctor Hua visited their Shen home more often than he visited the health center in the village.

  All they have to do is move a bed to live in their Shen family.

  "Who in Aunt Li's family will go to the meeting point to collect the meat?" Su Ziyu glanced coldly towards the west end of the village.

  Li Jiabao thought for a while, "I took a look when I came over. It seemed that Aunt Li was taking little Weidong..."

  "Go and have a look!" Su Ziyu dropped the three words and strode towards the west end of the village.


  what are you looking at?

  Li Jiabao glanced at the meeting point to the south.

  The Shen family knew Huanya now...

  Li Jiabao was shocked.

  This man and woman are alone in the dark...

  Brother Yu can't do it...

  People know that Huan is still sick, so this is too much for him!

  Along the way, Li Jiabao's heart was pounding, as if he had a drum in his arms.

  He is a bastard, he likes to tease the older girl and the younger daughter-in-law with his words, but he has only indulged in verbal abuse. If he really wants to drag the older girl and the younger daughter-in-law into the haystack, he really doesn't dare.

  His brother deserves to be his brother, with such courage...

  "Watch it."

  Before Li Jiabao could finish his sexual intercourse, Su Ziyu dropped these three words and pushed his hands against the wall. When Li Jiabao came to his senses, the Shen family Where is Su Ziyu's figure outside the courtyard wall?

  Su Ziyu took advantage of the dim sky to sweep around the small courtyard, and then walked towards the small room with candlelight with a clear purpose.

  Through the ajar door, Su Ziyu saw at a glance the little girl who had growled at him in the afternoon, now lying obediently on the bed.

  Under the dim candlelight, the little girl's face, which was not very good at first, looked increasingly pale.

  Gently pushing open the ajar door, Su Ziyu's dim eyes fell on Shen Zhihuan's slightly frowning eyebrows, and he reached out his hand to soothe the worry between her eyebrows.

  The delicate touch from his fingertips made Su Ziyu wake up instantly. He suddenly retracted his hand as if he was set on fire.

  Perhaps it was because the weather was too hot, so the person on the bed kicked off the thin quilt covering his body, exposing his white and slender waist to the hot air.

  Su Ziyu, who was already a little at a loss, was suddenly dazzled by the white light.

  He didn't even know how he got out of Shen's house, and that white patch of white kept turning over and over in his mind.

  Li Jiabao, who was standing guard not far away, was slightly startled when he saw Su Ziyu climbing over the wall.

  He just peed under the tree...

  Isn't this too much? !

  Don't those married women in the village say that they only need half an hour to get married?