
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 43: He has four legs.

He saw an ugly thing covered in guard hair and with sharp canine teeth less than a hundred meters away from him.


  She has two legs, others have four.


  She weighed less than 80 pounds with bones and skin, but she was a big guy who started at 500 pounds. If he lay down on her, she would probably have to press out all the shit.

  What's more, he also has a pair of sharp canine teeth that are thicker and longer than chopsticks.

  If that thing really sticks to her small body, I guess it will be possible for her to wear it at the end.

  If this doesn't work, that won't work either.

  Then all that's left is to hide.

  "Run to me!" Shen Zhihuan was just about to enter the resort to take shelter, but unexpectedly, a frightened male voice came from the rear left.

  Countless alpacas flashed through Shen Zhihuan's mind as he turned and ran towards the right rear.

  I really didn't look at the almanac when I went out!

  Seeing that his dinner was about to run away, the toothy wild boar immediately became angry and chased after him with a roar.

  When Su Ziyu saw Shen Zhihuan running towards the other side, with a look of horror on his face, he quickly raised his legs and chased after him.

  Because the distance was too far, and the chase between the man and the pig in front gradually became more intense, they all began to run desperately. He, a well-trained soldier, could not catch up with the man and the pig in front of him who performed exceptionally well.

  Seeing the wild boar getting closer and closer to Shen Zhihuan, Su Ziyu's eyes were scarlet and he rushed forward as if desperate.

  The next second, there was only a "plop" sound, and the wild boar, grinning and running wildly, disappeared.

  The roar of "Ouch" changed from the previous excitement to an angry roar.

  Shen Zhihuan sat down on the ground, breathing heavily.

  Because of the strenuous exercise, Shen Zhihuan's originally white and tender face without a trace of blood was rarely stained with a hint of crimson.

  Seeing the wild boar jumping furiously and rampaging in the pit, Shen Zhihuan was so angry that he picked up a fist-sized stone and hit it on the head.

  "Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

  Hit the target accurately.

  Probably hurt by being hit by Shen Zhihuan, the wild boar turned around and began to slam into the pit next to Shen Zhihuan.

  He looked like he was determined to eat Shen Zhihuan's flesh and sleep on his skin.

  Shen Zhihuan, whose legs were weak from running, could not tolerate the provocation of the wild boar. He picked up a bowl-sized stone next to him and hit it hard against the wild boar's mouth.

  Unexpectedly, the target was just a little off, hitting the wild boar directly above the middle of its eyes. The wild boar that was roaring and roaring a second ago was silent in the blink of an eye, and fell motionless in the pit.

  Even his stomach, which had been heaving violently due to rage, only trembled weakly, and his nose, mouth, eyes, and ears were oozing bright red.

  Shen Zhihuan was dumbfounded when he saw the wild boar in the pit that was only breathing out but not taking in air.

  "Are you okay?" Su Ziyu stabilized his mind and glanced at Shen Zhihuan several times to make sure that she was not injured, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

  "You should ask it if it's okay." Shen Zhihuan nuzzled at the wild boar in the pit.

  "It does not look as good as you." Su Ziyu glanced at the bleeding and lifeless wild boar in the pit and the two rocks that Shen Zhihuan smashed down, a faint smile flashed in his black eyes.

  "I'll leave this to you. I'll go back first..."

  Shen Zhihuan held on to the tree beside him and prepared to stand up, but his legs were so sore from overexertion that after struggling a few times, he couldn't get up.

  Su Ziyu stepped forward, "I'll help you..."

  "No, I'll just take a rest..."

  Shen Zhihuan felt lightened before she could finish her rejection. She frowned and looked up at Su Ziyu in displeasure.

  "Su Zi..." Shen Zhihuan, who couldn't remember the name of the culprit for a while, showed a little embarrassment on his face.     "Yu." Su Ziyu said with a smile.

  "Su Ziyu, let me down!" Shen Zhihuan suppressed his voice and roared, fearing that his voice would attract people working at the foot of the mountain.

  The soft voice was full of anger, but when it fell on Su Ziyu's ears, it was sweet and sweet.

  Su Ziyu carefully placed Shen Zhihuan on a relatively flat rock. Seeing that she was struggling to get up and leave, he forcibly lifted Shen Zhihuan's legs and placed them on his half-crouched knees.

  "If you want to walk on the ground tomorrow, you'd better not move around." Su Ziyu warned.

  "Brother, we don't seem to know each other very well, do we? Does it have anything to do with you whether I can go to the ground?" Shen Zhihuan retracted his legs and stood up with force.

  The deep mountains and old forests are what make people imagine, but if people saw them as a man and a woman...

  She would not be able to wash them away even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

  Seeing Shen Zhihuan's back, which could only move slowly due to sore legs, Su Ziyu gritted his teeth and said, "It's unreasonable..."

  Shen Zhihuan rolled his eyes slightly.

  He is still messing around!

  If he hadn't appeared, would she have been driven all over the mountain by wild boars?

  If she had been so slow, would she have been penetrated by the wild boar's canine teeth?

  If she hadn't had sharp eyes and discovered a trap here when she went up the mountain, would her life have passed?

  Shen Zhihuan, who was still frightened, picked up the wild vegetables scattered on the ground with shaking hands and put them back into the basket.

  "Zhihuan..." A familiar female voice sounded sadly on the mountain road not far away.

  "Third Sister!" Xiao Weidong's voice followed closely.

  Then came a group of noisy voices.

  Shen Zhihuan's claws immediately became numb.

  Before Shen Zhihuan's panicked mind could think of a suitable excuse, Shen Zhihuan was slapped several times on the butt by Li Qiuhua who rushed up to him.

  Shen Zhihuan's ears instantly became famous.

  "Mom..." Shen Zhihuan called softly.

  She wanted Comrade Li Qiuhua to save some face for her.

  "If you dare to go up the mountain again, don't call me mother." Li Qiuhua hugged Shen Zhihuan and cried until his heart broke.

  At the foot of the mountain, she heard the roar of a wild boar halfway up the mountain. She was so frightened that she dropped her sickle and ran up the mountain desperately.

  She was afraid that she would accidentally encounter a wild boar that came out to look for food.

  Along the way, she couldn't remember how many falls she had.

  Seeing his daughter standing here safe and sound, with not a hair missing, the fear in Li Qiuhua's heart suddenly escalated into anger.

  "Mom, please stop crying, I won't go up the mountain anymore." Shen Zhihuan comforted Li Qiuhua while caressing her back.

  Wang Tiezhu, who was running up behind Li Qiuhua, saw Su Ziyu in a white shirt, and his eyes immediately became complicated, "Ziyu, why are you..."

  A man and a widow were alone in this mountain forest...

  People who came later saw This scene also showed some meaningfulness in his expression.

  "My mother wanted to eat wild vegetables and asked me to dig some wild vegetables. Who knew that as soon as I went up the mountain, I saw Comrade Shen Zhihuan being chased by a wild boar. I originally wanted to come over to help, but before I could get close, Comrade Shen Zhihuan had already killed the wild boar. "After explaining this, Su Ziyu pointed to the big pit behind him.

  The three girls of the Shen family smashed the wild boar to death...

  Everyone looked at the delicate white Shen Zhihuan, and then at the wild boar that was like a small mountain in the pit, all with expressions of disbelief.