
Time Space: The rough man’s sick beauty turned wild

Shen Zhihuan, a third-generation rich man, inexplicably traveled through time and transformed from a sickly boy with fair skin and long legs into a walking human skeleton... The future in-laws of the original owner want to break off the engagement? retreat! ! ! She, Shen Zhihuan, doesn't need men. Xiaobailian's best friend who stole the original owner's fiancé wants to be both an adult and an adult? Tsk! ! ! Look at her 18 moves to lower a bitch. Huge debt? Ah! ! ! Will she, a third generation rich person, be short of money? Are the fruits at her resort just decorations?

Line_Huang · Geschichte
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45 Chs

Chapter 38 Drinking the Ecstasy Soup

"Well, you go back and ask your mother how much betrothal gift is enough, two hundred or three hundred, let your mother tell you the number, as long as your mother can agree to your sister's marriage this year, your family will owe the team. The famine and the eighty yuan owed to Old Su's family belong to me," Boss Zhu said, patting his chest.

  Mrs. Yang couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

  two hundred? three hundred?


  eighty foreign debts…

  and watches.

  She's a bitch!

  Is Zhu Dazhuang crazy, or was he fed some ecstasy soup by that sick man?

  A few dozen kilograms of grains and noodles are fine, but what about foreign debt? That's eighty yuan, not eight.

  There are also watches. Not to mention expensive ones, the cheapest ladies' watch costs at least sixty or seventy yuan, and requires an industrial stamp.

  A few dozen here, a hundred there, maybe more than five hundred dollars.

  The best fat meat these days only costs 55 cents a pound. How much fat meat does it cost to buy for 500 yuan?

  As soon as the accounts were calculated, Mrs. Yang was stunned. She looked at the tall and burly Mr. Zhu in a daze, and a vague thought flashed through her head filled with fifty sheets of unity.

  Shen Zhilan on the side was also knocked unconscious by the pie thrown by Boss Zhu.

  But when she thought of her wedding gift...

  Shen Zhilan's chest felt sour.

  Short-lived ghost!

  Deliberately making her unhappy!

  "Auntie, loyal wife, as long as you help me get this done, it will be easy for your family to eat meat in the future." Boss Zhu gave Mrs. Yang and Shen Zhilan's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law a meaningful look.

  "Eldest nephew, judging from what you said, even if you don't help my aunt, your life-long event will be on the top of my mind." Old Mrs. Yang said with a smile.

  "Then I'll ask Auntie to worry more about this." Mr. Zhu said with a smile.

  "Auntie, you are busy, so I will go back first." Having said all that needs to be said, there is no need to stay, Boss Zhu said and left.

  "Look, it's almost getting dark today. Come in quickly. I'll ask Sanhong to cook some vegetables. When Zhongyong Zhongyi comes back, you three can have a good drink." Old Mrs. Yang said quickly.

  While he was talking, he already called Yang Sanhong, who was in the room and didn't know what he was doing, to come out and cook.

  After a while, a round-faced girl wearing a floral dress and two braids came out of the house yawning.

  "Mom, don't you have a sister-in-law and a second sister-in-law..."

  Yang Sanhong said with an unhappy face, but the moment she raised her head, Yang Sanhong's pouted mouth turned up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  "Brother Da Zhuang, why are you here?" Yang Sanhong twisted the braid on her chest and said a little shyly.

  The corners of Shen Zhilan's mouth twitched uncontrollably.

  Her sister-in-law really knows the true story of Mrs. Yang, and she can fall out of love faster than turning the page in a book.

  An 18-year-old girl can't go to the fields to earn work points, but she also stays in the house at home and doesn't know what to do?

  She doesn't know how to do any work, just like a wealthy daughter of a landlord.

  All day long I dream about flying up the branches and becoming a phoenix, and I don't even take a pee to take a look at myself.

  For a pheasant to want to become a phoenix is ​​really just a daydream.

  Boss Zhu glanced at Yang Sanhong, and finally turned his attention to Mrs. Yang, "Auntie, I have to go home if I have something to do at home. When Zhongyong Zhongyi is free another day, I will set up two tables and everyone will come and have a drink. "

  After that, he turned around and left in a strode.

  Seeing Boss Zhu's hurried back, Yang Sanhong was so angry that she stamped her feet on the spot.

  "Why don't you go cook and wait for me to serve you?" Mrs. Yang glared at Shen Zhilan.

  The old Yang family was really unlucky enough to have such a lazy person with no eyesight.

  "I'm going now!" Shen Zhilan quickly walked into the kitchen with her neck scrunched up.

  "Lazy idiot!" Old Mrs. Yang spat, and pulled the pouting Yang Sanhong to her room.

  Dinner is being cooked here in a smoky atmosphere.



  After dinner, the family of three had already taken a shower and sat under the grape trellis at the door of the kitchen to cool off.     Since he had to work during the day, Li Qiuhua had no time to help his son and daughter sew clothes. He could only take out his needle and thread to catch up on work at night while taking advantage of the cool weather.

  "Third Sister, do you think there is really Chang'e on the moon?" Xiao Weidong held his chin in his hands and stared at the moon in the sky with his round eyes.

  Xiaopang said that his grandfather said that there was Chang'e in the moon, but he had never seen Chang'e's shadow in the moon.

  "There should be!" Shen Zhihuan shook his bamboo fan and drove away the mosquitoes around Li Qiuhua and Xiao Weidong's feet.

  Although mugwort was smoked next to it, there were still vicious mosquitoes climbing up without fear of death.

  "Then Chang'e lives alone on the moon?" Xiao Weidong suddenly asked.

  "There should be a little rabbit accompanying her!" Shen Zhihuan looked up at the moon.

  "Chang'e is alone on the moon, so who will keep track of her work points?" Xiao Weidong turned to look at Shen Zhihuan anxiously.

  Record work points...

  help Chang'e...

  "..." Shen Zhihuan was speechless.

  "Third Sister..." After waiting for an answer for a long time, Xiao Weidong took Shen Zhihuan's arm and shook it.

  "The entire moon belongs to Chang'e, so she doesn't need anyone to help her keep track of her work points." Shen Zhihuan made a random joke.

  "Isn't Chang'e a landlord?" Xiao Weidong's eyes widened.

  "..." Shen Zhihuan held his forehead.

  She is old!

  I can't keep up with this little guy's brain circuit.

  "Zhihuan, go try it." Li Qiuhua bit off the thread and handed the newly sewn clothes to Shen Zhihuan.

  "Yeah!" Shen Zhihuan stood up, took the clothes and entered the house.

  After a while, Shen Zhihuan walked out wearing new clothes.

  Under the dim candlelight, the pink color resembled the peach blossoms in March, making Shen Zhihuan's cheeks a bit whiter and tenderer.

  Although her figure is still thin and shriveled, it is much better than the skinny one she had when she first arrived.

  Yingying grasped the slender waist and even saw a slight rise and fall.

  This is what Shen Zhihuan is most satisfied with.

  "Third sister's new clothes are so beautiful! Even more beautiful than the long skirts of educated youths!" Little Weidong jumped up and clapped his hands.

  "Only the third sister's new clothes are beautiful, isn't the third sister beautiful?" Shen Zhihuan teased little Weidong with a smile.

  "The third sister is the most beautiful! The third sister is much prettier than the new clothes." Xiao Weidong said quickly.

  "Little one, how much honey water have you drank today? Your mouth is so sweet." Shen Zhihuan smiled and scratched Little Weidong's grinning mouth.

  "A bowl!" Xiao Weidong stretched out a finger.

  "Stop jumping. If you sweat later, there won't be hot water for you to take a bath." Li Qiuhua angrily patted the little Weidong who had not been honest for a moment.

  The water for sunbathing in the afternoon and bathing in the evening were all used up.

  If you want to wash it again, you can only boil water.

  These days, unless it is the twelfth lunar month of winter, many men in the production team go to the river to bathe.

  There are even a small number of women who don't have wells at home. In order to save trouble, they make an appointment to go to the lower reaches of the river to take a bath. After washing, they can also wash the clothes they changed.

  It not only saves the time of fetching water from the village, but also saves the time of an extra trip to the river to wash clothes.

  "Oh!" Xiao Weidong immediately became honest.