
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 40 The Rich Widower

"Aunt, Aunt..."

  Zhu Xiaoxiu frowned and looked at Li Qiuhua's back as he strode away, and sighed longly.

  How should I explain it when I get back?

  Her brother couldn't beat her to death, right? !

  "Girl, has your brother taken a liking to the third girl of the Shen family?" Seeing Li Qiuhua leave, Widow Chen approached her with interest.

  Zhu Xiaoxiu rolled his eyes at Widow Chen and said nothing. He turned around, picked up the cloth bag containing most of the rice and the basket full of eggs, and left dejectedly.

  "It's all about rice, meat, and eggs. Widow Li's family is about to get rich."

  "Who is so stupid? You can exchange such good things for a sick rice seedling." Widow Chen curled her lips.

  It's so stupid that it blocked the hat.

  It was like he had never seen a woman in eight lifetimes.

  "Have you heard of Mr. Zhu from Xilin Village?" A strong man in the field next to him put down his hoe, with a somewhat meaningful look on his face.

  "Xilin Village...the one at the slaughterhouse?" Widow Chen's face was filled with shock.

  That is a tyrannical master.

  It is said that he was a gangster when he was young, but he gradually settled down after marrying a wife.

  Boss Zhu has a bad temper, acts domineeringly, and gets into trouble whenever he disagrees. He is known as a bully in Xilin Village.

  But Mr. Zhu is really kind to his mother-in-law. In the ten years of marriage, he has never said a harsh word to her.

  Unfortunately, he suffered a serious illness a few years ago and passed away at a young age.

  In recent years, matchmakers from ten miles and eight villages have almost crossed the threshold of his old Zhu family, but old Zhu has no intention of marrying again.

  After hitting the wall several times in a row, the matchmakers from ten miles and eight villages slowly calmed down.

  However, there are also one or two matchmakers who are determined to go to Lao Zhu's house from time to time, hoping that the girl they introduce will fall in the eyes of Mr. Zhu, and then they can receive a generous matchmaking gift.

  "Besides him, is there anyone in Xilin Village called Boss Zhu?" The strong man smiled, picked up the hoe and started working again.

  "How could Boss Zhu fall in love with that sick young man of the Shen family?" Widow Chen frowned and murmured.

  "No one else is so lucky that the three girls of the Shen family can be favored by Boss Zhu."

  "Boss Zhu is really generous. What's the matter? Just rice, meat, and eggs in large packages and small baskets. If this is the foundation of the country, You nodded, but you still have to carry a pig."

  "Is that sick man worthy of carrying a pig?" Widow Chen sneered.

  "The third girl of the Shen family is not worthy, but you, Widow Chen, are worthy?" Li Jiabao smiled, "Why don't you send your eldest, second and third girls to Boss Zhu to see, maybe Boss Zhu can carry them for you? Here comes the pig."

  "Li Jiabao, you've been stabbed a thousand times. What did Widow Li feed you to protect her like this?" Widow Chen threw the hoe in her hand and pointed at Li Jiabao's nose.

  "Widow Chen, Uncle Jianguo has been gone for such a long time. If you really miss him, go down and accompany him earlier, so you don't have to open your mouth and howl all day long." Li Jiabao replied with a smile.

  "You..." Widow Chen was furious.

  "A man who thinks about other people all day long is not afraid that the damn coffin board of your family will not be able to hold it down and crawl out in the middle of the night to strangle you to death." Seeing Widow Chen rolling her eyes in anger, Li Jiabao raised his chin and continued.

  "I can't live anymore! What kind of world is this! Everyone is here to bully my orphan and widowed mother." Widow Chen sat down and howled at the top of her lungs.

  Widow Chen's voice was already loud. When she howled, the workers in the nearby fields came over with hoes to watch the fun.

  Not far away, Li Da Niu, Li Er Niu and Li San Niu heard the noise, dropped their work and ran over.     Seeing their mother sitting on the ground, slapping her thighs and crying, the three sisters quickly stepped forward to help her.

  Widow Chen twisted her body, crying and pushing away Li Danniu and Li Erniu who were supporting her, "Li Jiamin, you short-lived ghost, leaving us orphans and widowed mothers to be bullied in this world, if you had known this, You might as well take us with you."

  Li Jiabao was ready to fight, but he didn't expect Widow Chen to do this to him.

  Turning his head and glancing in the direction Zhu Xiaoxiu was leaving, Li Jiabao picked up his hoe and left in a hurry, regardless of whether Widow Chen behind him really couldn't think about it.

  Li Erniu and Li Sanniu touched Li Danniu, who was standing between them, with their elbows, and motioned her to persuade her with their eyes.

  Li Da Niu glared at Li Er Niu and Li San Niu. After mentally building up her mind for three seconds, she stepped forward with her ears red and whispered: "Mom, stop crying, so many people are watching!

  " As a daughter, she still doesn't know what kind of character her mother is.

  Just her mother's mouth...

  Li Da Niu sighed in her heart.

  "You dead girl, you're useless. Your mother was bullied. You didn't help your mother to vent her anger, but you still laughed at the joke." Widow Chen cried and scolded.

  "Mom, I don't have it." Li Da Niu explained in a low voice with a blushing face.

  "What don't you have? You useless thing. If I had known you were so useless, I should have thrown you into a urine bucket and drowned you when you were born." Widow Chen slapped away Li Da Niu's hand that was holding her up. Hand, cursed angrily.

  "I would rather be drowned by you when I was born than follow you now..." It's embarrassing to spin in circles.

  Li Danniu didn't say the remaining four words.

  No matter how dissatisfied she was, the person lying on the ground rolling around was her own mother who gave birth to her and raised her. She couldn't bear it, and she couldn't hurt her heart by talking about her faults like outsiders.

  "Follow me for what? Why didn't you say anything? You think your mother is poor and incompetent, right? If you don't want to follow me and eat bran, I will find you a widower whose mother-in-law died tomorrow, and let you follow the old man. Let the popular ones drink the spicy ones," Widow Chen cursed while wiping her tears.


  When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but curl their lips secretly.

  I dare to criticize Huai here because of the good things that Mr. Zhu sent to the three girls of the Shen family!

  What does she look like and what does her daughter look like? She has no idea in her heart?

  Li Qiuhua was born as a child, and when he grew up, he became a flower in the village. Widow Chen's big face almost caught up with the footbath in every household, and Li Jiamin, an honest man...

  However, When the news came out that Li Jiamin was going to marry Widow Chen, I don't know how many people's jaws were shocked.

  Strangely enough, although the Li family was not as handsome as Shen Jianguo, they were still pretty, but none of the three girls in the Li family followed him. They all had big faces like Widow Chen.

  Especially Li Sanniu, not only did she copy Widow Chen's face as big as a basin, but she also copied every single black sparrow on Widow Chen's face.

  "Okay, you go find it! As long as they agree, I will come tomorrow." Li Da Niu's eyes turned red.

  Her mother doesn't care about her father, nor does she care about Uncle Jianguo. She has known that since she was a child, but Uncle Jianguo doesn't care about her. What's the use of her caring about Uncle Jianguo?

  That is to say, her father is honest. If he meets other men, the beating will be light, but her father just lets her do it.

  Sometimes she felt really aggrieved for her father.

  Her grandmother's family was poor, but her father didn't rush to ask her to marry her. It was she...